Feels like 2007

We didn't think 6 or 7 wins was the ceiling. We thought 9 or 10 wins was the ceiling. Let's keep it real
I kept it real to myself and thought 6 or 7 was the ceiling. Our secondary, lb's, ol, wr's, and rb's were glaring issues for me. You can't survive any season without those and have 9 or 10. What I did not think was that our offense would be this bad.
I kept it real to myself and thought 6 or 7 was the ceiling. Our secondary, lb's, ol, wr's, and rb's were glaring issues for me. You can't survive any season without those and have 9 or 10. What I did not think was that our offense would be this bad.
We had a Heisman hopeful candidate at QB and we play in possibly the worst division in CFB. 8-10 wins was ALWAYS the expectation and it was an appropriate one.

This is just clearly one of if not THE most impotent corching staffs performances in program history. We really haven't seen one tangible positive on-field outcome of anything they've done sans the d-line occasionally looking decent.
My indifference with this program is at an all-time high.

This might be the worst Miami team I have ever seen (been watching games since the EJ Baker days).

I don’t know what‘s wrong. But, I do know that…

Talent matters.
Execution matters.
Coaching matters.
Scheme matters.

We lack all of the above.

How do we fix it?

No clue, but Mario ain’t going anywhere so let’s hope he lands quality assistants this off-season and a few more studs in the Portal. Blind hope is all we have left at this point.

I kept it real to myself and thought 6 or 7 was the ceiling. Our secondary, lb's, ol, wr's, and rb's were glaring issues for me. You can't survive any season without those and have 9 or 10. What I did not think was that our offense would be this bad.

Are schedule made it 9 wins it was the easiest schedule in years
He brought in good recruiting classes at Oregon but I can’t give him too much credit for this year.The top two RBs aren’t his players and do y’all see what they are doing with Bo Nix? No Nix!? I thought they lost their minds bringing him but dude is a hiesman candidate this year.

Did you see what mario did with anthony brown similiar to bo nix 😂
Are schedule made it 9 wins it was the easiest schedule in years
I've learned two things as a coach. Expectations and playing the game itself are two different things. Nothing is easy in the game of football beginning from the HS level. Coaches on other teams get paid to prepare their teams also. Miami culture football has been reckless and weak for the past 18 years. We've had 3-9 season wins going back to 2006 and only 1-10 season win with so-called "easy schedules." Mario is dealing with 18 years of incompetency. It would be unfair to ask him to change all that in his 1st year. This impacts not only the players and administration but also us the fans. Football is and always will be a "contextual" game. Read between the lines.
I said it months ago and got scolded are best hope is mario builds the program up recruiting wise and then we hire a coach that can coach them to the next level my only concern is now mario’s coaching is on the main stage not sure how long he can sell the blame on the last staff with the spotlight on him and his terrible coaching he is a used car salesman so i believe he will get away with it for a year or 2
His whole hiring process is bizarre. There is “due diligence”, and then there’s scatterbrained indecisiveness. Mario May suffer from the latter.
Its teh same guy that calls timeouts to punt 100 times this year. A person who is as terrible and indecisive as he is as a game day coach will be the same in hiring of coaches and the rest of his life. Whats the saying he said at his hiring press conference?.
Its teh same guy that calls timeouts to punt 100 times this year. A person who is as terrible and indecisive as he is as a game day coach will be the same in hiring of coaches and the rest of his life. Whats the saying he said at his hiring press conference?.

Honestly, I think that the job is just too big for him.
Wait a second. There's near unanimity that Gattis stinks. If that's the case, then why are you so quick to throw players under the bus if we can agree that the coaching stinks? I'm not throwing the towel on any of the QBs because I don't trust Gattis for a second. I'd like to see the QBs in a real system with real coaching before making that determination.

Same here. TVD is a more proven commodity at QB than Gattis is as an OC.

TVD's play last year caused people outside the program to regard him as a potential 1st Rd pick under our previous OC who's currently fielding the 10th ranked scoring offense at SMU. Now he's playing like one of the worst starting QB's in Div 1 college football and a guy who won't get drafted. Did TVD lose all his ability in the span of one year?

