Feldman on Manny Navarro Podcast

Thought this was a pretty interesting podcast.

Some highlights for me:

- without naming names indicated there is a lot of dead weight on the staff. The board had always mentioned Addae but Feldman seemed to point to Salavea, Strong, and somebody still on offense. Sounds like Mario is hoping a lot of these guys leave on their own as they have big contracts.

- we knew this but Ponce and Gattis hated each other.

- Feldman thinks Guidry will be a better DC for us than Steele.

- Guidry has ties to Coach O from his Louisiana days (me speculating…wonder if he’ll be involved in some capacity).

- Feldman expects Jason Taylor to be bumped up to on field role.

- Nussmeier is still a possibility and not super optimistic on Candle🤮

I think I hit the major points, but may have missed some.

One thing that was interesting to me is that he called out that Guidry has 'baggage' from ~12 years ago which is likely why he wasn't coaching for a more prestigious program. Anyone know what that baggage is?

EDIT: Saw in the other thread that he apparently had several DUIs - guessing that is probably what Feldman was referring to.
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IMO: Wright and Jason Taylor as DL coaches..
- Move Joe to Analyst to finish out his contract
- Hire coach O as a Analyst and help with recruiting
- send Addae packing
- Let DC hire his LB and DB coaches
Yeaaaah, can’t argue w/ that. I think the Broyles Award blinded him to the red flags, like a girl with a pretty face, & a big *** will blind a man to dismiss how f’ing crazy she is (true story, life experience)
Breh.... went through that **** about 10yrs ago. Errytime I thought about kickin her *** to the curb, I would be talking to myself like, "Man that muhfucca beautiful! Look at that ***, mane! Where you gon get another one like dat?" Toxic relationship! Bih had me **** near changing who I was. I had to leave her ***, just for my sanity. I had to learn, "That piece of *** wasn't worth my PEACE of mind!"
Listened to it this morning and Feldman said it was both.

Honestly the interview made me feel better in some ways:

- Feldman claims even he saw the lack of talent (especially on offense) at a practice he went to last August so
- Mario realizes there are issues with the staff ("deadweight" and "rocky relationships") and is trying to address them

But worse in others:

- Why has Mario been so bad at seeing the issues and/or bad at how he approaches them:
- the way he hired the coaching staff; both hiring the assistants before the coordinators and ending up with coaches that are not carrying their weight compared to what Mario expects​
- Adding a bunch of defensive players through the portal last year, but not much in the way of the offense that also needed help​
- Mario's hiring process really rubs a lot of candidates the wrong way (and if it is so long and arduous, how is he still missing so badly)
- Potential coaches know the staffing situation is not great at the moment

None of this is new, but hearing it from Feldman who is a national reporter with connections to Mario as well (which cuts both ways) was interesting. It really was a solid listen if just for getting another point of view.

As for adding people I think he tried. He brought in last minute help on the OL (Logan and Denis) and tried with Mims and others but missed then add in Zion, Clark, and Rivers all being hurt, RB he added Parrish and we should have been set with Don, Rooster, Citizen, Parrish and Thad, unfortunately our top 4 were all hurt. WR we tried and struck out on a true #1 but he brought in Ladson and Colbie. TE Mallory/Arroyo/Skinner was/is solid but looked a lot worse once Arroyo went down. Also factor in TVD not liking Gattis and getting hurt, it was just a bad season injury wise coupled with *** playcalling. So he did add people on the OL/WR/RB room, they all just got hurt.
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He was a jag then too. We shouted from the mountaintops he didn’t belong here

I recall that. The consensus on Joe was he was an average recruiter and a decent DLC. I think more than anything, he was a trusted Mario guy.

My guess is that Joe is not meshing with being in Miami and it's a bad fit. I wouldn't be surprised to see him move on and move back to the west coast where he is a better fit.

As for Taylor/Wright, I was always under the impression that Wright was a great recruiter and a good DLC. JT was harder to evaluate because he was an analyst. I don't have a problem with "golden boy" image and maybe he gets a pass for certain things b/c he wears a gold jacket, but if he's an effective coach and recruiter, no issue.
Yeaaaah, can’t argue w/ that. I think the Broyles Award blinded him to the red flags, like a girl with a pretty face, & a big *** will blind a man to dismiss how f’ing crazy she is (true story, life experience)

Where did she fall on the universal scale as seen above?
Edit: Nvm, saw the crazy part at the end. Sounds like a Tiffany.
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IMO: Wright and Jason Taylor as DL coaches..
- Move Joe to Analyst to finish out his contract
- Hire coach O as a Analyst and help with recruiting
- send Addae packing
- Let DC hire his LB and DB coaches

I like all these moves. Jason Taylor needs to be on field. Coach Joe's only value is getting Polynesian players. His recruiting aside from that is terrible. Glad you didn't mention bringing DVD on field. He still needs some work/seasoning in the coaching department. I'd love to be able to somehow get Corey Raymond from UF. Maybe give him a Co-DC title as well.
Thought this was a pretty interesting podcast.

