Fire Manny Diaz

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We know Diaz is "not the guy," but he will not be bought out for a couple of years. Sorry. Not in Miami. What I fail to see is any hope in us hiring someone better. Paul Dee, Sean Eichorst, Kirby Hocutt and Blake James all made bad hires. Also, they all EXTENDED bad hires.

Diaz should not be fired, but rather let his contract expire. It's the only way you will see Miami make a big money offer to the next HC.
I tried to tell everybody hiring this guy was laughable. Other ADs were laughing at Jake Blames because any competent AD knows Manolo should never be a HC of a P5 program.

The “Miami Guy“ and the “Feel Good Cuban HC storyline“ sank this program right into the abyss. How anyone didn’t see this coming is mind boggling..
They won’t do it rather cut ties now rather than one more year of suffering. P. S. If u fire manny now there’s still the possibility of signing Urban or Les Miles
I’m not a proponent of firing a coach after his first year. I think you give him an opportunity to adjust in a full off season. Recruiting wise it would cripple us. As if we don’t have enough working against us already in negative recruiting.

Fire Blake and if the new guy comes in and fires Manny it’d be a different story. I’d be cool with that.

This team is loaded with talent. And you cant coach up your OLine? You canT scheme all this speed into space?

Never seen a team and a staff this pathetic. Please get someone else in here who can take advantage of a our weak schedule next season and we win 11 games.
Not loaded with talent. That’s a farce.
This program is an unmitigated disaster. How any competent group of administrators can sign off on this, steaming pile horse ****, is incomprehensible. It's been an almost two decades long episode of the three stooges. I had Dook winning this game and there wasn't even a second thought. There's no way this staff can win. Gawd forbid the bowl game. They should just opt out.
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