Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

I think Redding can be compared to young Leonard Hankerson, needs to just be more consistent and he could dominate. His ceiling maybe KJ Osborn as well if he can get it together
I swear Stacy used to get hurt falling down after every catch. I’ll never forget the play against FSU he got up after scoring celebrating flexing and dropped like somebody sniped him or sum 😂
Coley gets deserved heat for always getting “injured” but he was clutch as ****. He always had huge catches against FSU. His ability to adjust to make plays on 50/50 balls is something we could desperately use now. He’s also near the top of every career receiving category at UM. He could play.
Did Rambo leave the team or something? I'd say Rambo is #1, followed by Harley and then I would LOVE to get Key some reps. The WR snaps were baffling to say the least.
Harley was significantly more productive than Rambo last year and has more experience in the offense and with the quarterbacks. Rambo had a good year two years ago but fell off quite a bit last year.
I think Redding can be compared to young Leonard Hankerson, needs to just be more consistent and he could dominate. His ceiling maybe KJ Osborn as well if he can get it together
Redding is 10 times the prospect KJ was.Dude is 6-1,close to 200 lbs with 4.4 speed and a 40+ vertical.We saw against FSU last year what he can be here.
Our best coach is the JUGS machine. Those guys need to be running routes for hours daily catching balls.
Glad to hear about smith but wth happened with redding and Payton? Those guys were suppose to be real deal.
All of this is fine. But do we forget what transpired 2020 off szn? There was a pandemic. Only 4 spring practices before everything was shut down. 0 summer workout sessions as a group. Everyone mostly had to do their own thing. In the fall practices and workout sessions were broken up. During the season it was a mess between contact tracing, guys getting the virus practices being broken up and guys having to miss workouts etc was not a typical year for freshman that’s why very few played. No to mention your installing a new not only are Freshman needing to adapt to college and the comp but your learning on the fly while going through a pandemic...I say all that to say this: it obviously was a challenging year for any freshman/ younger player who need live reps.

As far as the WR room never getting a shakeup under Diaz, I guess we just ignoring the addition of KJ in 19 leading to a few guys leaving. And now the Addition of Rambo another high quality transfer to add to the room

as fans we ignore the human element. Which is fine because it’s the coach Job to be rational and the fans nature to be irrational. This is not madden or NCAA. These kids do not have overall ratings besides their names. You can’t just swap guys in and out with no consequence. Their is a reason a position coach whose job and rep is on the line in the biz plays the guys he plays. The young kids might not be ready to play in the whole offense etc etc.

These are some the same posters who said Mike Harley shouldn’t be playing and needs to leave mid szn..then the cat has back to back 170 plus games and kills down the stretch. Just this time last year Payton was a All ACC player ready to breakout.

going into 21 everyone in that room has a clean slate. Lashlee has said it’s open szn, Likens said it last szn, Diaz has emphasized that point when asked about that room. So when/if Pope and Wiggins are still in the rotation it will be because their position coach feels they outperformed cats in that room not because he has a favoritism allegiance to kids he didn’t even recruit ..but the consensus on CIS will be its favoritism..again, rational and irrational...and I get it we are fanatics after all. But if we having a football discussion let’s leave the irrational part out of it.

Remember there are 3 different positions within the WR title..X,Y,Z

Redding probably has the most physically gifted upside of anyone in that room. Pope and Wiggins need to be more consistent. Payton needs to get and stay on the field.
Rambo/Harley just needs to be pros and have money szns. X and the young man from Bama need to continue working on their craft I don’t expect much from them this szn but u never know. Fan favorite Keyshawn needs to take over that X spot. Imo opinion that’s what this WR core has missed since AR82. Redding has the tools to do it seems from all the early talk out of camp Key is gonna get every chance to become a mainstay in the rotation

I agree with a lot of what you are posting here - especially concerning the human element - and, a good deal of what @DTP has posted in this thread. I tend to believe most coaches (not just our coaches) value experience because those players at least have an understanding of where they are supposed to be and tend to have some track record of performance. I also understand these WRs aren't interchangeable because they don't all play X, Y, and Z. And I do not believe Likens walked into this building with a random love affair or loyalty for Pope and Wiggins (because he didn't know them and had no relationship with them).

I highlighted the section above because it is a actually reason for the upperclassmen to have been on more even terms with the freshmen last season. Most every TF is going to have to learn a new system when they step on campus. But last year, all of the WRs were learning a new system. So as far as knowledge of the system and assignments within that system, the upperclassmen and TFs were on fairly even ground (because it was a new offense for the upperclassmen, too).

And while I can certainly appreciate that the spring and summer workouts were obliterated by COVID, and various players were out during the season because of COVID, it is still very hard for me to ignore the UM v. OkSU game. It's the last game of the season, when the TFs have had the most time to prepare for a game. And Redding and Smith were both healthy and available (and played some in the game).

But during that game, Wiggins and Pope had at least as many combined drops as they had catches with basically zero repercussions (at least two deep passes and that screen Wiggins dropped that should have been a TD). Wiggins had all of 1 catch for 7 yards, and he did that with 63 snaps. Meanwhile, the dude behind him (Smith) was available to play and only got 15 snaps. Pope had all of 2 catches for 14 yards while leading all WRs with 70 snaps. The dude behind him (Redding) got only 8 snaps. Both Pope and Wiggins dropped multiple passes that game, including a couple that could have altered the result. But Likens kept trotting them out there like it was all good.

