Hangover Help!!

Not of any help to, but picked up these alka seltzer things with caffeine and codeine while on business over seas. Salopodeine or something like that. Blessed little fizzy pills. Other than that I’m with the bumps crowd. Stay after it, make some poor decisions and then tell us the story.

Go Canes!
Went to a wedding about 30 years ago in Boca with my best friend. I don't drink but he wanted me to, he had some wine already and feeling pretty good. Kept on bugging me to drink I said ok but only 151 and I'll buy. So I went up to the bartender and said one 151 and 1 water in the same type of shot glass. After 6 of them he was all F up. Puked all over the bar room. I had a great time that night a story to remember, him not so much sick as a dog.
@JBCanes-NC drinks multiple handles of Popov daily and I’ve never heard him complain about hangovers so he must have some good suggestions....

@Dr.L.ThugU pretends to be a scotch snob and pretends to drink expensive shiit all the time but he mostly just drinks Zima.
Goody’s, crushed up aspirin, ibuprofen and caffeine in powder form. Get the flavored kind.

Semper Canes!!!
@JBCanes-NC drinks multiple handles of Popov daily and I’ve never heard him complain about hangovers so he must have some good suggestions....

@Dr.L.ThugU pretends to be a scotch snob and pretends to drink expensive shiit all the time but he mostly just drinks Zima.
@JBCanes-NC doesn't get hangovers cause he simply never stops drinking..simple.

As for you , funny that Mr.WineCooler who thinks Mike's Hard Lemonade is the strong stuff is taking about Zimas...
@JBCanes-NC doesn't get hangovers cause he simply never stops drinking..simple.

As for you , funny that Mr.WineCooler who thinks Mike's Hard Lemonade is the strong stuff is taking about Zimas...
Did I hurt your feelings you degenerate drunk? Do you put a lime in your Zima?
Hardly....if you weren’t so busy campaigning for Elizabeth Warren you would know better
@FlatlandCane told me this is a pic of you and he never lies
Bananas, nuts, & avocado are supposed to be better then eggs apparently; Tea, beans, coconut water, also soups are good too [Google]. All foods that are recommended to help anyone that may help anyone from vomiting with a stomach bug. I've learned to only get drink to a point of being comfortable; The only times I puked was the first time I got drunk from beer plus smoking together the first time & chugging warm sake, which I guess is meant to sip from the little cup.

If the buzz/drunk feeling goes away I drink less often throughout the day/occasion. Liquors my always go to if I do drink; Most don't realize, as far as I know there is no beer that can be mixed with - juice or soda. Captain Morgan I never liked too much as that's the only rum that goes with cola/caffeine.. Going to give some advice as I have siblings that just drink all day.

No one realizes all the light beers at high school and college parties is the most consumed alcohol.. But if someone was to chug a bunch of water to hydrate during the summer, I know myself I don't constantly run to the toilet to **** after the heat simmers down; Some beers are more carbonated with bubbles that pop like soap bubbles aka Coca cola has once a year special flavors that advertise real cane sugar. Diet caffeinated even more processed sugars are poison for the brain no matter who it is, after too much diet colas. Juice flavored sodas are barely carbonated.

"Once the seal breaks with beer inside the body; The involvement of beer deteriorates the organs at a accelerated rate. But hey, the united states is still one of the most obese - according to populace countries in the world, plus.. All these gyms offer beach body/after the school year is over - discount memberships; Plus all the photo altered social media douches.. Then the honest ones are body shamed, even if the person just dealt with pregnancy and child birth."

Greasy food used to be stated by the morning/late news segments to be the best hangover cure foods; Its easy to see why though. Its the cheapest to make like how there are fast food chains littered along every street that has a dense population. McDonalds serve processed egg based meals at all the ones I know of - Dunkin Donuts used to be almost just bagels, donuts, butter, cream cheese.