Hard rock stadium is elite!

Hard Rock is definitely a more polished ****, much better than it was 5 years ago. It has a much better intimate feeling. With that said, the fans are no closer to the field and the site lines still suck.
Hard Rock is definitely a more polished ****, much better than it was 5 years ago. It has a much better intimate feeling. With that said, the fans are no closer to the field and the site lines still suck.

The fans are much closer to field. That was one of the main purposes of the renovations; moving the entire lower bowl closer to the field.
Loved Hard Rock last year, Canes games were incredible experience there. Be even better this year
Hard Rock is definitely a more polished ****, much better than it was 5 years ago. It has a much better intimate feeling. With that said, the fans are no closer to the field and the site lines still suck.


So, it's confirmed, you've never been there.

"Site lines suck" - another blowhard that's never been to a game.

I can't stop laughing - "site lines suck" - where do you people invent this shīt?

And yes, the fans are much closer to the field now
Hard Rock is definitely a more polished ****, much better than it was 5 years ago. It has a much better intimate feeling. With that said, the fans are no closer to the field and the site lines still suck.

Lol, with a post like this I guarantee you haven't been to the new stadium yet.
The only people who still complain about Hard Rock after the renovations are the people who don't go to games anyway. It's s huge improvement in atmosphere and game experience.
great place to see a game.

Although I went to the pats-fins game in January and was in the son the entire time. It was brutal.
I'd have to agree. If you don't actually enter the stadium, site line really sux

Yeah, they definitely suck when you're trying to watch a game from outside the stadium, but once you're inside, you can see the field pretty well, almost like you're really at the game.
Has anyone driven by here extremely s-l-o-w lately ?
Old school stadiums do not have the feature and facilities required to attract teams and events required for sporting venues to profit. As much as I cherish my memories in the venerable former Orange Bowl, they are just that, memories like my youth that I can't regain. The Rock will be embraced as the finest college game venue once we start putting foot in *** again.
OP having a broken clock moment. He's finally right. One of the best stadiums in college football. Anyone still longing for the OB wears beige no-brand sneakers.
one of the only reasons it is "great" is that it is under the NFL rule for serving alcohol.

The fact that it gets me drunk "in game" is pretty fuggin great.