Henry Gray

Lot of corners this year in Sofla alone...Plus rumors that the national kids (Lee, the Cali Kid, Ringo) and Jax kids will at least listen.

But in Sofla alone

Francois (CB/S)
Gray (Don't think he's coming)
Stanley (Slot)
(Maybe Ca. Holmes, no idea offense or defense at this point)

From here down no idea who we like will push for
Hodges (no idea if recruiting)
Royal (CB/S)
Co. Holmes
and others

I like Jahquez Robinson from Jacksonville. Pretty underrated as of now.

He came on Junior Day and we offered immediately

Also from Jacksonville: Fred Davis (very slim chances, Wiltfong cb today to Clemson and I think OSU is also involved) and Miles Brooks (I liked him but Ivins said that we evaluated him: he came to Paradise Camp and came back home without an offer)
I don't think people understand the whole reason behind all these ot of state offers opposed too our previous strategy of if they're local they have to be treated like we need them. It really is simple. #1 we have been neglecting superior or atleast top notch talent on a national level to go all in on kids who dont NEED us. Kids have loyalty to material first and foremost. So by us showing we are opening up our doors it puts local kids on notice that if they wanna string us along and play games that then their spot isn't secured. You wanna say you wanna stay home then you better commit. Otherwise we gonna move on without you. We've lost out on alot of elite talent because we wanna kiss these local hits asses. Fvck that. Either commit & help us build your class or roll the dice & wind up at Arkansas

Yep, I think that's also going to happen with current roster management. No more coddling of incumbents for fear of transfers or complaining. Competition everywhere. At least from what I've seen and what I think is different than prior admins.
I don't disagree that Gray may be a clout chaser but I don't feel that such and being elite are mutually exclusive. (I know the response will be that if he's elite the offers would have come anyways but kids these days want instant gratification, want to be recognized now.)

My point is he may be salivating for the big time offer and acts like a kid until he gets it but that doesn't make him not elite. I think he is elite.
i can respect that
This is best case scenario if your gonna loose a recruit. Better for him to do it now than to drag us out and then we get left with nothing. Wouldn't be surprised if the staff pressured him to jump back and when he said no they told him they were moving on. They mentioned that would be their approach.
I like Jahquez Robinson from Jacksonville. Pretty underrated as of now.

He came on Junior Day and we offered immediately

Also from Jacksonville: Fred Davis (very slim chances, Wiltfong cb today to Clemson and I think OSU is also involved) and Miles Brooks (I liked him but Ivins said that we evaluated him: he came to Paradise Camp and came back home without an offer)

Robinson seems underrated with rankings...but def not where it matters. Kid getting offered by everyone
This kid committed to us b/c we were his dream school, had Mike Jack as his twitter background, and I believe was calling Rumph or Mike Jack the goat. Now we aren't even in this top 5 lol. We should shot our shot with those top out of state corners and go all in on his teammate Harrell.
We will see how we recruit Duval County now that Hartley is gone

I agree Richt I believe also helped in Duval as he recruited while at Georgia...But yeah with our 2 senior Jax LB graduating, and Hartley leaving as well, not sure if it will be the lock it was for UM the last couple years. Crawley and Eguakan hurt.
Someone in my office cracked open a pop and it was pretty loud. So once I heard it I wandered up to the front and asked if people are cracking open beers now....great story I know. I need a beer or 7 now.
So you don’t recruit the best kids in your area? I understand if we was taking about a kid from the panhandle. But from Miami u keep recruiting. If you go the route y’all talking about you jeopardize relationships with coaches down here also. Unless it’s clear a guy is not coming then u push..and i always go the 9/10 route. But she only get a drink tops while I read the situation
Many of those coaches don't like us and steer their players away from Miami anyway. I'm not saying not to recruit kids like this but let's not pretend these coaches you refer to have good vibes with us either.
Lot of corners this year in Sofla alone...Plus rumors that the national kids (Lee, the Cali Kid, Ringo) and Jax kids will at least listen.

But in Sofla alone

Francois (CB/S)
Gray (Don't think he's coming)
Stanley (Slot)
(Maybe Ca. Holmes, no idea offense or defense at this point)

From here down no idea who we like will push for
Hodges (no idea if recruiting)
Royal (CB/S)
Co. Holmes
and others
Give me Pough, Harrell and Francois and I will be super pumped.
Give me Pough, Harrell and Francois and I will be super pumped.

I think Stanley will be in too as a nickle and returner...I think with Tennison that rounds out the DB class. The only slot I think will be iffy(If Pough is indeed coming like gogeta says) is Harrell...If he doesn't want in, then on to the next options.
I don't think people understand the whole reason behind all these ot of state offers opposed too our previous strategy of if they're local they have to be treated like we need them. It really is simple. #1 we have been neglecting superior or atleast top notch talent on a national level to go all in on kids who dont NEED us. Kids have loyalty to material first and foremost. So by us showing we are opening up our doors it puts local kids on notice that if they wanna string us along and play games that then their spot isn't secured. You wanna say you wanna stay home then you better commit. Otherwise we gonna move on without you. We've lost out on alot of elite talent because we wanna kiss these local hits asses. Fvck that. Either commit & help us build your class or roll the dice & wind up at Arkansas
What do you mean when you say need us
I like Jahquez Robinson from Jacksonville. Pretty underrated as of now.

He came on Junior Day and we offered immediately

Also from Jacksonville: Fred Davis (very slim chances, Wiltfong cb today to Clemson and I think OSU is also involved) and Miles Brooks (I liked him but Ivins said that we evaluated him: he came to Paradise Camp and came back home without an offer)

Trust me when I tell you Miles is not at all what you think he is .