Incoming Players Weight Room...

Some of these numbers justifies what's on film, but during recruiting if you say anything about a prized recruit it blasphemy.

Never saw explosive skills from Brady to begin with, always thought we took him to develop a pipeline in the area. Some of the 2016 guys we have as committments are capable of keeping Brady off the field completely...

On the other hand Kayaa, with the way he slings the rock now, once he add's some strength he'll definately improve across the board.

BUT... Guys like Judge Joe Brown should be gone by the end of the winter term (WTF?):
Joe Brown's results: 5.78 40 (5.74 best), 5.15 20-yard shuttle, 9 reps of 225, 315 squat, 232 power clean, 275 bench press, 22.5 vertical
Demetrius Jackson: 4.85 40 (4.71 best), 4.39 20, 15 reps of 225, 345 squat, 252 power clean, 305 bench press, 30 vertical

Chad Thomas: 4.91 40 (4.82 best), 4.50 20, 11 reps of 225, 355 squat, 300 bench press, 27.5 vertical

Jackson been putting time in the gym. 0 star to 4 star. Looking like a 5 star on "paper". Excited to see him on the field
Some of these numbers have to be misprints or are just inaccurate.

If not....we're #TrendingDown.
I don't read much into it, but a couple things surprise me...

Kiy Hester is the fastest of those that ran. Hester's squat is ridiculous and is 2nd out of everyone (10 lbs less than Courtel). Whyche's squat is dreadful... Kaaya squatted more.

Stop recruiting NJ! Only recruit Miami!!! :mmkay:
This goes to show how not every high school emphasizes the weight room. The numbers that surprise me are those of the EEs, I expected a little better.

Would like to know what technique they use for determining a max.
Best case scenario, a lot of these guys are young and/or haven't been exposed to D1 level S&C yet.

I just can't believe some of the power numbers from our linemen.
All true freshman numbers are inflated before they actually hit a real weight room. That being said, if J Young has the instinct to play MLB, he's going to be a monster.

you must have never play High School ball. Alot of Players depending on the school and coaches are very strong. we had about 6 players on my team benching 300lb and one player benching 400lb. thats why some kids can come in right away and be studs but numbers really dont matter. Myles Jack the All American Freshman was only benching 230 when he came to UCLA. so that should tell you something.

Actually I played with a lot of good players in high school, JC and college so I'm cool thanks. I never referenced Young's bench, I looked at his overall strength numbers and they look like a 3rd year players overall. Not one weak spot. especially for a true freshman.

Juwon Young: 4.75 40 (4.69 best), 4.55 20, 23 reps of 225, 440 squat, 332 power clean, 385 bench press, 32.5 vertical
Kaaya sure isn't the most athletic kid around. 5.5 40? There are 320lb linemen in his class who ran nearly just as fast. Is he hurt? And Wyche weighing 340+ and squatting 275 for a JUCO kid is disappointing unless he's coming off of an injury. And Tyre Brady nearly running a 4.9?
Why is no talking about Demetrius Jackson? 4.39 20. That's amazing for his height. That's a rush end. I would be more looking at 20 times for lineman and some backers.
Kayya's numbers don't worry me. I am almost positive that if you pulled up Dorsey's old maxes and times coming out of high school that he would be right around where Kayya was. Kayya has good arm strength and you can tell that from his film. So to me hoe much he can bench means nothing. Give me a qb who makes smart decisions and gets the ball out quickly and accurately to the playmakers surrounding him and im content.
Does anyone know how they test? Been lifting for years, there is zero chance you get real max strength and rep #s on the same day. If they do that all of those numbers are BS. Just saying!

Maybe some of those #'s are fudged a bit so the next time they test it will show up better. (Progress) At least the run times.
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Kayya's numbers don't worry me. I am almost positive that if you pulled up Dorsey's old maxes and times coming out of high school that he would be right around where Kayya was. Kayya has good arm strength and you can tell that from his film. So to me hoe much he can bench means nothing. Give me a qb who makes smart decisions and gets the ball out quickly and accurately to the playmakers surrounding him and im content.

I'm with you, Kayya's numbers don't bother me either, he'll get stronger. Dorsey didn't look like he could bench 170lbs when he left and look what he did.
Juwan Young with the most impressive numbers followed by Hester.

There's no way Wyche's squat numbers are right. I'm 170 pounds and I squat more than that for reps.
BUT... Guys like Judge Joe Brown should be gone by the end of the winter term (WTF?):
Joe Brown's results: 5.78 40 (5.74 best), 5.15 20-yard shuttle, 9 reps of 225, 315 squat, 232 power clean, 275 bench press, 22.5 vertical

Kayya's numbers don't worry me. I am almost positive that if you pulled up Dorsey's old maxes and times coming out of high school that he would be right around where Kayya was. Kayya has good arm strength and you can tell that from his film. So to me hoe much he can bench means nothing. Give me a qb who makes smart decisions and gets the ball out quickly and accurately to the playmakers surrounding him and im content.

I'm with you, Kayya's numbers don't bother me either, he'll get stronger. Dorsey didn't look like he could bench 170lbs when he left and look what he did.

Kaaya's numbers are suprising I think more than worrisome. With his build I would expect him to be closer to Vogel's measurements. I would have guessed Kaaya was around a 4.7 40yd, 6-8 225lb bench reps, 32in vert or so. Won't matter if he can throw, but it would have been nice for him to have a little bit to keep defenses honest.
i could of sworn some of these guys tested faster at combines..which were laser timed.. does that mean the weight gain before getting enrolled slowed them down?