Tears Gator Tears

Future headlines:

“UF in contact with 5 Star Chaney”
“5 Star Chaney will visit Gainesville”
“4 Star Chaney cancels visit, sticks with UM”

You forgot

“Florida cancels visit with 4 star Chaney, he’s not a take”

Florida fans are like the employees that know they’re about to get fired, but scream “l quit” at the same time so they can tell everyone they left, not that they got fired.
You forgot

“Florida cancels visit with 4 star Chaney, he’s not a take”

Florida fans are like the employees that know they’re about to get fired, but scream “l quit” at the same time so they can tell everyone they left, not that they got fired.
And then they can’t claim unemployment because they quit and so they try to backtrack and change the story.
Quote from Mullet re: the gator 2nd scrimmage:

"When there are a lot of (missed assignments) and broken plays it’s hard to coach," Mullen said. "You get out of weird situations and weird things happen. We had a lot less missed tackles, which is good because you have to be careful with how much you tackle just with player safety."

If you say so...

What the **** is he even saying?
What the **** is he even saying?

Seriously I had to read it again like 3 times. At first I thought he was saying how he was happy there were missed tackles because guys won't get hurt if there's no contact!? Honestly still don't get what he really was trying to say. With the injuries, transfers, bad PR, dude doesn't know which way is up right now.
Fvck em. We roll on 8/24!

It's always the same crap with these guys. There's a cycle when it comes to playing a game against the gator, particularly among their fans. It has typically gone something like this over the years.

6 Months Out: "Miami has no chance. We have [insert number] starters returning from last year's team and [insert QB name] will tear up that overrated Miami defense that played nobody (omit the stats showing how good our defense actually was). [Insert Miami coach name] is overrated and will be another flop while our coach [insert overrated UF coach name] is going to take us back to the national championship! [Insert meaningless bowl win/loss] shows that we're going to win! Nothing to worry about at all, we roll by three touchdowns. Won't even be a competition, game over by half."

3 Months out: "I've been looking at the Miami boards and they're delusional (ignore own UF homer delusion). [Insert overrated UF QB name] had an amazing spring and coach [insert the latest savior coach's name] said that he didn't have a bad day. Miami's QB is garbage. New OC, New OL, they have no chance (ignore LSU 2018). [Insert overrated QB and RB names] are going to tear up that Miami defense. We roll by two touchdowns!"

Gameday: "This is going to be a great Florida win. Miami will be a good team long term, but in the short term, they're screwed. This will be a marquee win for [insert savior coach's name]! This win will start our road to the college football playoff (omit roster issues that prevent that from ever happening). Miami will keep this game close for a while then Florida will roll. No worries, we win comfortably."

Half Time: "This Miami team is playing out of their minds! No way they can keep this up in the second half. Our experience and [insert savior coach's name] adjustments will help us pull away in the second. How is [insert overrated QB's name] playing so bad!?! How can Miami's defense actually have a pulse??? This will be a great hard-fought win for our schedule. No worries."

After Loss: "Miami didn't win that game, we lost it. If [insert overrated QB name] hadn't turned the ball over [insert # of turnovers] we would've won. If Miami hadn't gotten that lucky PI in the fourth we would've won easy. Fluke win, we would beat them 9 out of 10 times. This was the tenth time. They suck and will collapse as the season goes on. Better we lose now and go to the playoff than win and do nothing."

1-Month after the end of the Season: "Miami beat one of the worst Florida teams of all time. We had [insert number of injuries that happened after our game] and that killed our season. If we played again, we'd win by 40. (Continue having an arrogant attitude as if you've beaten Miami more than once since 1985).

The cycle goes on and on.

Gators making up fake tweets now. Trying to put dirt on JW

Yeah, Rylee shows when she ACTUALLY tweeted that line (referring to a completely different situation, of course), but Gaytor fans will still chase this one around as if it were true.
