FSU wanting to Clapback

Clapback = Dance Off

I never mentioned this before because I didn't want to get made fun of, but I have a friend on fsu's staff. He just sent me this enactment of Willie's revenge plan. Can somebody forward this to Manny so he doesn't get fooled by it?

I had to throw away a fresh pair of Adidas when Brevin caught this TD pass, because I jumped on top of a table and started dancing, in which my shoes ended up being drenched in wing sauce, blue chz, and ranch. They looked like a big *** hot wing. Lol

This is just a little taste of what Brevin brings. Having been around him a few times, btw, not a nicer nor more gentlemanly kid on the roster.
If you don't know what clapback means, why would you assume it's a word that is used in the hood? Also, what exactly is speaking hood?

You must know because, there’s no chance you grew up middle (or higher) class, and no chance your *** didn’t grow up in the hood. 😉
Let's see, it's Willie and F$U so I'm guessing a failed attempt at liquid heat in jock straps, or misinterpretation of a panty raid and he and his players run around with our players dirty underwear on their heads.