I present the billboard

Again, you don't get it. You are analyzing everything from your 2020 perspective, and acting as if one book/movie from a low-level operative is the bible of the Mafia.

Gritty stories about the mob have been depicted in movies for quite some time, you can go back to The Public Enemy (1931) or Scarface (1932) to see shocking (for the times) and gritty (for the times) depictions of mob activity. You would even be happy to see that the mobsters are portrayed as violent and "not romanticized".

As for your misunderstanding of what the depiction of real events means, you are still wrong. The Godfather is not "inspired by" real events, it actually uses multiple actual events. Not just a character. All the characters are based on real people and all of the plot is based on real events. Yes, in 1969, Mario Puzo could not state, from personal experience, that he witnessed all of the events, but his plot involves real events. And, yes, 20 years later, Henry Hill was able to tell his story with more certainty as to people and places because, by that time, the Mafia had become soft about punishing those who broke Omerta.

I'm not sure what you don't get. Dozens and dozens of individuals, since 1969, have verified the correlations between the events in Mario Puzo's book and the real-life events. When you say "the events in the movie were not based on anything that happened in real life" you are wrong. And don't try to split hairs. Godfather I and II are based on the book. Coppola didn't invent any extra plot for the movie that wasn't already in the book.

It's hilarious to watch you try to defend Goodfellas' factual authenticity for certain events THAT HENRY HILL DID NOT EVEN WITNESS. Look, maybe Goodfellas is 100% correct, and maybe it's not, but YOU certainly don't know. Henry Hill was KNOWN for lying, he was KNOWN for exaggerating, so let's not pretend like the killing of Pesci's character is "completely accurate". It's about the same as what Scorsese did in The Irishman. Is that really how Hoffa was killed and disposed? Who knows, but at least The Irishman is based on an account of a person WHO ACTUALLY CLAIMS TO HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN THE MURDER. That is absolutely NOT the case with Henry Hill, who was NOT present when Tommy DeSimone was killed.

The bottom line is that Scorsese AS A FILMMAKER invented a number of depicted events in Goodfellas, just as he did in The Irishman. You can try to blame Coppola for the same thing, but he was much more faithful to Mario Puzo's book than Scorsese was to Nicholas Pileggi's book (****, Scorsese even changed the title from Wiseguy to Goodfellas). That's just basic truth.

If you want to "like" Goodfellas more than Godfather I and II, that's your right, but don't claim victory based on falsehoods, such as "Goodfellas is more factually accurate". If you found it more entertaining, that's up to you, but stop falsely claiming that I and II are overrated or based on hype or based on being "first of their kind" or any other garbage 2020 revisionist complaint.
To much time on your hands.
You do realize Mario Puzo's The Godfather is NOT fictional in its recounting of actual events, right? It was written at a time when Mario Puzo could NOT use the real names, out of fear of reprisal, but those events actually happened, just not to the "Corleone family".
No it’s not. Casino is more historically accurate than the God Father movies. Casino didn’t use any real names but the story was adapted from real life ppl and events. This is called a Historical fiction. The Godfather was not historical fiction. The mere fact that it almost scuffs ar the notion the mafia wasn’t involved in narcotics trade and that if it happened it was through renegades is BS just to give the characters some “honor code”. Thee only rule ever stated by members of the mob on narcotics dealing was not to get caught. For obvious reasons do to the laws of the time period and how Law enforcement cracked down on it. Too the mafia if it made money it made sense..Puzo Himself admittedly said most of his accounts and knowledge was based off not 2nd word..but 2nd hand research. Don Vitos character itself was based off numerous ppl not just one historical figure that Puzo had to give a different name too..it’s not and I repeat not based on historical fact or fiction. It’s a cautionary tale and it’s main message is there’s no honor among thieves..like I said before, it romanticized the lifestyle so ofc mob members would approve of it as a depiction of their lives. That’s like asking a member of the **** regime if the movie triumph of will depict the regime correctly ..but if you look to ppl with first hand account through documentaries and biographies what u get is a criminal organization full of sociopaths, phycopaths, serial murders.

This doesn’t take away from it being the first of its kind and a absolutely landmark film. But if you went through your life thinking the God father was based on actual historical accounts..then I’m sorry

I originally promised a fixed billboard on US1, and later one by the airport. As chronicled in multiple threads each and every single one hit roadblocks that were confirmed to have come from upper level contact with UM and/or BOT management. That's correct, some admin clowns have been tracking the campaign and doing everything in their power to sabotage the message from getting out there. Given that fact, throwing this up as promised within a reasonable time span was not possible. The timing was already impacted hugely, so I opted for speed over anything else. Despite Manny once again winning the off season, Blake James is a fraud and cannot be allowed to stick around if/when further coaching changes needs to be made. Should Manny fail this season yet again then it's confirmed he's all hype and no substance, but of course BJ won't see it that way.

