Golden going at blake

What I'm getting at is very simple. This isn't 1986. Golden and/or his agent have Google. So either he finds the articles and asks about them in his interview, or POSSIBLY people at UM knew more of the specifics, and did not volunteer that information. However, THAT would be hard to prove. If you then follow down the pathway of "nobody knew all of the bombshells that Nevin had", then UM and Golden had equal access to the knowledge.

I simply find it hard to believe that Golden has EVIDENCE (maybe a suspicion, but not evidence) that UM knew more than they let on to him.
Didn’t Folden accept an extension several months after the initial contract? If he felt so lied to then why’d he agree to an extension?
Don't be so quick for praising Golden and thinking this mess will quickly help us get rid of Blake James

Intentionally strengthening your opponents case in ANY lawsuit is not in your best interest....and firing Blake would bolster Golden's case

Think about it :unsure: ....

Getting rid of Blake ANYTIME BEFORE the results of Golden's suit is determined will actually strengthen Golden's case against the University:oops: .....SO the University will avoid getting rid of Blake anytime before the outcome of the actually this lawsuit will make Blake untouchable for a while :eek:

Unfortunately, I doubt this case will be settled anytime in the near future.....and the only way it impacts Blake is after this suit settled or he's leaves voluntarily....

So thanks AL !! ..

so mad.gif

He is still F*cking us ........that A-hole is a gift that keeps on giving
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Amen brother! That’s exactly where am too! Cue the Alfred scene from the dark knight “some men just want to watch the world burn” exactly how I feel about UM now.
You know that scene where the Joker burns money? That's how I feel about UM now.

After today's events with Golden, makes me lick my chops that these may be true.
Didn't think would ever take Golden's side again but James' got to go. School give extensions when I should not, then fires coaches and cheeps out of by out. Randy had to sue too.
Never in a million years would I thought I would ever be in agreement with AL Folden on anything, but yet here we are...

Anything that helps get Blake James fired is GREAT for the program.

I hate that human sack of laundry more than I hate the Gaytors & if you know how much I hate the Gaytes you know it's real...

Blake James is the worst thing to happen to this program, I never wish evil on anyone, except him.
Never in a million years would I thought I would ever be in agreement with AL Folden on anything, but yet here we are...

Anything that helps get Blake James fired is GREAT for the program.

I hate that human sack of laundry more than I hate the Gaytors & if you know how much I hate the Gaytes you know it's real...

Blake James is the worst thing to happen to this program, I never wish evil on anyone, except him.