Wake going for 2 in the 2nd quarter might come back to haunt them. Stupid decision if this game ends up going to OT
I'm serious, somebody needs to get to [MENTION=1396]blackvern[/MENTION]'s trailer right away and remove all sharp objects or anything else he could use to harm himself
Honestly wouldn't mind if Diaz just went single high safety, had the DBs play press man and play the short routes hard, and blitz his *** off and just make sure the RBs are covered out of the backfield.
Just put as much pressure as possible on the QB early, and don't give him easy short passes.
If we get after this kid the way we did Francois last year he won't last 1 half.
Honestly wouldn't mind if Diaz just went single high safety, had the DBs play press man and play the short routes hard, and blitz his *** off and just make sure the RBs are covered out of the backfield.
Just put as much pressure as possible on the QB early, and don't give him easy short passes.
If we get after this kid the way we did Francois last year he won't last 1 half.

I agree. I thought Norton, D-Jax and McIntosh were going out of their way to hurt him. They apply the same approach next Saturday, I'm convinced that they'll put him out for the year.
Another reason I want them to lose is even though it's Miami, if these clowns are 0-3 there will be a lot of their fans staying home. StubHub prices have already been dropping, actually less than what I paid through the Hurricane Club in the same section. We need to make dat biach our house!!
Hope Walton is healthy, because no way that D can hold up for 4 quarters with how bad that O is.
Tuberville is why I'm watching this game at all.

He is absolutely ****ting on every play.