Tears Gator Tears

I cant play much basketball, but I'll win free throw shooting competitions.
How’d the needle emg go?

It wasn’t bad.Looks like it may mostly being caused by carpal tunnel (sp) with the pinched nerve a part of it.Have to see the Dr on Wednesday but if It’s that and not a ne k thing I’ll be one happy old man.

Surgery for that is a lot better than messing around with my neck but appreciate you asking.

Why in the name of all that is holy would ANYONE and that includes down to the cheerleaders would anyone commit to that racist dumpster fire of a program.

Just goes to show the stupity and lack of guidance some of these kids get from their parents and guidance people.All you can do is shake your head and tell the kid you’re getting what you asked for so don’t come whining when you find out that your dream school turns out to be nothing but a nightmare.
Maybe this one? It's from the movie Oblivion.

#OblivionSmokesFoolsFast ???

I keep thinking of a line from the song Boyz in the Hood: “I just smoke motherfûckers like it ain’t no thing...”

#OblivionSmokesMFersLikeItAintNoThing ???

#OblivionSmokesMFersFast ???

#OblivionSmokesMother****ersFast ???
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