Follow-up to a story I mentioned in my long post

Anybody with a brain knew what the Ed reed deal was. I want more analysts but they won’t solve any big picture problems. Alonzo wouldn’t have changed much on the field but both Manny and Blake both knew Alonzo would’ve sniffed out that are in above there head.

Ed has quietly had a big impact with the players WHEN he gets a chance to talk with them. Which is why it would have been great to have him (and/or Alonzo) at the Hecht all week, not just on the weekends.

We can't be mad at Ed (not saying you are, just generally), the blame is all on Blake/Manny for thinking that a "Weekend Ed" job role was the last piece of the puzzle, and that "Seven Day Alonzo" was going to get them exposed.

Here we are, less than two years later, and both are exposed and both are (nearly) fired. Fugg 'em. At least Manny is coaching like a guy with terminal cancer, but both Blake and Manny were overmatched for their jobs.
Exactly, this is why what Herbstreit and College Gameday did on live national tv was GREAT.

I don’t know if anything happens without that type of public backlash.
That was the best thing to happen to this University but when I type that on this post I ask myself, can an Administration that values their public perception more so than actual losses really capable of fixing this **** show? I have been to a Football event, on campus. with Frenk and I can tell you he does not care about our football program, and now he’s pretending to care a little and willing move the needle, to clean things up. Kudos, I guess. We could get lucky but I doubt it.
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Aside from filling in Lake Osceola or just using Hecht and Stanford as support towers for a mega stadium in the this point where would you put the on campus stadium?

First, it was a joke, though I am a HUGE fan of an on-campus stadium. However, even I will admit that the new dorm next to Eaton, coupled with the inability to dig down past 6 or 8 feet, have likely killed forever the dream of an on-campus stadium. HOWEVER, if Miami keeps building new dorms AND we were willing to relocate WestLab, you could tear down the Mahoney-Pearson complex (including parking and the cafeteria) and combine that with the empty lot on Granada...

However, I would also point out that the on-campus stadium, in George Merrick's ORIGINAL plan, was going to be where Lake Osceola is. Which, of course, is not actually a lake, it is just a super-widened canal.

Second, there are two perfect sites NEAR the campus. The first is the dirt mall directly north of Magic City Casino. The second involves the 8 square blocks directly east of the Marlins' stadium. Obviously, either one requires vision, money, and some help from City of Miami to write bonds.
First, it was a joke, though I am a HUGE fan of an on-campus stadium. However, even I will admit that the new dorm next to Eaton, coupled with the inability to dig down past 6 or 8 feet, have likely killed forever the dream of an on-campus stadium. HOWEVER, if Miami keeps building new dorms AND we were willing to relocate WestLab, you could tear down the Mahoney-Pearson complex (including parking and the cafeteria) and combine that with the empty lot on Granada...

However, I would also point out that the on-campus stadium, in George Merrick's ORIGINAL plan, was going to be where Lake Osceola is. Which, of course, is not actually a lake, it is just a super-widened canal.

Second, there are two perfect sites NEAR the campus. The first is the dirt mall directly north of Magic City Casino. The second involves the 8 square blocks directly east of the Marlins' stadium. Obviously, either one requires vision, money, and some help from City of Miami to write bonds.
I once ran across a proposal that Schelly was pushing that showed a picture where a 40k stadium would go in a 1981 UM yearbook. If I am not mistaken, it was roughly where the intramural fields were next to the Hecht/Stanford cafeteria.

Can you imagine the outage of Lake Osceola was filled? Where would all of the barracudas, alligators, crocodiles, manatees, and diaheritic ducks go?
Epstein is getting demolished.

Hey, may not be professional but all is fair in love & war. You want to be the biggest POS and throw your balls around? Cool!!

If your a big enough boy to do what he does then be a big enough boy and take it when it’s given right back.

Doesn't Hard Rock have some underground parking now?

