I hate quitters and second guessers.

As an alum ('76), a former soldier and a retiree, gotta admit that I am so tired of the defeatists coming up with simplistic solutions. They fuel their speculationfests with the alleged drastic changes needed. This team hasn't quit.

There are many good analysts and rational fans on this site that are drowned by the negativity of these miserable beings. Why are they so eager to quit on the team/ coaches and dog-pile on with the armchair 20/20ers? Are they trolls?

Can't change you, just gotta learn to tolerate you when unavoidable.

Respects for your service and tenure as a U fan - you've been there when we had nothing burgers for EoY bowls and then the 'ships.

As for being tired of defeatists (and, by your definition, you are including me), the only way to shut us up is win. If not win, play like a team and coaching staff that gives a **** of two. Every game, this team turns up to play like wet noodles out of a refrigerator (God forbid if they had a bye week, then, there are no words), and a coaching staff stunned and clueless like steamy potatoes in Saran Wrap. This is the first time I've seen Enos upset on the sideline (Maybe that's the first time tv cameras focused on him). Its the first time I saw Manny's face filled with concern. After these two shots, I saw a team tighten up the loose ends on the field, that gave more than two *****. The D looked like shades of 2016/17. So your "I hate defeatists and simplistic solutions" were on display today on the team side, not the other way. So you do you, my friend, and let us feel the way we do, cause its just us doing us. For me? Im just so happy my team won, I don't need to look up Tinder to feel good. Again, great respects to you, Sir!
As an alum ('76), a former soldier and a retiree, gotta admit that I am so tired of the defeatists coming up with simplistic solutions. They fuel their speculationfests with the alleged drastic changes needed. This team hasn't quit.

There are many good analysts and rational fans on this site that are drowned by the negativity of these miserable beings. Why are they so eager to quit on the team/ coaches and dog-pile on with the armchair 20/20ers? Are they trolls?

Can't change you, just gotta learn to tolerate you when unavoidable.
If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. That would destroy the board.
Orgeron made major offensive and defensive changes. And to be honest, Coach O didn’t do bad at SC as an interim. Horrible at Ole Miss, improved at SC, and has improved every year at LSU. But he made changes
Yup, if Manny doesn't have the balls to can some coordinators and position coaches after this season, or during rather, he is not the coach for Miami.
The same thing happened at LSU when Orgeron was first announced as the HC. For two years LSU fans called for his head. Now look at the program. Not a completely direct comparison and Orgeron did make offensive changes, but Manny can achieve the same thing here in time. He has to be willing to make changes to his coordinators if they continue to suck this season.

As much **** as we talk, those offseason decisions will determine who he will be here.

If he sits on his hands and keeps throwing the players under the bus, it will end fast and ugly.

With some humility, self awareness, and balls to make the tough decisions, he may grow as a coach.

The recruiting though.......
As an alum ('76), a former soldier and a retiree, gotta admit that I am so tired of the defeatists coming up with simplistic solutions. They fuel their speculationfests with the alleged drastic changes needed. This team hasn't quit.

There are many good analysts and rational fans on this site that are drowned by the negativity of these miserable beings. Why are they so eager to quit on the team/ coaches and dog-pile on with the armchair 20/20ers? Are they trolls?

Can't change you, just gotta learn to tolerate you when unavoidable.
After all these years as an alum, did you forget how to make a pojnt coherent;y?
I wonder if one of these posters who states that he or she was a “former soldier / military, ” is really ..... Gomer Pyle?

Shazam, Shazam, Shazam!