I hate quitters and second guessers.

I’m sorry J. You know I’m cool with you. I get that there are miserable people on here. I’m just in disbelief at the terrible staph hires and regression.

We had a real chance to take a step up.
I’m numb brother. At some point I just gotta find some other things to do on Saturdays unfortunately. Not by choice.
Look, the bottom line is this: if op lived like he talked there would still be a south Vietnam, but he quit.
With all due respect, your post reads exactly like the posts of the people you're calling out.

Good win today but lets not pretend we don't have deep, structural problems within the UM athletic department and football team.
With all due respect, you are minimizing the level of negativity on the board. His post was respectful and asked honest questions. The negative posts on this board are more what you would expect from a middle school boy. Some of that is evidenced in this very thread. Calling him grandpa. Giving him a hard time because he mentions that he honorably served his country. Etc.
As an alum ('76), a former soldier and a retiree, gotta admit that I am so tired of the defeatists coming up with simplistic solutions. They fuel their speculationfests with the alleged drastic changes needed. This team hasn't quit.

There are many good analysts and rational fans on this site that are drowned by the negativity of these miserable beings. Why are they so eager to quit on the team/ coaches and dog-pile on with the armchair 20/20ers? Are they trolls?

Can't change you, just gotta learn to tolerate you when unavoidable.

Guess I am one of the miserable beings you refer to in your post. Why, because I expect more from this program that has achieved excellence and now accepted mediocracy.

As you were a soldier, thank you for your service, I would think (perhaps I am wrong) you would understand the importance of leadership, discipline, focus and doing your job as assigned. This team, as well as teams for years have not shown these abilities. Although frustrated with the staffs, it is the admin that I, and I believe most fans like me blame the most. I do not believe Manny was the best person for the job, and I do not believe he built the best staff for the program. This potentially has long term negative effects on the program. The admin seems okay as long as the team is a bunch of good boys, and the ACC checks are flowing in.

It has been almost 20 years since we played for a MNC, and since joining the ACC we have played once for the ACC title. The result was an embarrassing blowout. One of the best talent pools in the country, if not the best, and we cannot make the ACC Championship game more than once in what, 15 years? Maybe one reason is three of our least 5 coaches had no college or higher HC experience. One was just fired for burnout, and brought in his crew and son, and refused to make changes, the other showed some promise at Temple, but held on to friends and excuses for too long.

To you accepting what the AD and BoT feeds us is acceptable, even if it is a **** sandwich, because fans are fans thick and thin. well, I do not want to eat the sandwich being shoved down my throat, but that does not make me any less a fan than you. I love my Canes, it is that my expectations for the program are that we should never be this poor of a team.

Perhaps you should send a letter to the school and ask why JT received an extra game suspension from the Student Council. Why we are so image concerned yet the school has dropped academically, but we will assign a team of compliance people to ensure our players don't fart in public.

Show me where this team has improved. Tell me which coach we will worry about in the off season getting plucked off the staff because they are so good at their craft. We have kids hitting the portal in the middle of the season. That has got to tell you something.

If you are happy with what you have seen week in and week out good for you. I'm not. The university needs to realize football is a business, and kids are in the business of building a brand and a career for the money. 4-4 is a McDonalds burger when you want filet mignon.
As an alum ('76), a former soldier and a retiree, gotta admit that I am so tired of the defeatists coming up with simplistic solutions. They fuel their speculationfests with the alleged drastic changes needed. This team hasn't quit.

There are many good analysts and rational fans on this site that are drowned by the negativity of these miserable beings. Why are they so eager to quit on the team/ coaches and dog-pile on with the armchair 20/20ers? Are they trolls?

Can't change you, just gotta learn to tolerate you when unavoidable.
I have no problem "second guessing" this administration, board, AD, and coaching staff.
I have no problem "second guessing" this administration, board, AD, and coaching staff.
You shouldn’t have one, they deserve it. That said, there is an element on this board who are so vociferous about it, they don’t actually appear to be cane fans anymore. Ahhhh What The ****, I’ll say it, they aren’t. They tell you time and again how they are doing this for the good team and anyone who disagrees is a snowflake, pumper, whatever.

I have to admit that their tactics can be effective in producing positive changes, I think that it will lead to the dismissal of Diaz and Flake which most of us want. Now comes the problem, these tactics won’t work on the people who made the DECISION TO HIRE FLAKE AND DIAZ in the first place. Those motherfockers are entrenched and are impervious to these criticisms. They ain’t going anywhere over a some whiny *****. The only hope we have is that the BOT has complete overhaul and people who give a **** about football have a voice.
With all due respect, you are minimizing the level of negativity on the board. His post was respectful and asked honest questions. The negative posts on this board are more what you would expect from a middle school boy. Some of that is evidenced in this very thread. Calling him grandpa. Giving him a hard time because he mentions that he honorably served his country. Etc.

what honest questions? this is another sunshine thread that dismisses legitimate criticisms of the program and the people running it. it's a superfan post that started off with irrelevant qualifications. op being a vet, which is commendable, doesn't suddenly make his opinion any more or less valid than the people he's criticizing.
I have been practicing since 96. Can’t afford to be happy. 🙂
That’s the year I stopped and I totally understand. I just didn’t want to continue. I don’t know that I’ve ever hit the good fortune of ideal happiness, FWIW. I’d like to get out of the rat race now and into a different phase.
The same thing happened at LSU when Orgeron was first announced as the HC. For two years LSU fans called for his head. Now look at the program. Not a completely direct comparison and Orgeron did make offensive changes, but Manny can achieve the same thing here in time. He has to be willing to make changes to his coordinators if they continue to suck this season.

Orgeron made major offensive and defensive changes. And to be honest, Coach O didn’t do bad at SC as an interim. Horrible at Ole Miss, improved at SC, and has improved every year at LSU. But he made changes