Epstein is gonna need a Secret Service Detail to get to his luxury suite next year...
I would have drawn an organizational chart of Bama and said I want this

I would have said give me seven days to circle back. My entire department is going to drop everything, consult with everyone associated with football, a few key outsiders, and we are going to spend 500 man-hours coming up with a comprehensive deck that outlines a path to victory via your step-up so we can compete with Alabama and Clemson, etc.

The second thing I would have said is THANK YOU.
What would everyone have said to the blank check question?

They do. A new day is upon us. UM football will not look the way it is the past decade and a half plus. JF understood a couple months ago it was either total destruction or the correct path. He’s chosen well and did so because it’s logical. Be grateful for who you have running the university as prior to him, and for the first few years of his administration for that matter, there was zero true leaders who could or would dare make a case for change.

In fairness, Julio did NOTHING for six years. I am happy he has recently found religion, but it doesn't erase six years (of Blake's 8 years) of inaction and neglect.
Can I just say something simple? I can't write a half-million-dollar check, but even I knew that Beta Blake had no vision THE FIRST TIME I MET HIM.

I truly hope that UM fans, and all the CIS posters, get a chance to meet the next AD in person early in his tenure, because there is no good substitute for using your own impressions and judgments. It sucks to see CIS battles between "insiders" and "random fans living in California or someplace far from the 305" when we all simply love the Hurricanes.

Beta Blake was a weasel all along. Not enough of us had the chance to figure that out before 8 years of damage was done. And a significant chunk of our more well-heeled fans were lulled into looking the other way by Blake's sphincter-kissing.
I’ll take half a million, I have a vision 😂
More to come unless the change happens ( it will). I mentioned it a couple months ago that this time was different. This story is the tip of the iceberg of what’s been going on in the athletic department. Painful to say at the very least. But understand as well that the pain was unfortunately necessary for change. I didn’t read the complete article. However, any defense of BJ as him wanting this and Manny overruling him is not correct (I assume that’s in there or insinuated as I’ve heard it too many times). Complete clown show.

Yeah, I think people misread the part about Blake and tried to put all the blame on Manny. I know well enough how Blake is, he made it seem like he was talking the Alonzo offer under advisement, but I have no doubts he was as opposed (if not more) than Manny.
No coach would accept someone appointed over him telling him who to recruit. No Athletic director would do it either. If the Coach isnt recruiting well then replace him with someone who can. If the AD is bad at hiring coaches replace him first with someone who isnt. I felt the whole Alonzo business was more a wish than a reality. If you want an AD to resurrect the football team then hire Alonzo. But I dont think he wants to be an AD and worry about title 9 and being politically correct. He is a football guy through and through. So if he isnt a coach or an AD he is essentially nowhere. NO AD is going to come in yielding the biggest sport to someone else.
The AD decides things like this. The coach doesn’t decide who his bosses will be. I think.

I disagree with your premise tho… Diaz, who was hanging on to his job by a pubic hair, should’ve jumped at the opportunity. He could’ve had a professional level scouting department working for him. That’s Bama type shlt. Patke has veto power on personnel decisions right now… Ridiculous.
I would have said give me seven days to circle back. My entire department is going to drop everything, consult with everyone associated with football, a few key outsiders, and we are going to spend 500 man-hours coming up with a comprehensive deck that outlines a path to victory via your step-up so we can compete with Alabama and Clemson, etc.

The second thing I would have said is THANK YOU.

On-brand for you.

Jankovich had a list of HC names in his back pocket.

Any AD who claims to be a good fund-raiser should already have a list of Top 10 Building/Improvement Priorities in his back pocket. Why is Blake raising money if he didn't know how he was going to spend it?

This wasn't a take-home exam. This was Final Jeopardy. Lambert needed an answer immediately, not some "consulting-firm-let-us-research-it-and-prepare-a-worthless-PowerPoint-deck" answer.
The level of ineptitude can’t be overstated

Even if we end up with an above avg AD and above avg HC….. 9-3 is the floor and recruiting should be top 20 annually

It’s like the whole program has been “drugged” and we are about to get sober