Geo on twitter

When all is said and done...I hope that they find some way to keep Larry Scott on. He may not want to stay but it would be the class move to make him the offer. He did a **** of a job over the last two months.
If the letters "O" and "C" appear anywhere after James Coley's name going forward I'm starting a Fire Richt thread.

Coley and Onfrio make up the worst pair of coordinators in the country. They BOTH were a huge PART of the problem. On top of that he's a ******* Seminole who's only here because Jimbo knew enough to NOT give him the opportunity to call plays.

Wipe the slate clean. All the garbage needs to go.
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If the letters "O" and "C" appear anywhere after James Coley's name going forward I'm starting a Fire Richt thread.

Coley and Onfrio make up the worst pair of coordinators in the country. They BOTH were a huge PART of the problem. On top of that he's a ****ing Seminole who's only here because Jimbo knew enough to NOT give him the opportunity to call plays.

Wipe the slate clean. All the garbage needs to go.

If it does it wont mean anything except an extra title for the Recruiter/QB Coach ...everybody already know Richt will be handling the playcalling duties.
It seemed to me that what Jimbo did when he started as HC was to load his staff with recruiters then once he got in a lot of talent and got the ball rolling with recruits he replaced assistants with better coaching/developers although maybe not as good in recruiting. I wonder if Richt will do something similar.
One of our staff writers at the HS games tonight. Trob is there chatting heavy with canes...

I can comfortably say we won't be seeing Mark D'Onofrio and Paul Williams in the Gables anymore. What a time to be alive....

Richt doing one on one meetings with staff today. Coach Coley to be offered some type of role...

Just something being passed along.. Hearing Coley talk with Richt not so well....


Those were two different tweets guys....maybe Coley was offered a role that he didn't like and things ended up not going well?

Geo would be well-served to bone up on his writing skills if he wants to be a writer or blogger or whatever he is. His communication skills are rudimentary at best. He's a nice kid, but I have trouble understanding anything he writes.
It seemed to me that what Jimbo did when he started as HC was to load his staff with recruiters then once he got in a lot of talent and got the ball rolling with recruits he replaced assistants with better coaching/developers although maybe not as good in recruiting. I wonder if Richt will do something similar.

SMH another guy who thinks we need three years to "build it back up".

We won 8 games this year with the worst, most amateur coaching staff I've ever seen. We need teachers here, real coaches. The obsession with bag men corches and "Recruiters" is so bizarre.
It seemed to me that what Jimbo did when he started as HC was to load his staff with recruiters then once he got in a lot of talent and got the ball rolling with recruits he replaced assistants with better coaching/developers although maybe not as good in recruiting. I wonder if Richt will do something similar.

Seriously? Thank God your not Coach Richt
One thing for sure, Coley should not call plays. So why should he stay? To recruit? That should be his job. Same job he had at FSU. Or gone.
Geo's long post about Butch coming was completely false in many of its facts. Either he has bad sources or he makes stuff up. As for Ferman he was spot on as regards his reporting this time.
Everyone saying that Coley only is good for recruiting I just think are wrong. He was pretty good at the beginning of games because the plays were mostly scripted. And the job of an OC that doesn't call plays is also to gameplan. The gameplanning aspect might just be what he is better at. Now I'm not saying I want him here still, although he really is great for recruiting.

My choice is Ken Dorsey as OC. Its the perfect option. Most everyone was saying they didn't want to have Dorsey here because he has no play calling experience. Well guess what, If he comes here as OC, he can teach the Qbs along with Richt, and be involved in the gameplanning and all that, and eventually Richt might hand over play calling duties to him.
So are you hearing that Coley will be offered a role but the conversation didn't go so well?
Yeah that wasn't very clear. Whatever it meant, it wouldn't totally surprise me to see Coley retained if Richt is going to call plays and be the QB coach. That would basically render Coley to recruiter status.

I think Coley leaves and goes on to do well at a smaller school as the OC.

He's not very good at play calling, but he's a QB whisperer. A good QB at a MAC team, for example, is a game changer.

QB whisperer?? Bruh, lol....Stephen Morris went from Heisman and O'Brien watch to not being drafted in the NFL after Fisch left and Coley stepped in. Kaaya should be much further along in his skill set, right now. What makes Kaaya great is that he's succeeding despite poor coaching. Coley is a kiss of death.
If the head coach is calling plays their must be an OC on staff. The Head Coach can't just work with the offense. During the week the OC runs the offensive side of the ball and during the game the HC calls the plays
Watch out for Chris Weinke as QB/OC.

Head coaches that call plays like to hire guys that played for them.

Weinke is with the Rams as QB coach and has huge connections to IMG.
I was previously a fan of keeping Coley if we got an offensive coach. I thought it would help Coley develop more, plus we could keep Coley and his unique skillset of finding Qbs. Unfortunately for Coley, Richt has no trouble finding his own Qbs. Coley is still a good recruiter and good qb finding insurance, but not as necessary as before with Richt on board.