This mobile billboard will run back and forth all over US1, all around the UM campus (including in front of the Hecht), and all over Coral Gables for OVER TWO WEEKS, 8 HOURS A DAY. The morning it was produced and mounted there's already multiple pictures up on twitter without me lifting a finger or having taken one myself.

To all my backers, thank you. All donated money has been spent in full to achieve this thing running for a whole 16 days. Thank you all.

A fool and his money are soon parted. You must be a real jackass to think this stunt has any impact. In fact the biggest effect that it has is that the majority of people think you are an idiot.
Henry Hill was not the only snitch lol..your point is my whole point. Valachi, massino, gravano etc all ratted
The Godfather is glorified as if they lived by some moral code. They didn’t. Just look at the real life people beyond the movies and The Godfather films..Goodfellas tells the story more realistically and better
Bro. You sound like someone from Miami talking like that. "Goodfellas tells the story more realistically and better." Forget about it!
Do yourself a favor and step away from the keyboard on this one. The Godfather 1 and 2 are by far the greatest mob movies ever made. I get it. You may like Goodfellas better and that's your prerogative. You're probably a Morgan Freeman fan that likes having someone tell you a story during a movie to help deliver it's authenticity. There's nothing wrong with that. I like that style of movie as well. I love narration. But there's nothing better than the real thing and that's exactly what the Godfather movies delivered. For someone to say
Goodfellas is more realistic is kind of a a joke and tells me they just don't know what they're talking about on this matter. I have family that still reside on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx. Crazy ********. A few that are still alive and lived through a lot of what was written in those Godfather books. Most are dead now. May they rest in peace. But those folks have or had first hand knowledge of a lot of those events that transpired and were written in those books. I've seen the family photos, read the post cards. I've heard the stories first hand. The Godfather movies depicted perfectly how things actually transpired during those times. I'm 100% positive that real names weren't used in the books for obvious reasons. But a lot of the events that took place in those books were based on actual events. Goodfellas was a movie based on a single event. The Godfather flicks were movies based on an actual way of life. That's why any Italian with any first hand knowledge of how things were handled by the mob or la cosa nostra in New York City back in the day will tell you. The Godfather movies were spot on. Which would explain why you're alone on this one. You either get it. Or you don't. Capiche?

Go Canes !!!!!!!
They don’t even make great mob films anymore. Has anyone watched a decent one after 2010?

If so drop it down here.

I do wish filmmakers would go and make films about some of the other huge enterprises like the Indian Mafia, Yakuza, Triads, Russian Mobs, Brazilian Favelas, etc.

instead of all these super hero and Star Wars films.
They don’t even make great mob films anymore. Has anyone watched a decent one after 2010?

If so drop it down here.

I do wish filmmakers would go and make films about some of the other huge enterprises like the Indian Mafia, Yakuza, Triads, Russian Mobs, Brazilian Favelas, etc.

instead of all these super hero and Star Wars films.
As much as I dislike mafia/mob movies, I do agree that the super hero/Star Wars is played out.

It would just be nice if they made a good movie instead of crap.
No it’s not. Casino is more historically accurate than the God Father movies. Casino didn’t use any real names but the story was adapted from real life ppl and events. This is called a Historical fiction. The Godfather was not historical fiction. The mere fact that it almost scuffs ar the notion the mafia wasn’t involved in narcotics trade and that if it happened it was through renegades is BS just to give the characters some “honor code”. Thee only rule ever stated by members of the mob on narcotics dealing was not to get caught. For obvious reasons do to the laws of the time period and how Law enforcement cracked down on it. Too the mafia if it made money it made sense..Puzo Himself admittedly said most of his accounts and knowledge was based off not 2nd word..but 2nd hand research. Don Vitos character itself was based off numerous ppl not just one historical figure that Puzo had to give a different name too..it’s not and I repeat not based on historical fact or fiction. It’s a cautionary tale and it’s main message is there’s no honor among thieves..like I said before, it romanticized the lifestyle so ofc mob members would approve of it as a depiction of their lives. That’s like asking a member of the **** regime if the movie triumph of will depict the regime correctly ..but if you look to ppl with first hand account through documentaries and biographies what u get is a criminal organization full of sociopaths, phycopaths, serial murders.

This doesn’t take away from it being the first of its kind and a absolutely landmark film. But if you went through your life thinking the God father was based on actual historical accounts..then I’m sorry
Dude your take on the theme of the Godfather is almost as bad as your take on filipe franks.

The over riding theme of the Godfather was the path to legitimacy. Vito never wanted Michael involved in the family business. He wanted Michael to be a senator or congressman. And when Michael became the Don, he wanted to get out of the game. Obviously that never happened, but that was his goal, but the game was too strong.

Sheesh. Go watch the movies again.
Dude your take on the theme of the Godfather is almost as bad as your take on filipe franks.

The over riding theme of the Godfather was the path to legitimacy. Vito never wanted Michael involved in the family business. He wanted Michael to be a senator or congressman. And when Michael became the Don, he wanted to get out of the game. Obviously that never happened, but that was his goal, but the game was too strong.

