How is Butch Davis not in the UMHOF?

"The Butch cult always brings me laughs. He built a great team one time so he’s the equivalent of LombardI, Wooden, Belichik, Saban and P Jackson rolled into one..."
You forgot to add Chuck Norris.

The Butch cult always brings me laughs. He built a great team one time so he’s the equivalent of LombardI, Wooden, Belichik, Saban and P Jackson rolled into one. At least in their own minds. There’s nothing on his resume but that roster he built and a few Big East titles. Oh and the five mythical national titles “ he would’ve won “ if he’d stayed.

Don’t worry guys , I’ll see myself out lol.
They finna drag you???
While he inherited a ****show, in six years, he won 10+ games once. So you have to get into the color and intangibles to put him in. First you have to overlook how he left, which is fine. So probably because every time his name comes up it coincides with him doing or badmouthing/ saying something stupid about UM. Loved Butch, but man, has he had a weird last decade.

Yeah - I remember very, very well -

We lost like 31 scholarships - no bowls - no one wanted to come here - and I recall Soldinger saying they didn't even have enough players to scrimmage.

Now how in H*** are you supposed to win ten games a year when you're in that deep of a hole? And yet, that's the only thing many can look at.

They weren't old enough to recall our hiring of Schnellenberger - or even JJ. They act like they know all the history - but it wasn't pretty back then.

Freaking kids - "what's the numbers?"

Hand Butch the team handed to JJ - what's it going to be?

Hand Butch the team Dennis was handed.

Some of you are just so simple - and you have no idea what his record would be. I recall JJ's first year - not so good. And yes, I recall his announcement, and thinking - "who is this guy?"
The UM hall of fame committee will gladly vote for a Michael Erven. with his past issues, because he has always shown love of UM.

Butch won't get in unless it's posthumously.
Yeah - I remember very, very well -

We lost like 31 scholarships - no bowls - no one wanted to come here - and I recall Soldinger saying they didn't even have enough players to scrimmage.

Now how in H*** are you supposed to win ten games a year when you're in that deep of a hole? And yet, that's the only thing many can look at.

They weren't old enough to recall our hiring of Schnellenberger - or even JJ. They act like they know all the history - but it wasn't pretty back then.

Freaking kids - "what's the numbers?"

Hand Butch the team handed to JJ - what's it going to be?

Hand Butch the team Dennis was handed.

Some of you are just so simple - and you have no idea what his record would be. I recall JJ's first year - not so good. And yes, I recall his announcement, and thinking - "who is this guy?"
I hear ya brother but Canes fans aren’t very good at the coulda, woulda, shoulda game. Ya gotta win a natty otherwise fans are going to ride you. ****, Erickson won 2 ships and Coker 1 and some Cane fans call one a drunk and the other Clappy. So there’s no way in **** Butch gets a pass.

What makes you think a guy like, Butch who never won here , is going to get a pass? That **** ain’t happening! Schnelly and JJ are the true coaching Gawds at UM. Unfortunately for Butch, he chose to leave and not finish what he started. Doesn’t mean he didn’t do a great job assembling the best college football team ever. He just didn’t win and went out like a ***** and he will never be forgiven by some.

Cane fans are gonna be Cane fans and give him **** for never winning a natty and for the way he went out. He’s never gonna be in the GOAT coaching conversation. The only seats at that table currently belong to Howard and Jimmy.
If we're just basing this on what he had when he got here and what he made it when he left then yea I believe he deserves to be in... Plus he does have prior history being on Jimmy's staff to sprinkle on there as well.... That's 10-11 seasons total as a Coach here ( 87 National Title as well) ... I mean that has to stand for something... Thinking back to Schnelly forward who else has that much time with us???? ...
If I'm correct I believe Gary Stevens is next on the list...( Kehoe , I know but he's different...LOL)
Now I know all the other particulars and such and I won't knock anyone's argument with it..... I'm just trying to look only at the accomplishment part of things and he did do a lot.... To walk into a almost Death Penalty situation and turn it into what it was when he left is a difficult thing for any Coach to do especially a first time HC which I believe he was at the time......
When you think of Butch, do you think.... "This is a guy who always loved UM", or, do you think... "This is a guy who wanted to work for UM when he thought it was the best job he could get."???

Have you ever heard of Butch volunteering to help out a coaching clinics like Jimmy does? Or even Ed O. does? No!

UM Hall of Fame can look past alot of personal issues, but isn't likely to add self-centered narcissists even when they did collect amazing talent.

And just for the record, his Corching was as legendary as his talent acquisition.
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Yeah - I remember very, very well -

We lost like 31 scholarships - no bowls - no one wanted to come here - and I recall Soldinger saying they didn't even have enough players to scrimmage.

Now how in H*** are you supposed to win ten games a year when you're in that deep of a hole? And yet, that's the only thing many can look at.

They weren't old enough to recall our hiring of Schnellenberger - or even JJ. They act like they know all the history - but it wasn't pretty back then.

Freaking kids - "what's the numbers?"

Hand Butch the team handed to JJ - what's it going to be?

