Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

It won't if he was doing it to get Chaney 100 yards.
That would be worse. The only .00000000001% he has to save it to grow a pair and own it. He ****ed it up. Idgaf about 100 yards. Everyone in that **** stadium knew Chaney played **** good ball tonight.
This is worse than just scratching my head. This is breaking my ******* TV level incompetence.
Yea I broke my phone. Currently updating my old phone with my back up from the cloud. speechless, ****ed wondering how far Maria just set this program back. Every time I think “we’ve hit bottom…”
Oh shut up this guy ******* sucks as a coach. As long as he is coaching here, I hope he fails miserably.
Lol I wish we had the middle finger emoji back. You’re not a fan if you’re rooting against the program bro
It's really, really not.
In terms of who we lost to, no. No. But in terms of absolutely bat**** decision making. This genuinely has to go down as one of the dumbest, and I mean absolutely stupidest, gameday decisions ever to be made.
It's been a misery factory since 2015 and they've just made one of the worst trades in NFL history to guarantee the next two years will be worse. I've lost what luster I had for that franchise.
Tell me about it, traded away our good offense (CMC, Moore). Have had ****** coaching (Rhule, 3 Reich), Fitterer has been a disaster class, Tepper killed the culture, and lost any sense of identity and pride. On top of that we just accepted what might be the worst trade of all time.
I think we are truly cursed, there’s no other explanation. I mean we play down to competition every year and I don’t understand it. I would bring up who we played down to but I don’t want to rehash old horrible memories. I don’t get it, I don’t get how this game ended and I’m just speechless. It’s every year we see this happen. I just don’t know man.
Lol I wish we had the middle finger emoji back. You’re not a fan if you’re rooting against the program bro
I am rooting against this program after what I saw tonight. I’m only rooting for basketball and baseball. I could give two ***** about your middle finger emoji. You really want this ******* loser as your head coach?