I can’t defend Manny

Two weeks to prepare...smh. All falls on the coaching and it starts with Manny. No discipline at all on this team.
By the way,Blake'onofrio sucks big time!!!
We can argue “what if’s“ ad nauseum. Reality is that we have a mediocre program. We can’t turn ***** to gold, mankind’s tried it since gold became precious, and failed. Let’s be happy with what we have and lower our expectations to a FB program that lives in a town with one traffic light, four houses, horse manure everywhere. Pure bliss With the morning bowel movement a blessing and an event worth discussing at the local diner.
And leave it to Flake to hire someone else? That should go real well.

You get it brosephus. This situation was created by James. Miami desperately wants to be like USC academically. They should follow USC's example and fire the AD as a wake up call to the HC. They are in the perfect position. If Helton has a miracle run, great. Maybe he keeps his job. If not, they are hiring Urban Meyer. Meyer will then steal Miamis prize 5 star QB, Jake Garcia. USC will be a top 20 school academically and win multiple championships.

Meanwhile Miami will probably drop to the 70s in school rankings, far below FSU and will be amongst the worst programs in P5. We will scramble to get whatever QB is left or pray for a transfer. Eventually Diaz gets fired, then James will hire Schiano or Cristobal. Rinse and repeat. You all know this is probably our future.
Our administration got the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card from a kind hearted Mark Richt. He walked away from a ton of money and didn't hold us hostage on the buyout...

So what did they do with this newfound freedom? They parlayed it into quite possibly THE laziest head coaching search in the history of head coaching searches.

This program is dead as long as we don't hire a savant of a an athletic director WHO ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT WINNING. Until then, this program is a dying *****. Manny can't coach and recruits even worse. It won't be long before we have a roster full of 3 stars.

This is spot on.
Miami better get there **** together cause im not doing **** if they dont attempt to win. They pretend to care and i see through there bs. I wont waste my time with them anymore....ill come here but as for buying merch or anything thats over.
I stopped the moment they hired Manny
I like Manny and I would love for him to be successful. Having said that the stage looks too big for him. It is extremely alarming to see his demeanor on the sideline. He looks like Bubba Baxa before a big kick. Shows no fight. Officials are ******** us and he says nothing. Kids see this... Give me something positive D.
Should have proven himself at temple before being offered this job