FSU looking at Willie Taggart to replace Jimbo

King Slayer

Nov 23, 2014

I know, I know, Taggart sucks and nobody wanted him here like nobody wanted Chip. He hasn't won a championship etc etc.

Now that is out of the way, I wanted Jimbo to stay because he doesn't really recruit S.Florida as much anymore. Taggart will and can recruit down here. He is also a pretty good coach.
your point is noteworthy but bring on taggart. Jumbo is a good coach and winning recruits itself.

I don't think taggart would be able to sustain the success that jumbo has had there and would fall off, allowing us to remain on top
Jimbo is a much better coach than Taggert. Downgrade for FSU if this happens.

As far recruiting Taggert is more known in the Tampa area, where is originally from.
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your point is noteworthy but bring on taggart. Jumbo is a good coach and winning recruits itself.

I don't think taggart would be able to sustain the success that jumbo has had there and would fall off, allowing us to remain on top

I doubt Taggart leaves Oregon. He would have way more time to fix Oregon then he would FSU. Oregon fans aren't going to be demanding to be in championship contention by year 3 like FSU fans would. Not only that but he would basically be doing a Lane Kiffin move which could be career suicide plus it not like he isn't recruiting well. Oregon's class is ranked 6th right now. Not to mention, the PAC12 is trash and would be the easiest rout to relevance.
your point is noteworthy but bring on taggart. Jumbo is a good coach and winning recruits itself.

I don't think taggart would be able to sustain the success that jumbo has had there and would fall off, allowing us to remain on top

I doubt Taggart leaves Oregon. He would have way more time to fix Oregon then he would FSU. Oregon fans aren't going to be demanding to be in championship contention by year 3 like FSU fans would. Not only that but he would basically be doing a Lane Kiffin move which could be career suicide plus it not like he isn't recruiting well. Oregon's class is ranked 6th right now. Not to mention, the PAC12 is trash and would be the easiest rout to relevance.
this is the truth! He made commitments to that AD. If he bounced after year one, considering the mess when he started, he would show ZERO loyalty to a program that STOOD BY HIM. He can't leave yet. I think they go for a Strong or Pruitt.
I wonder how Phil Knight would feel about a Nike school taking his coach. Especially at this point in the cycle
Bold move to walk away from Phil Knight, that $ and a school with WAY less pressure and more time to get things right, especially after one year. VERY risky.

Good coach, not better than Jimbo IMO from a pure coaching aspect but would likely bring an elite group of recruiters to FSU. The class Oregon is set to sign in February is their best class ever probably on paper. He has turned programs around, nothing to be afraid of though. I’d imagine Leavitt would leave Oregon with him for FSU and he’d probably snag Larry Scott since he likely won’t return to Tennessee.
Considering the flood demand for the TN and gator jobs, I wonder if 3 or 4 of noles choices turn them down too. That would be rich. In then end it is still what we do that will determine everyone's fate, not the coach they pick. If The U is back, and I think we are, then all these jobs are meaningless. Everyone will be trying to slip up and snatch a NC here or there, even Bama. Once we get rolling only the university administration can stop us. Remember the Pell grant thing was a administrator not the football team.
Taggart is overated as ****. Dude was getting close to being fired at usf until winky saved his ***.
Jimbo using A&M to get him and his asst. more money.Have a feeling he ain’t going anywhere...jmo