Some highlights for me:

- without naming names indicated there is a lot of dead weight on the staff. The board had always mentioned Addae but Feldman seemed to point to Salavea, Strong, and somebody still on offense. Sounds like Mario is hoping a lot of these guys leave on their own as they have big contracts.

- we knew this but Ponce and Gattis hated each other.

- Feldman thinks Guidry will be a better DC for us than Steele.

- Guidry has ties to Coach O from his Louisiana days (me speculating…wonder if he’ll be involved in some capacity).

- Feldman expects Jason Taylor to be bumped up to on field role.

- Nussmeier is still a possibility and not super optimistic on Candle🤮

I think I hit the major points, but may have missed some.

interesting bout Joe. the Oregon writer pre season wasn't high on him as a recruiter. on offense, id prolly guess Kevin smith bc who else is left and its not AM or Field.
I like all these moves. Jason Taylor needs to be on field. Coach Joe's only value is getting Polynesian players. His recruiting aside from that is terrible. Glad you didn't mention bringing DVD on field. He still needs some work/seasoning in the coaching department. I'd love to be able to somehow get Corey Raymond from UF. Maybe give him a Co-DC title as well.
I dont see JT wanting to put the commitment and setting everything else aside to be an on field coach for Mario.
I recall that. The consensus on Joe was he was an average recruiter and a decent DLC. I think more than anything, he was a trusted Mario guy.

My guess is that Joe is not meshing with being in Miami and it's a bad fit. I wouldn't be surprised to see him move on and move back to the west coast where he is a better fit.

As for Taylor/Wright, I was always under the impression that Wright was a great recruiter and a good DLC. JT was harder to evaluate because he was an analyst. I don't have a problem with "golden boy" image and maybe he gets a pass for certain things b/c he wears a gold jacket, but if he's an effective coach and recruiter, no issue.
I hope I didn’t cause confusion. Jason Taylor IS a good coach. But so is rod wright. And Wright is the far superior recruiter
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I hope I didn’t cause confusion. Jason Taylor IS a good coach. Not so is rod wright. And Wright is the far superior recruiter

ahh, ok. Thanks for that clarification.

Sounds like the combo of having RW and JT on staff is ideal, then. :)

I'm sure JT is fielding on-field coaching offers from other P5 schools.
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Where did she fall on the universal scale as seen above?
Edit: Nvm, saw the crazy part at the end. Sounds like a Tiffany.
Excellent x-y axis to start from. My suggestion is remove the part about "date zone" and "wife zone," as those are a resource drain. Expand the fun zone where possible. Saludos.
Agreed. Joe may go back out west. Looking forward to see what the new DC does with his staff and what we end up doing in offense. Mario needs to let his coordinators pick their guys.
or at least have input on staff, keep Joe we just had a monster season in recruiting....... lets focus on player development
IMO you have to get rid of Joe. Dude can't recruit. Never has and never will. I was down for elite prospect day and met him and I can see why. Good dude but man he can't relate through the cultural difference. Even with me at 30. Hard to talk to.

Give Wright the full DL room or make him DL coach and Jason Taylor DEs coach if he's up for it. If not, plenty of good options out there for either path, leave Wright at DEs and hire the other spot or vice versa. Lots of options even beyond Partridge, Orgeron, Kevin Patrick, etc. names that will get mentioned.

Also, don't see how the dynamic works out with Addae and Guidry being a DB guy. Addae clashed with a room full of DB coaches at Georgia with Smart and Muschamp. Those DB guys are particular and he's probably gonna want his DBs coached a specific way - especially with what I've heard about his defense being DB centric and goes as far as the DBs play allows.
Hold on, am I seeing this right for Nussmeier as OC at UofM/UF??

2014 - Total O (112th)
2015 - Total O (111th)
2016 - Total O (116th)
2017 - Total O (109th)

WITF is this man’s name remotely being spoken out of The Hecht? What IN ThEe FOCk was The Cowboys thinking hiring this dude?? WHY Is Bruce Feldman BULLISH on this bull chit??! What r we talking about here??

His offenses probably aren’t as bad when you adjust for strength of schedule, but are still pretty bad.

I think people try to make excuses for him based on the context.

Brady Hoke was at the end of his run and the team was in collapse.

Muschamp was at the end of his and hated offense.

And then McElwain was left with the horrible recruiting that Muschamp did on offense, with guys like Trent Harris and Del Rio’s son starting at QB.

And so unfortunately, people that make offense too complicated, can talk themselves into mental knots justifying why Nuss would actually be a good hire.
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IMO you have to get rid of Joe. Dude can't recruit. Never has and never will. I was down for elite prospect day and met him and I can see why. Good dude but man he can't relate through the cultural difference. Even with me at 30. Hard to talk to.

Give Wright the full DL room or make him DL coach and Jason Taylor DEs coach if he's up for it. If not, plenty of good options out there for either path, leave Wright at DEs and hire the other spot or vice versa. Lots of options even beyond Partridge, Orgeron, Kevin Patrick, etc. names that will get mentioned.

which was known at the time too. It was a bad hire for Mario.

He should have backed up the brinks truck to hire Partridge.