Tears Gator Tears


I don't want a eulogy at my funeral. I just wanted random pages of Gator Tears to be read aloud. I may have to amend that request to make sure that a large portion of those pages come from the last few months of this thread.

For some reason The Battle Hymn of the Republic often plays in my head when I read this glorious ****!
I will say this if they go back to Ruiz and ask if the deal is on the table then Ruiz needs to tell them No… that deal has long passed. This is your deal now if you want it…

If somehow he comes back to Miami you know they’re gonna say we were behind it all and did things dirty.

Do I want him? Not now… I’d rather go after Lagway who has to be like “fu*k this place”
All ruiz and co. has to say is that his money has gone elsewhere after his decommitment, but they do have X available. He is still a quality prospect, I get the being about money talk.. but Alex Collins still made it to the league.. and pops is going to be thousands of miles away once he steps on campus. Bargain bin hunting is never a bad idea.
Boi film was not impressive to me. I want either production or someone with talent who didnt perform because of none football reason but u may take a chance on them if you vet and think a new environment will bring out the potential. High school rankings are irrelevant when you been in college for years and available to play.
U go to zero star till I see you in a game in college. Cfb speed is different and a wider jump then college to the NFL imo. U can be excited for a high star prospect but u see it immediately in college after the first half of year one. U will know if u got a stud or a scrub or someone over rated or under rated