Tears Gator Tears

Oh boy… I’ve been buried in re-drafting someone’s shîtty land contract for hours and open the board finally and see multiple pages! **** I’m behind but it’ll be a long and glorious night as I leave the office now to fulfill my obligations here.

Honey, there’ll be no fûcking tonight.
Cats, there’ll be no time for catnip.

This is what we’re here for. 😻
Woah woah woah @RVACane ! Take it easy! There’s always time for ******! Pause! We can wait 2 mins! Go knock her out😂😂😂😂😂
calm down al pacino GIF
Whe uf was rich and we were poor there wasn’t anyone up there wondering what was wrong with people. There wasn’t anything wrong with choosing based on facilities and money when they thought they were on top. Now all the kids are morally bankrupt for wanting money. It always surprises me how some people are allowed to put money first and others are seen as greedy.
Whe uf was rich and we were poor there wasn’t anyone up there wondering what was wrong with people. There wasn’t anything wrong with choosing based on facilities and money when they thought they were on top. Now all the kids are morally bankrupt for wanting money. It always surprises me how some people are allowed to put money first and others are seen as greedy.
People never have a problem with money until they are the ones who aren't getting it
I’ve seen this before… now the bags are the de facto reason why Miami will get recruits. They will spin spin, but never realize it isn’t just the bag, it’s Mario. It wasn’t just the bag, it was Saban, Urban, Day, or Dabo. You need an elite recruiter as well.
If this were a different thread I’d point out that we used to say the same sh*t. Luckily it’s not, so I’ll just sit back and enjoy the rationalization.
For a guy that "quit" being a board insider over there, that Quejay guy sure does post quite a bit. I'm surprised he has time since he owns like 15 chik-fil-a's
What? I actually looked into investing into a chick fil a with a couple buddies. There’s literally no way he owns 15 chick fil a’s. Lmao at them believing that dude.