Fire Gattis

Because the HC’s philosophy as it pertains to Offense wouldn’t require for him to see more than what he saw at Michigan to be satisfied with what was being brought here. Even though simple logic would tell that sh*t wouldn’t work with our roster...

But again, once you make the investment into hiring Mario you have to know that this is what would come with it. He’s never had a high-powered Offense because he doesn’t believe in it, he’s a roster builder that wants to have a team that can win without having to play a High-Octane style, so in his mind he saw what Mich did last year & knowing that Gattless is a Moorehead guy who he had with him at Oregon, that was enough for him.

How Oregon played on Offense last year, is exactly how Mario wants to play & win games here, so what comes with that is that the idea of playing a style of ball that’s conducive to high-productivity has to be thrown out the window because all that sh*t ain’t apart of his ultimate plan; which is what I tried to explain quite a bit during the hiring process, but funny enough most of our fans were completely on board with it, like people irrationally thought that playing this Moorehead ball Offense was really going to work here lol

But the bed is made now, so might as well lay in it, no sense in jumping in the ocean & then complaining about getting wet 🤷🏽‍♂️

There are parts of this post that I agree with

But your principal argument is that Mario is **** bent on a ball control slow paced offense, that cares not who the QB is

I just can’t believe that over the past 5yrs in CFB that Mario thinks his offensive game plan is better than the likes of Bama Ohio St Georgia and Clemson, which has proven what it taken to be elite
LCE warned us when Gattis was hired. He said a Mario/Gattis marriage would result in an unattractive offense. He was right. I wish LCE was wrong, but the man ain’t never lied.

We need Mario to realize that we need an offense that matches the abilities of the South Florida athlete. You can be tough and aggressive along the trenches, but space and pace is what kids want to see today.
There are parts of this post that I agree with

But your principal argument is that Mario is **** bent on a ball control slow paced offense, that cares not who the QB is

I just can’t believe that over the past 5yrs in CFB that Mario thinks his offensive game plan is better than the likes of Bama Ohio St Georgia and Clemson, which has proven what it taken to be elite
That’s not my opinion, that’s what the evidence shows.

Just look at him teams, the proof is on film 🤷🏽‍♂️
That’s not my opinion, that’s what the evidence shows.

Just look at him teams, the proof is on film 🤷🏽‍♂️

Who knows how the internal structure is setup to work, but at least Radakovich and Zo are in place as some form of check n balance vs what Mario had at Oregon

We are doomed if this offense doesn’t get fixed
Gattis must go and Mario needs a Saban come to Jesus moment with his offensive identity or else he will be run out of town just like Shannon, Golden, Richt, and Diaz.
More like walked out of town with that 10 year albatross I mean contract
What's happening on D is a much different story than what is happening on offense. We have some competent pieces on offense.

THAT defensive depth chart that Manny left behind is just an embarrassment. Many of us shared these concerns all offseason but many on this board thought we could band aid the problems away. You can't band aid away a cornerback depth chart as bad as ours. You can't band aid away a linebacker depth chart as bad as ours. More than half of our "starters" on the defensive side of the ball wouldn't be in the two deep on any of the top programs.

Tonight was a reminder at just how bad a recruiter Manny Diaz was. That was HIS side of the ball.

We should have backed up the defensive backs after the second touchdown.

This was a failure in every respect. Head coach, oc, dc, players. No execution. No effort.

Snail pace to adjust. No urgency in reacting to what’s occurring on the field in real time.
Dammit! Why do coaches have to be so stubborn with their systems and philosophies. Is there a reason Gattis could not have kept some of the passing plays/schemes that worked so well for TVD last year. I think we all are pleased with the improved run game. Change the run game and keep some of that passing attack that worked last year. I don't understand why they can't swallow their pride and admit that a different system might work better with a certain player. Imagine if Urban Meyer would have tried to run a pro -style offense with Tebow. No, he was smart enough to run that gimmicky offense to fit Tebow's strengths, but it worked.

I'm sure there are several fans like me that have seen the 30 for 30 U documentary several times. When Dennis Erickson was hired in '89, the defense came to him and told him not to change it. Erickson wasn't so proud and stubborn that he refused to listen to them. He kept that same defense that worked so well for them. He tweaked the offense to his one back system, which was innovative at the time. Produced great results.
He had jack to do with the defense. Sonny Lubick was the Defensive Guru....and The CFB world caught up to his gimmick offense...see BYU and Bama....he was another know it all.
was there any truth to the art briles or joe brady rumors?

did mario revert to old habits after striking out with better candidates?

did he flirt with making that change to a higher octane oc before settling on octane 87 gattis?
was there any truth to the art briles or joe brady rumors?

did mario revert to old habits after striking out with better candidates?

did he flirt with making that change to a higher octane oc before settling on octane 87 gattis?
Personally, I don't think ANY Elite OC wanted part of Mario's Offensive philosophy.
Gattis coached in the playoffs last year and he is terrible? nah bruh. His QB doesn't know or have to mechanics to read defenses. I don't think he trust TVD. How many throws did he call in the redzone this season with TVD? If somebody can answer that
What were his WR comments?
That we only had 6 on scholarship and that's a problem he's never seen at this level. It's facts tho. Even Mario said it today. He wanted to say X sent down and the guys we have aren't good enough yet. But he said it in a nice way
That we only had 6 on scholarship and that's a problem he's never seen at this level. It's facts tho. Even Mario said it today. He wanted to say X sent down and the guys we have aren't good enough yet. But he said it in a nice way
We only had 5 on schollie in 98...had that turn out??
I wasn't the biggest Lashlee fan but there were more than a handful of times I yelled out, "Oh, GREAT call there! Let's go!"

In 4 games I haven't seen one play call from Gattis that was creative or the right call at the right time. He keeps trying the same **** thing over and over even if it doesn't work and it's super frustrating.
Agreed.. but idk if Mario can look his self in the mirror like Manny did many times and realize changes were needed.

Mario is stubborn.. this is his style of offense.. he could of had almost any OC with the money he had.. but he choose a dude who runs a boring offense.. and wasn’t even they full time play caller supposedly..

I can’t see him moving away from it.. I obviously hope I’m wrong.. but he should probably take the rest of the year and go learn some more under Saban.
People who don’t bend, usually break.