I will not guess at why, but the fact those two kept getting snaps despite having abysmal games and very costly errors while the players behind them being available is fair cause for concern. Hopefully 2021 is different.
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I know man
That one play was coleys career in a nutshell
But I have to admit I loved watching him play
No doubt he’s my favorite WR in recent years Richards was fun to watch too. But something about Coley I just loved
Coley gets deserved heat for always getting “injured” but he was clutch as ****. He always had huge catches against FSU. His ability to adjust to make plays on 50/50 balls is something we could desperately use now. He’s also near the top of every career receiving category at UM. He could play.
Yeah bro he’s one of my favorites.
I think our top group without question needs to be Smith, Rambo, and Harley. 2nd group out needs to be redding, restrepo, and any of the freshman group if Payton doesn't step up
One of my favorite plays was the bowl game against WVU when AR scored with about 50 YAC and Coley was leading the blocking All the way down field. A senior blocking down field for a freshman. That’s heart.
Mark Walton had some great down field blocks that game as well.
Our WR were great blockers under Dugans they all blocked with so much effort man. On every pop play that stuck out how everybody on that field was blocking their asses off
No doubt he’s my favorite WR in recent years Richards was fun to watch too. But something about Coley I just loved
I was hoping pope would be a better version of coley, I bought into the cis hype big time
Man was I wrong
The only Miami players I can think of who was worse at his job would be feagles jr or baxa
Payton was the supposed to be the Chosen One. Before him it was Hightower.
Now it's Smith's turn to garner unwarranted hype for 8 months.
It’s crazy..I just want anyone of these kids to step no matter who it ends up
Man, this thread is exposing a lot of people who can't see raw talent right in front of their eyes. Miss me with the young guys not knowing the offense (we run a simple ******* spread) or the coaches not trusting them. If they can't teach this offense in a few weeks/ they trust Pope and Wiggins the most, then we need new coaches. Simple as that.

Top programs find ways to play their good freshman, we need to do the same going forward. Enough with the bull**** excuses.
all i heard was we need to go spread, it masks talent deficiencies. No more pro style bro.
Did Rambo leave the team or something? I'd say Rambo is #1, followed by Harley and then I would LOVE to get Key some reps. The WR snaps were baffling to say the least.
Man, this thread is exposing a lot of people who can't see raw talent right in front of their eyes. Miss me with the young guys not knowing the offense (we run a simple ******* spread) or the coaches not trusting them. If they can't teach this offense in a few weeks/ they trust Pope and Wiggins the most, then we need new coaches. Simple as that.

Top programs find ways to play their good freshman, we need to do the same going forward. Enough with the bull**** excuses.
are you basing this off his HS film? Are we taking into account everything thing that 20 was or are we just going off “raw talent” a guy might have?
I agree with a lot of what you are posting here - especially concerning the human element - and, a good deal of what @DTP has posted in this thread. I tend to believe most coaches (not just our coaches) value experience because those players at least have an understanding of where they are supposed to be and tend to have some track record of performance. I also understand these WRs aren't interchangeable because they don't all play X, Y, and Z. And I do not believe Likens walked into this building with a random love affair or loyalty for Pope and Wiggins (because he didn't know them and had no relationship with them).

I highlighted the section above because it is a actually reason for the upperclassmen to have been on more even terms with the freshmen last season. Most every TF is going to have to learn a new system when they step on campus. But last year, all of the WRs were learning a new system. So as far as knowledge of the system and assignments within that system, the upperclassmen and TFs were on fairly even ground (because it was a new offense for the upperclassmen, too).

And while I can certainly appreciate that the spring and summer workouts were obliterated by COVID, and various players were out during the season because of COVID, it is still very hard for me to ignore the UM v. OkSU game. It's the last game of the season, when the TFs have had the most time to prepare for a game. And Redding and Smith were both healthy and available (and played some in the game).

But during that game, Wiggins and Pope had at least as many combined drops as they had catches with basically zero repercussions (at least two deep passes and that screen Wiggins dropped that should have been a TD). Wiggins had all of 1 catch for 7 yards, and he did that with 63 snaps. Meanwhile, the dude behind him (Smith) was available to play and only got 15 snaps. Pope had all of 2 catches for 14 yards while leading all WRs with 70 snaps. The dude behind him (Redding) got only 8 snaps. Both Pope and Wiggins dropped multiple passes that game, including a couple that could have altered the result. But Likens kept trotting them out there like it was all good.

I will not guess at why, but the fact those two kept getting snaps despite having abysmal games and very costly errors while the players behind them being available is fair cause for concern. Hopefully 2021 is different.
In the bowl game Pope had a key drop. Wiggins had 2 key drops. I’m not debating that at all. As to why the other kids didn’t surpass them again you have to factor in EVERYTHING. Including the fact last szn was not a normal year for a young guy to develop

as for the system change and your indication that everyone had to go through it so it should be even playing field. That’s a not entirely true given the fact if you’ve been in a college program/system there no doubt your a step ahead of a first year guy. That’s just reality. Freshman go through a adjustment period on and off the field. And like I said before now factor in the Covid **** and for a coach your going to play the guys who are picking up things faster. We had the same argument on cis as to why Pope wasn’t playing more his Freshman year too. **** even for the bowl prep it wasn’t the same as previous years. I truly wonder how many full practices we were able to have last season