I present the billboard

Yeah man, LV is my second home bro. I got frat out there, plus I'm a M-Club member so the perks are solid.
Do you own your own business?
Yes I started it after the company I had been working with closed after 30 years. I'm an independent Rep now and work with multiple manufacturers. LV is my getaway from reality back home if you know what I mean. LOL

Yes I started it after the company I had been working with closed after 30 years. I'm an independent Rep now and work with multiple manufacturers. LV is my getaway from reality back home if you know what I mean. LOL

Congratulations bro, and wish you much, much success.....and yes, I know exactly whatcha mean. lol.
Can you have the billboard drive around Fake James house playing loud music all night long.
Since this is a recurring point, let's be clear the bolded is totally false. Have you ever been on US1? How about US1 during rush hour? Plenty of people are gonna be sitting in their car reading it.

Secondly, while the absolute number of eye balls is certainly still less than a big stationary billboard, that's effectively exchanged for being able to take this all around campus, US1, Miami-Dade county, etc. Seriously, if people have a place they want this to pass through they can tell me. I also think the variety of spottings in various places is even better for the social media impact. As evident by the fact that random accounts were posting pictures to twitter from the moment it started driving around today.

Thirdly, getting the stationary billboard in any remotely timely manner was made impossible by direct interference from the Hecht. Y'all are acting like this was a choice, and that two seperate billboard companies didn't shoot this down at the 11th hour. My only options were to 1. hold on to the money even longer, and everyone would flip. Or 2. just call it quits and reward the Hecht for their pathetic efforts. Instead I went with 3. Drop the message right in front of the Hecht and wherever else we please.

It's not perfect, but it's the best I've been able to do pretty much on my own with the free time I have. And it's still **** good, IMO.
I've been hard on this initiative, but you've earned my respect for your perseverance, 305. Well said on your post above.
I'm not on board with this idea, but besides the obvious grammatical error, it isn't a bad comeback regardless of what some say on here.
Why not have the truck spend 1 day driving to numerous news stations and park right out front.
First off, please fix the grammatical error.

Second, not a bad idea. Good job on following through. Everyone that called you a scammer needs to apologize. They all had a blast in the other thread but I doubt they’ll show their face in this thread. The BJ defenders would have criticized and laughed no matter what it would have been. (too far away, cycles with other ads)

Mobile billboards are common nowadays. This will be just as effective. Again, please fix the grammatical error before it gets viral.
Campus is surrounded by public roads friend, including in front of the Hecht.

So the University of Miami has the power to prevent you from putting up an actual billboard (as you advertised), and actively taking money out of the pockets of the billboard owners, but not enough power to prevent a vehicle from roaming around its campus?