I tried telling ya'll about Jarren, Manny, and Enos

I don't mean to ruin the parade but anyone with a brain knows Manny and Enos almost ****ed this up. FSU's coaching staff is much worse tho. No need for the this thread except to praise Jarren.
How did they almost mess this up? One bad 4th down call doesn't mean they almost messed up the game. Diaz and Bakers Defense was absolutely dominant and Enos offense put up 27 and that's with us juicing the clock in the second half. Enos called a great game
So call you when we're Alabama. Got it.

That's complete crap, and you know it. Asking for Miami to be mildly competent on a regular basis isn't asking for much. It's amazing how people are so desperate for a garbage coaching staff to succeed, they will lower the expectations to pathetically low levels. Let's just call tonight what it is, a good win that doesn't change much in the larger picture. This team still has a long way to go. Maybe, and I mean maybe, if this team manages to close the season strong by winning out, possibly winning the division, and winning the bowl game, then we can say that the program is going in the right direction.
Inability to sustain drives, a shocking lack of knowledge of available personnel. Those are just two of the things that come to mind.
We scored 27 points and our QB threw for 320 with 2TDs and our run game was solid in the 2nd half. We had also had two huge long TDs. I don't see how anyone could watch this game against our Rivals and come out thinking the offense sucked today.
I’ve criticized manny so when he deserves it I’ll praise him. Great job by he and the other coaches in getting this team ready to play. Seeing good progress from the Oline, good progress on defense and Jarren played good today.

Great win for Manny, the coaches and players. Keep the progression going and we might have something.
We scored 27 points and our QB threw for 320 with 2TDs and our run game was solid in the 2nd half. We had also had two huge long TDs. I don't see how anyone could watch this game against our Rivals and come out thinking the offense sucked today.

Miami scored 27 points but in most cases didn't have to go longer than 55 yards to get there. Lots of explosive plays, but we know those are extremely low percentage over the course of the season. It's similar to depending on turnovers, turnovers can be very, very fluky, it's how you execute the basics that make for a great defense. Being able to sustain drives is what you want out of your offense, because you can't plan around huge chunk plays week after week.

I know that fans are over the moon about today, but we can't continue to do this. Win a game against someone, completely ignore glaring flaws, and then act shocked when those flaws manage to lose us games the next week, or the week after. Good win today, but it still doesn't change the fact that this team is still one of the worst offensive teams in the country in a lot of major statistical categories.
We scored 27 points and our QB threw for 320 with 2TDs and our run game was solid in the 2nd half. We had also had two huge long TDs. I don't see how anyone could watch this game against our Rivals and come out thinking the offense sucked today.
The offense still isn't good. A lot of stalled drives and still struggle scoring the ball. They had great field position several times and couldn't move the ball and put the game out of reach earlier. They should have scored 40 today.

Fsu defense is ranked 107th and they only had 350 yards. That's not good at all.
About JWs arm. When did it look good before his "shoulder injury"?
His arm looked good until he threw the 3 interceptions and hurt his shoulder in the VT game. If the OL would have protected him and prevented the 10 sacks, we would have beat UF. He hadn't thrown an interception until VT.
Orlovsky was all infomercial for Miami at the end. That was good to hear. The negativity on hear can beat a person down.

When he rips Richt for his play along its all good, when he praises Enos he’s another stupid announcer
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This team has lost by 4, 3, 7, and 7

VT is

When he rips Richt for his play along its all good, when he praises Enos he’s another stupid announcer
The Richt offense out-of-date critique was pretty legit. Kind of depressing to hear from a football geek like Orlovsky. I am optimistic that things are on the upswing and that recruiting should be helped. But I am an optimist.