Hurricane Matthew


Just Win Baby!
Dec 4, 2014
This would suck......
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I deal with this at the beach in NJ (as do you guys in Florida) all the time.
There are 36 different hurricane tracking models that the National Hurricane Center refers to.
If there's one that effects your area, you know the local news will find it and put it out there.
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I deal with this here at the beach in NJ (as do you guys in Florida) all the time.
There are 36 different hurricane tracking models that the National Hurricane Center refers to.
If there's one that effects your area to be found, you know the local news will put it out there.

One day it'll be uncovered that along with the local news industry that the Home Depot/Lowes lobby in accord with The Grocers of America not only funded these 279 different hurricane tracking models but also actively paid to supress the advancements of meteorological science to more accurately predict the tracks of these storms.

As just mentioned, there's literally dozens of models. The screen capture above is from a clip that describes a few of those models. Basically. There's a model for just about any possibility.

According to these models, this storm could literally go anywhere: Gulf, Gulf coast, Mexico, Florida, eastern seaboard, Carolinas, mid-Atlantic, NE U.S., or out into the Atlantic/N. Atlantic.

About the only place a model doesn't predict is the Pacific, Asia, or Africa.

Nobody has a single solitary clue where this is going or when, or if it will even be hurricane strength.

Why don't we worry about the altitude effect in Atlanta, like some of you clowns did about Boone, NC. That's more immediate. After all. Atlanta is 1,000 feet above sea level.

I deal with this here at the beach in NJ (as do you guys in Florida) all the time.
There are 36 different hurricane tracking models that the National Hurricane Center refers to.
If there's one that effects your area to be found, you know the local news will put it out there.

One day it'll be uncovered that along with the local news industry that the Home Depot/Lowes lobby in accord with The Grocers of America not only funded these 279 different hurricane tracking models but also actively paid to supress the advancements of meteorological science to more accurately predict the tracks of these storms.

Just about every year a state of emergency is declared. This year it was labor day weekend. Nicest weekend of the summer.
What's ironic is that 4 years ago, no model suggested that we'd be in trouble. It was only a few days before that we knew that bi itch Sandy was coming through.
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