Hand Butch the team Dennis was handed.

Some of you are just so simple - and you have no idea what his record would be. I recall JJ's first year - not so good. And yes, I recall his announcement, and thinking - "who is this guy?"

Well, I hope you are not calling me "simple" but I'll survive regardless if you are. : )

First of all in JJ's first year he had a staff who hated him and a few who thought they should be HC forced down his throat, didn't he? Let's provide context. It's also, you know, a first year. Especially when every other year proved that he was the goods. Upward trajectory. Sky high. He also built Miami's first GREAT teams. 1983 won it all in a kind of cardiac way (amazingly!!), depending on other losses, etc. Jimmy's teams were dominant. Was different, incredible, he proved UM was not a fluke.

Anyway, as an example, taking a team that should be 2-10 and going 6-6 with it does not get you into the HOF. I'm sorry, it just doesn't. It's a job well done, congrats, but winning, and winning big is it.

As for your premise, I'm not sure. Butch, and this is subjective, but I'm not sure how anyone lands elsewhere, was easily the worst game-day coach among Howard, Jimmy, Dennis and himself. In fact, many think he had the best team in CFB in 2000 and didn't get it done. Some believe he might have screwed up the 2001 team, that won it all but had a close call or two.

Butch's strength... ****, really the thing he was known for, was recruiting, and even more so IMO, evaluations. So I'm not sure what the result would have been if he had been handed a team with more talent. We might be talking about a guy we grew tired with for not getting enough out of what he was handed.

I've been a Cane fan my whole life, and I remember the fanbase, THIS fanbase, mostly from the internet of which I maybe assume you participated, calling him Freckles, Botch, and literally paying good money to fly a banner over the OB demanding that he be fired. So, let's not pretend the base wasn't absolutely fed up with some of his game day decisions, clock management, bad losses, and more.

To answer your question directly, I would easily say that had Butch been handed the teams that Jimmy or Dennis were handed, he would have performed worse, because he was simply a lesser coach on game day. History (and me!) says that he would have recruited better than Dennis and left the program in better shape, though.

Kudos to Butch. The right man at the right time who helped right the ship. Boooo to Butch for a lot of other questionable actions in his career and dealings with UM.

As for the HOF, absolutely not a slam dunk. It's a fair debate, as, IMO has been illustrated in this thread.

Lightning rod!
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Sorry, on this one, we are just going to have to disagree.

Nobody STARTS Butch reflections. Occasionally an article comes out, an event happens, and the topic of Butch comes up.

But it is the haters who are non-stop. And right above your post, you had multiple people reminiscing on the good old days of live Butch-hate on Grassy. Let's not forget, certain dopes paid for a banner-plane calling for Butch to be fired. That didn't happen as a "response" to people "saying nice things about Butch" on Grassy.

I realize that certain people on a certain side of an argument are going to act like the other side "started it" and is being unreasonable. But this 30 year argument has ALWAYS originated with the Butch-haters. Always. We just have to be honest and acknowledge that.

I respectfully disagree with the assessment of "Butch-Haters". There may be a few out there - and they'd be idiots. But in my experience, just about every Cane fan I've ever observed (both here on CIS and out in the wild) rightly gives Butch his due credit for assembling the most talented team in CFB history - all while the U was under sanctions and scrutiny. No one denies or lacks in gratitude and appreciation for that.

What many of us (myself included) get irritated at is the incessant 'Butch Da Gawd', BBB, Butch-slurpers who in the last dozen years or so continually and incessantly put Butch on a pedestal clamoring for him to be the Head Coach here while throwing fits like 4 year olds when he doesn't get the job. And those same people taking it as a personal affront when some of us point out his deficiencies as a game-day coach.

The truth is, he was the greatest ever CFB talent evaluator and recruiter in the PRE-INTERNET era. That was his superpower. But the world of talent evaluation and recruiting has changed so dramatically since then that is fair to question whether his superpower is still relevant - especially since he has never been able to duplicate anything since.

So I don't think most of us are "Butch-Haters" - we're just really tired of the "Butch-Slurpers" who can't seem to recognize that his time here has passed and never will return.
How do you have Soldy in there and not Butch? If it was an exclusive club, then I would understand as he never actually won a NC as a head coach. However, he was personally instrumental in at least two of them, just like Soldy. He is Miami and his contributions during our best times should be recognized like Kehoe and Soldy.
Haven't read this thread but a big issue with Butch was his departure from UM. It is clouded in some controversy and UM kind of looks at him as an outsider I believe.
The school was slammed with NCAA sanctions.

The job he did in that environment was nothing short of phenomenal. I mean, kinda have to be thankful to him that UM is still somewhat relevant. Not sure that is the case if the run ended in 94.
Suck my No Reply D*ck....Erickson Won 2 Rings with all JJs kids, and guess who recruited and got them to sign with UM??...Butch...Without Butch, this Site doesn't exist, much like the 2000,01,02 and 03 teams....He was JJs recruiting Guru from 84-88....STFU on a topic you have no idea about, except the BS your Dumbazz believes.
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