Tears Gator Tears

There can't be any "negative recruiting" against those jerkoffs. Just show their own statements to recruits, ON VIDEO, and allow them to decide for themselves what is going on. Massive difference there. Not surprising those inbred mongoloids can't understand that. A verbatim quote from your own coach does not constitute "negative recruiting," that's the leader of your organization personally slandering his employer.

I just hope this doesn't in any way abnegate the buyout clause and turn into "cause."
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So why aren't there performance clauses in these contracts? Coaches get a golden parachute, that's pretty standard for top executives, but why don't schools do anything at all to protect themselves? Like if he wins 5 games with the talent he's got you'd think you'd be able to fire the guy for being incompetent. I mean whatever, it's hilarious, but I hope we have a way out if our next coach starts to suck.

fsu shouldn't be looking to ditch jumbo because they won't find a better coach, but if they wanted to it would cost them $40 million...and that's just for him not the assistants. Seems like these contracts are a bit one sided. This needs to change. Right after McSharkfcker gets done raping uf on his way out.

Why would any coach agree to a performance clause? These coaches associations and big time agents would never allow that. These Universities agreed to buyouts to keep really good coaches from jumping ship to other institutions and in response these agents wanting to keep a free market system asked for some recourse if the opposite occurred an a coach under-preformed. That established a market that can never be undone.

If UM or any other school tired to have a coach agree to performance incentives they would just get the finger and the coach would find many more opportunities at places that wouldn't include such clause. All it would do is give that institution a bad reputation in a tight knight coaching community as not being fair brokers. These big time agents and coaches have too much power.

Moreover in the event that Universities all agreed to insert performance clauses in their contracts, that would be ground for collusion and they would get sued.
That ***** didn't receive a single death threat, it's just more of his woe is me bull**** he's trotted out every single year when he's co me under fire. So let me get this straight...you receive death threats and are sok bothered by it you feel the need to mention it at a press conference in response to a question about the teams performance but you're not bothered enough by the threats to go to the police? GTFO. Then when pressed for more details he tells the reporters to drop it. Well why did you bring it up to begin with if you doknt want to discuss it other than to get sympathy points? What a fake, corny ****. Words can't express how much I loathe this soft .

Thomas Goldkamp criticized him for bringing it up and then not wanting to discuss it.

HAHAHAHA. Their own paid Baghdad Bob stooges are ****ting on this clown. Please, every force in the universe, allow this clown to keep corching forever at UiF. This just keeps getting better

It's already come out that the admin asked him for more details and he didn't provide any. So he's either lying or willfully blowing off his bosses. If he's not lying then he's putting his own family and players in harms way by not taking this to the police. The university should force him to provide evidence of all these threats or fire his pathetic *** from bringing all this negative attention to the school and fanbase. He's ******* pathetic using fake death threats to distract away from his suckage.

This is better than the time he ****ed that shark.
gator5 766 posts 69 minutes ago via Mobile
This is getting way out of control there’s no way mac will be allowed to just say he doesn’t want to talk about it! They are also painting a division between Mac and the department.. what a cluster uck.. if I wake in the morning and we have a press conference scheduled I will not at all be surprised.. not saying it’s a firing like I wish but it’s going to have to be addressed tomorrow ASAP.
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gator5 766 posts 69 minutes ago via Mobile
This is getting way out of control there’s no way mac will be allowed to just say he doesn’t want to talk about it! They are also painting a division between Mac and the department.. what a cluster uck.. if I wake in the morning and we have a press conference scheduled I will not at all be surprised.. not saying it’s a firing like I wish but it’s going to have to be addressed tomorrow ASAP.
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Here's the screenshot...

Id appreciate if someone familiar with the law and/or contracts could chime in. If it turns out he was lying about the death threats, which at this point appears very possible, would that be cause for UF to terminate him and not have to pay the buyout?
Please NCAA Football baby Jesus... make Randy Shannon the next turds head coach.

That would be epic. Fire Mac now, hire an interim in Randy. Maybe he can pull off a couple wins and the admin signs him to an extension
Id appreciate if someone familiar with the law and/or contracts could chime in. If it turns out he was lying about the death threats, which at this point appears very possible, would that be cause for UF to terminate him and not have to pay the buyout?

First, it is hard to comment without seeing the actual contract. Second, I would imagine that it will be VERY difficult to prove that his statements are lies. A death threat could be verbal, there might not be any proof one way or the other.

Finally, it would also depend on whether there is any language on disparagement. Even if UF could not prove that McSharkfvcker is lying, they could claim that his statements are disparaging the school and fans and harming the recruiting efforts.

This incident MAY be the one that leads UF to decide they need to get rid of him and pay whatever it takes, but I highly doubt that UF has "cause" sufficient to avoid the buyout, at least at this point.

This is very interesting, and is worth monitoring. I highly doubt that McSharkfvcker regains control of the team, the season, or the next recruiting class.
Id appreciate if someone familiar with the law and/or contracts could chime in. If it turns out he was lying about the death threats, which at this point appears very possible, would that be cause for UF to terminate him and not have to pay the buyout?

First, it is hard to comment without seeing the actual contract. Second, I would imagine that it will be VERY difficult to prove that his statements are lies. A death threat could be verbal, there might not be any proof one way or the other.

Finally, it would also depend on whether there is any language on disparagement. Even if UF could not prove that McSharkfvcker is lying, they could claim that his statements are disparaging the school and fans and harming the recruiting efforts.

This incident MAY be the one that leads UF to decide they need to get rid of him and pay whatever it takes, but I highly doubt that UF has "cause" sufficient to avoid the buyout, at least at this point.

This is very interesting, and is worth monitoring. I highly doubt that McSharkfvcker regains control of the team, the season, or the next recruiting class.

You're right. I'm sure Mac's attorneys can piece together some tweets by yahoos wishing ill on McElwain. Thank god that technically being "true," while also exaggerated wildly will not give them an out. This keeps getting better.
What a . I bet bill bellicheck gets death threats from rabid fans. I know its wrong, but it kind of goes with being a public figure. There are some wackos out there.