I Must Say…

Imagine the off season.
…that after almost 2 seasons of me repeatedly saying that Mario is the corch of all corches, I’m glad to see so many of the other posters on CiS finally recognizing this.

I hate to have been right, because I really was rooting for him early on. But as I repeatedly said last season, unless he hires a modern and innovative OC and gets the fugg out the way, he will fail miserably here. As I suspected, he is a micro-manager of all things, and refuses to adapt, even after seeing how badly his system is failing.

Throwing players and coaches under the bus is a bad look, specially when he’s directly responsible for the roster and the game day corching. Still hoping that he does the right thing and hands in his resignation sooner rather than later.

My guess is he steps down after year 4 if we keep going 5-7, 6-6 or 7-5. My gut tells me he will do the right thing instead of the Jimbo thing
Not sure who's the bigger idiot you for posting it or me for reading it.
Considering the fact that you’re still schilling for the Neanderthal that’s currently in charge of the Canes football program, it’s a safe bet that you have me beat by a country mile in the idiot department.
My guess is he steps down after year 4 if we keep going 5-7, 6-6 or 7-5. My gut tells me he will do the right thing instead of the Jimbo thing
Hopefully he will follow Richt’s lead and do the right thing.

Also, it looks like I struck a chord with the Mario Bros. They big mad. 🤣🤣🤣
Looking on the bright side, the last time that we had a coach this bad was during the 70’s, right before the Schnelly, J.J., and Erickson era. Really hoping that history repeats itself in this case, and that our next head coach is finally the dude that turns this program around.
It’s so weird. I mean, it’s almost like this exact same thing gets posted every year around this time…
Hopefully he will follow Richt’s lead and do the right thing.

Also, it looks like I struck a chord with the Mario Bros. They big mad. 🤣🤣🤣

lol if Mario goes 6-6 or 7-5 in the next two years there's nothing to argue about. All the pro Mario guys will be on our side. I'm hoping they're right but his not the guy
A little premature to be taking a victory lap OP. Mario’s first year was no doubt an abstract failure. Year 2 is a bit better but still not up to “the standard”. Unless/until Mario takes a good look in the mirror and changes some of his philosophies, he’ll continue to not meet his own standard.

Regardless of the obstacles thrown at the team (boneheaded decisions, time management, offensive (literally) play calling,etc) they haven’t quit like they did last year. That, in and of itself, is a big accomplishment. Whether or not Mario can capitalize on that is yet to be seen.

I want Mario to selfishly succeed because I’m tired of the coaching carousel we’ve been through the last 20 years. The juries still out for me and unless Mario makes some changes, we’ll be right back where we were on Dec 6, 2021.
Ah yes the I told you so crowd. Fantastic. We are stuck with him for a decade. But Thanks for letting us know you were right. Do you have 60 mil to buy him out?
Funny MOST of the BOARD wanted MARIO. Well YOUR wishes came to LIFE. Crowd hard to PLEASE. The board is a SOAP OPERA. UNREAL
A little premature to be taking a victory lap OP. Mario’s first year was no doubt an abstract failure. Year 2 is a bit better but still not up to “the standard”. Unless/until Mario takes a good look in the mirror and changes some of his philosophies, he’ll continue to not meet his own standard.

Regardless of the obstacles thrown at the team (boneheaded decisions, time management, offensive (literally) play calling,etc) they haven’t quit like they did last year. That, in and of itself, is a big accomplishment. Whether or not Mario can capitalize on that is yet to be seen.

I want Mario to selfishly succeed because I’m tired of the coaching carousel we’ve been through the last 20 years. The juries still out for me and unless Mario makes some changes, we’ll be right back where we were on Dec 6, 2021.
“Not up to the standard”? You cannot be serious. We have a realistic shot of ending up 6-7. You need to have better standards.

How much incompetence and bad leadership do you have to see before you actually believe what your eyes are seeing?
“Not up to the standard”? You cannot be serious. We have a realistic shot of ending up 6-7. You need to have better standards.

How much incompetence and bad leadership do you have to see before you actually believe what your eyes are seeing?
As I’ve mentioned to you recently, you’ve obviously taken the stance without question that Mario sucks, adds no value, is a Neanderthal and a caveman and are here incessantly attempting to convince others that your view is the one and only.

That’s certainly your prerogative but I always look at any situation objectively, in it ‘s entirety and weigh the GOOD and the BAD. Is there some bad? Without question. There’s also some good that you flat out refuse to acknowledge. The key for me is to weigh BOTH the good and the bad and make an objective assessment based on ALL that I see.
As I’ve mentioned to you recently, you’ve obviously taken the stance without question that Mario sucks, adds no value, is a Neanderthal and a caveman and are here incessantly attempting to convince others that your view is the one and only.

That’s certainly your prerogative but I always look at any situation objectively, in it ‘s entirety and weigh the GOOD and the BAD. Is there some bad? Without question. There’s also some good that you flat out refuse to acknowledge. The key for me is to weigh BOTH the good and the bad and make an objective assessment based on ALL that I see.
It’s a bottom line business, just like any other business model that is or wants to be successful. The only thing that matters at the end of the day is wins and losses. The stadium has less and less people in it by the week. The fans can see with their own eyes that this is a huge mess, and the deep pockets that Mario has seen up to this point will abandon ship if he doesn’t start to win a bunch of games soon.

Also, try telling your boss that your work does little to help the business, or that you’re losing him/her money by not doing the things that it takes to make their business successful and see how long you’ll be employed.

$80,000,000 should get us way more 11-12 overall and 5-10 in the ACC.
A little premature to be taking a victory lap OP. Mario’s first year was no doubt an abstract failure. Year 2 is a bit better but still not up to “the standard”. Unless/until Mario takes a good look in the mirror and changes some of his philosophies, he’ll continue to not meet his own standard.

Regardless of the obstacles thrown at the team (boneheaded decisions, time management, offensive (literally) play calling,etc) they haven’t quit like they did last year. That, in and of itself, is a big accomplishment. Whether or not Mario can capitalize on that is yet to be seen.

I want Mario to selfishly succeed because I’m tired of the coaching carousel we’ve been through the last 20 years. The juries still out for me and unless Mario makes some changes, we’ll be right back where we were on Dec 6, 2021.
Miami is still losing to teams they shouldn’t aka Ga Tech and Nc State. The first step is to put that bs to an end.