High School Football Update


If you want to blame anyone’s response to this virus - start by blaming the governors who sent covid patients BACK INTO NURSING HOMES! That is the biggest failure of this response if you want to get political.

Don't blame Trump blame Cuomooooo!!!! Right? Is that the talking point? Well someone should've actually explained it to Tallahassee then...

Don't blame Trump blame Cuomooooo!!!! Right? Is that the talking point? Well someone should've actually explained it to Tallahassee then...

Still playing sore loser. Bwaaa bwaaa. We should've elected the crystal meth sugar boy!!!

If you want to blame anyone’s response to this virus - start by blaming the governors who sent covid patients BACK INTO NURSING HOMES! That is the biggest failure of this response if you want to get political.

What a distracting load of crap.

OK, let's play the game. Even if you had 100% mortality for a few nursing homes...THAT'S NOT WHAT CAUSED THE SPREAD. Higher death toll, maybe, but not the spread.

Again, failure at the top. From Day 1.

Now, if there had been leadership from the top that said not to send patients back to nursing homes, and a governor did it anyway, then you might have a point.

But the SPREAD of the virus was not due to sending people to nursing homes. If anything, this served as a brutal form of quarantine. But stop acting like grandma in her NY nursing home was a super-spreader. That's just not true.
Still playing sore loser. Bwaaa bwaaa. We should've elected the crystal meth sugar boy!!!

Let's see...a MAGA-lover says "Blame Cuomo, not Trump." Then someone points out that DeSantis did what Cuomo did. Now another MAGA-moron tries to distract us with "But DeSantis' competition, tho."

It's like an eternal game of Whack-a-Mole. Every time you point out a problem with Trump's leadership in this crisis, a MAGA-proud-boy tries to make you whack a Democrat distraction.
Don't blame Trump blame Cuomooooo!!!! Right? Is that the talking point? Well someone should've actually explained it to Tallahassee then...

The issue wasn't taking them back, it was taking them back if they couldn't be isolated.

One of the problems with long term care and rehab facilities is that they most always have semi-private rooms. That's because the elderly tend to get depressed, especially when ill, and just the presence of another person keeps them from feeling alone. That makes for fertile ground for a virus to spread. Most facilities don't have isolation capabilities, but a few do.

It's not very different with hospitals, older hospitals didn't have a lot of isolation capability except for a few rooms. I know that ventilation and the ability to turn whole units into negative pressure areas is something that has been taking place with new construction for a while now. I'm not certain if it's an actual AHCA requirement here in FL, but I suspect changes will be happening regarding ventilation and isolation.
Don't blame Trump blame Cuomooooo!!!! Right? Is that the talking point? Well someone should've actually explained it to Tallahassee then...

The difference here is this facility will use proven protocols and safety measures to eliminate spread as much as possible while this is what occurred in New York:

Your comparison is a very poor one. What Cuomo did was unforgivable.
Allow parents to make these choices. If high school sports, or "in-classroom school," are that scary to you, do the virtual thing or just don't participate.
Allow parents to make these choices. If high school sports, or "in-classroom school," are that scary to you, do the virtual thing or just don't participate.

So you'll be OK when HS rosters are down to 20 guys and 5-star recruits are playing offense, defense, and water boy?

"By choice, man..."

Allow parents to make these choices. If high school sports, or "in-classroom school," are that scary to you, do the virtual thing or just don't participate.

the issue is that its a county by county thing. some counties aren't offering virtual options while some are (most of the larger counties are since theyre not ready for schools to be packed and flooded within a month). also, its putting possible at risk people in harms way if Florida doesnt start to improve over the next month. a lot more goes into schooling other than kids (buses, administrators, staff, teachers, etc.)
Don't blame Trump blame Cuomooooo!!!! Right? Is that the talking point? Well someone should've actually explained it to Tallahassee then...

In the perfect world, the blame would be shared by everyone — Trump, governors, mayors, even ordinary citizens. The idea that this is red vs. blue, or that we can pin the blame on one person or party is beyond ridiculous.
In the perfect world, the blame would be shared by everyone — Trump, governors, mayors, even ordinary citizens. The idea that this is red vs. blue, or that we can pin the blame on one person or party is beyond ridiculous.



I’m not defending Trump, but plenty more people deserve blame.

Nobody denies that.

It's just hard when the person in the position that has the greatest impact...denies all blame...blames everyone else...and demonizes those in one party over the other, regardless of what they actually said or did.
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Some major points for the genius persons in here on Covid:
1. Most infectious respiratory disease known to mankind,,,by the way it has 25% HIV
2. A new virus,,, we flatten the curve to gives us time to decifer how to treat the virus . Its an RNA virus , means no cure
3. People are going to get sick, because some of you dont adhere to the preventive measures, Republicans. Getting sick is not the problem, its dying for the Democrats
4. Presently, 85% less deaths since May
5. Almost 40000 under 18 have caught virus, 7 have died or .0001%, 99.99 live
6. Lets play football, eventually it wont matter