Tears Gator Tears

Aight @RVACane cap the number of folks im up against at 20 and ill double down that if i lose, ill rock a diff avi for 3 days each which would be about 2 months if we have 20 folks in.


In @RVACane
I made a singular one week one on one bet. Anything else is between other posters and @flagator86

i don’t think people can just jump into a bet without the other side agreeing. So it seemed to me people were just volunteering to put up their av with no return because if he lost he was going to have to wear whatever I picked for a week anyway. If he wants to graciously take on another few days of bad av for each poster, that’s his call.

If will be funny if he wins though and like 49% of this board had a Gator av for a week lol. This will be UF south!

I’ll be calling in sick for my week…I’ll just blame it on the mayo and cheese …..everyone will understand
It needs to be equitable. It can’t be a 1 week vs 60 day ban on our board. I think we should stick to the week - otherwise if he has to risk 60 days then I will… and that’s still to long of a punishment time. Meanwhile I don’t see you on the bet list. 👀
I agree. And it’s not fair for me to agree to 60 days now, when the possibility of Florida finishing high in the recruiting rankings is known to be much lower than when the bet was made. I appreciate flagator being willing to take his punishment and being a good sport, but that’s like extending the punishment in the fourth quarter of a blowout.
So now that some of the gaytes are accepting that their new staph sucks, is 24/7 going to finally issue an update to their rankings from January that had their staph as an A+ best new staff in the nation while Miami was a C I think and was said to Need Improvement or reevaluation at a later date?

"MaRiO waS onLY hiRIng coFiDAntS FRoM oREgOn!'

"NaPiEr bRouGhT THe bEsT G5 cOacHiNG sTAff fROm ULL. 2 OL corcHeS? WHY NOT?" Is what they told us.



I might be different than most but even if I didn't want Napier hired I would want to give him a chance and would reserve judgement until after season 1. seems crazy to be so negative now that he is there already.
Click on your name in the upper right, click on account details, then you'll see your avatar. Click on that to change it.

I'm thinking a picture of Jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt, because it says you're formal, but you like to party too.

I am thinking that @AUcane has a large photo library of attractive ladies from me to choose from!
Sorry folks, I had to share this breaking news out of Hogtown-adjacent Jacksonville...

I will bet every last dime I own that this chicken-killer is a Gaytor fan...although, sadly, he neglected to mention Chick Fil-A...

Check out this thread on gator forum
U won’t regret it
I think anyone can read it
Pure gold

I did have to admire and respect this post, though:


And this guy. I guess one good post out of every 1,859 is a good ratio, right?

Sorry folks, I had to share this breaking news out of Hogtown-adjacent Jacksonville...

I will bet every last dime I own that this chicken-killer is a Gaytor fan...although, sadly, he neglected to mention Chick Fil-A...

Yep…. He has PTSD, the gamecocks have beaten them on the trail for a couple gaytor locks. I’m pretty sure he confused the rooster for a gamecock. I hope he doesn’t live near any pet bulldogs.
Im getting confused. I thought it was only for a week. If we leave it at that, the more Canes, the merrier for you. @Cryptical Envelopment help me help him. This would be a lot of avi’s too but we can’t bet a week while you’re at risk for 2 months. Lol

Oh noooo. If I win, everyone involved ONLY has to do a Gator avi for ONE week.

If I lose, i rock a diff avi for 3 days for a total of two months

OK, OK, this particular set of screenshots has reminded me of something MASSIVELY hypocritical about the Gaytors...

For DECADES, the Bull Gaytors have been one of the cheating-est bunch of alums in the SEC. The Gaytors were put on probation in the 1980s for paying recruits. Even 6 months ago, the Gaytor porsters were BRAGGING about setting up Harold Perkins' mama with a no-show job at Shands and free Hogtown housing for the family.

And suddenly...SUDDENLY...they are one of sixteen Vestal virgins? They have SUDDENLY been overtaken with morals and scruples and guidelines and principles? SUDDENLY, the Bank of Hogtown Bribery is closed for business? We are supposed to believe that 70 years of alums, 70 years of boosters, an entire academic administration, AND an entire Athletic Department were swapped out recently, and nobody knows about it?

What kind of fvcked up WestWorld Season 3 plot is this? Have thousands of Gaytor alums, boosters, and administrators been replaced by robot hosts who refuse to violate the NCAA rules?

It's bull (Gaytor) sheeeeeit. BULLSH!TE. It is one of the most massive and monstrous of all the Gaytor lies. They had NO CONCERNS when they were (falsely) told that the Gaytor Collective had the money to compete with any other NIL program. No Gaytor fan said ANYTHING. They chortled when they imagined the (soon-to-come) day when Billy and his Army and his NIL Collective were going to stuff mid-coach Mario Cristobal in lockers all over Florida.

But now, just a couple of months into the disastrous Slingblade Billy Gaypier tenure, SUDDENLY the scales have fallen from the Gaytor eyes. NOW they finally see the truth, that it was "playing by the rules" that is to blame. It's not Sunbelt Billy and his G5 Staph. Nope, it's those evil replacement Gaytor alums, boosters, and administrators who have flipped the switch from "Gaytors break every rule" to "we love NCAA regulations and would never think to violate them".


Oh, and @Baba Yaga , while you're at it, can you take the Cripple Fight scene from South Park and replace Jimmy & Timmy's heads with Prison Mike and Sunbelt Billy's heads? Thanks in advance, I'll hang up and listen.
haha. Oh I know how..Im just too lazy and never gave a **** LOL. The big green "W" that was auto given to me was just fine for me. Im a simple man. Gonna be weird not seeing the big "C" next to you. Great avi though.

You're just lucky to have a big green W. What if your name was LaterburyCane?