Sheesh. Go watch the movies again.
you getting kinda emotional here buddy ..but what your take on michealthat’s all true. Ultimately it’s a tragedy..Godfather is a great movie for all the reasons I gave..but it’s not based on a true story. Bruh it’s really really not lol. If you say that it in your opinion it depicted what you imagine the mob as being during that time on the big screen that’s fine. But it’s absolutely not based on true story. It’s portrayal of the mob life from Puzo. That’s my whole point. Nobody can say the events in Goodfellas never happened. There’s historical account that the events Happen from a person who was there in the game and grew up around it...ONCE AGAIN THE GODFATHER IS ALLL FICTION..that doesn’t mean it’s not a iconic movie. Not one time did I say that smh.
As far as the stories and how they’re laid out Goodfellas is better. End of story.

Go Canes
They don’t even make great mob films anymore. Has anyone watched a decent one after 2010?

If so drop it down here.

I do wish filmmakers would go and make films about some of the other huge enterprises like the Indian Mafia, Yakuza, Triads, Russian Mobs, Brazilian Favelas, etc.

instead of all these super hero and Star Wars films.
The Irishman is our rn.
Bro. You sound like someone from Miami talking like that. "Goodfellas tells the story more realistically and better." Forget about it!
Do yourself a favor and step away from the keyboard on this one. The Godfather 1 and 2 are by far the greatest mob movies ever made. I get it. You may like Goodfellas better and that's your prerogative. You're probably a Morgan Freeman fan that likes having someone tell you a story during a movie to help deliver it's authenticity. There's nothing wrong with that. I like that style of movie as well. I love narration. But there's nothing better than the real thing and that's exactly what the Godfather movies delivered. For someone to say
Goodfellas is more realistic is kind of a a joke and tells me they just don't know what they're talking about on this matter. I have family that still reside on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx. Crazy ********. A few that are still alive and lived through a lot of what was written in those Godfather books. Most are dead now. May they rest in peace. But those folks have or had first hand knowledge of a lot of those events that transpired and were written in those books. I've seen the family photos, read the post cards. I've heard the stories first hand. The Godfather movies depicted perfectly how things actually transpired during those times. I'm 100% positive that real names weren't used in the books for obvious reasons. But a lot of the events that took place in those books were based on actual events. Goodfellas was a movie based on a single event. The Godfather flicks were movies based on an actual way of life. That's why any Italian with any first hand knowledge of how things were handled by the mob or la cosa nostra in New York City back in the day will tell you. The Godfather movies were spot on. Which would explain why you're alone on this one. You either get it. Or you don't. Capiche?

Go Canes !!!!!!!
You give me any credible proof that the film/book had any real events in it and I’ll take my crow and eat it. The movie took plenty inspiration from public historical accounts of what went down, for instance the restaurant scene when micheal did the hit with the planted gun. That was inspired by Hit Luciano set up on Masseria. But guess what unlike micheal in the movie the hit was done totally different. Only thing similar was the plant of the gun at a restaurant.

All u said was based off opinions of others on how the lifestyle was portrayed. It was romanticized heavily. The movie is fiction tho. You show me any account other than someone’s opinion then I’ll eatcrow
You give me any credible proof that the film/book had any real events in it and I’ll take my crow and eat it. The movie took plenty inspiration from public historical accounts of what went down, for instance the restaurant scene when micheal did the hit with the planted gun. That was inspired by Hit Luciano set up on Masseria. But guess what unlike micheal in the movie the hit was done totally different. Only thing similar was the plant of the gun at a restaurant.

All u said was based off opinions of others on how the lifestyle was portrayed. It was romanticized heavily. The movie is fiction tho. You show me any account other than someone’s opinion then I’ll eatcrow
I can only tell you what I've seen and heard in the old neighborhood. I'm going to go ahead and follow my instincts and listen to family and friends that live and lived in the old neighborhoods where a lot of these stories came from. I can't ride with some cat from Miami that doesn't know the first thing about what life was like in the boroughs back in the day. It's all good though. You do you.

Go Canes!!!!!!!
So has anyone actually seen this thing rolling around?
It's gone viral bro. It's been spotted as far away as France and Egypt. I even heard it was spotted cruising down the Great Wall of China. But I think that's just a rumor. It's amazing what $7,100 will get you these days.

Go Canes!!!!!!!!!
You do realize Mario Puzo's The Godfather is NOT fictional in its recounting of actual events, right? It was written at a time when Mario Puzo could NOT use the real names, out of fear of reprisal, but those events actually happened, just not to the "Corleone family".
They don’t even make great mob films anymore. Has anyone watched a decent one after 2010?

If so drop it down here.

I do wish filmmakers would go and make films about some of the other huge enterprises like the Indian Mafia, Yakuza, Triads, Russian Mobs, Brazilian Favelas, etc.

instead of all these super hero and Star Wars films.
Black Rain with Michael Douglas and Andy Garcia. Great gangster movie about the yakuza. Check it out.