Gattis, while nominally a Broyles winner, is unproven given Harbaugh's involvement with the offense. It's impossible for anyone outside the Michigan program (including Mario) to be able to parse what was Gattis and what was Harbaugh last year. It's like the programs that used to hire Spurrier's OCs, thinking they'd get a Spurrier offense, but never did. The people at Michigan who should know best apparently didn't value Gattis all that much. Here's his departing tweet to the team last Feb:

Unless Mario commits to completely revamp the offensive scheme and go with a completely new offensive staff I'd expect TVD to set sail for SMU and put up terrific numbers next year. Whereas I see zero reason that UM's offense will be anything other than one of the worst in college football next year. What reason should anyone have that things on offense should turn around next year?
I'll say this: any OC he wants to hire is going to be able to demand whatever they want. They'll be risking their career to come here after watching Mario take the Broyles award winner and turn him into one of the worst OCs in the country before firing him as well as taking a preseason Heisman and first round candidate QB and making him unwatchable.

Mario is on thin ice with his offensive reputation.
Gattis was the OC at Michigan for 3 years before he “won the Broyles”. If Gattis is fired, a new OC is not going to be risking their career to come here.

Offense has been sluggish since the start of the year. TVD has looked like crap compared to when Lashlee was here. Injuries have been bad all year. Not sure if players don’t like the system can’t learn the system, or just plain fail at executing it, but it’s bad.

We always find a way to make football look hard. Losing to less-talented teams is unacceptable and has happened way to often over the past few years. While I understand upsets are commonplace in college football, it has been too often the norm for our Miami Hurricanes.

This falls on both the coaches and the players. I haven’t heard any players stepping up on offense/defense in leadership roles. Where are they? I also don’t see any teammates on the field getting in each other’s **** when mistakes are made.

OL looking lke hot garbage when they get abused on obvious missed assignments. Blown coverage by our DBs. Way too many missed tackles. Their just seems to be no accountability by players or the coaching staff.

I’ve seen players on both sides of the ball make dumb penalties, yet are allowed to stay in the game. Sit them out for a play, use it as a coaching opportunity.

Everyone appears to be content with being mediocre, but there is hope because it can’t be much worse and we can only go up from here.

I kept it real to myself and thought 6 or 7 was the ceiling. Our secondary, lb's, ol, wr's, and rb's were glaring issues for me. You can't survive any season without those and have 9 or 10. What I did not think was that our offense would be this bad.
We finished the season as one of the hottest teams in the country, returning a 1st round and Heisman hopeful QB, paid $80M to upgrade the coaching staff, easy *** schedule, and you're telling me you thought we would regress?
We finished the season as one of the hottest teams in the country, returning a 1st round and Heisman hopeful QB, paid $80M to upgrade the coaching staff, easy *** schedule, and you're telling me you thought we would regress?
Again...expectation and reality are two different things. Tell me what Miami's reality has been the past 18 years? When have we ever lived up to the hype recently? If u expected Mario to come in and find 9-10 wins with this weak culture in his first season. Idk what to tell you except, give yourself some grace.
We aren't as talented as Mario or any fan would like, but this staff has completely failed to put these players in a position to be successful as a team. Yes, he needs to recruit, but he has essentially given up on this team by being so inflexible and this team has responded in kind and tanked. If you can't put the current players in positions to have SOME success, why would or should anyone want to come play here?

Nearly 20 years of groundhog day. Players change. Coaches change. Results do not.
But Bellotti and Kelly were actual elite coaches and deserved those records. Helfrich left behind a 4-8 disaster after four years once it became his show.

This is such a different level of bad than Mario’s flaws up there. That’s what I’m struggling with. The only word I can think of is “dysfunctional.” Nothing is working at any level on the field from sports science to game management. And he is responsible for all of it.
Dysfunctional is a great word. I think some of this will be resolved with the class coming in. That group is high achieveing, smart, motivated and come from schools with very good coaching for the most part. There are too many guys still on the team who don't really "get it" yet or want it enough. Life's been too easy for too long, and that includes HS. Some of them will take themselves into the portal; some of them will be pushed out. Wait till they see what their options, should they even have any....

I understand that the change and demands under Mario have been huge, particularly for the upperclassmen. But it's been 10 months; plenty of time to get with the program.

The coaching issues are another problem. But some heads have to roll at the end of the season no matter what. Buyouts be damned.....