Fan negativity - Ivins

Ivins NEVER said Miami is the only place this happens. He was actually pretty restrained in what he said.

You have parents asking not to have visit pictures posted on social media by the board mods because fans can't use common sense and refrain from posting obnoxious comments about staff on them. It's really sad
Boo hoo, those mean fans on Twitter.

Cry me a river
**** Ivins he’s a huge slapdick

yet you guys steal all his info. hes not making it up. whatever hes saying, hes likely hearing from recruits or people close to them and it makes sense logically. either way, its not on fans to make up for the **** job the coaches did this year on the field
yet you guys steal all his info. hes not making it up. whatever hes saying, hes likely hearing from recruits or people close to them and it makes sense logically. either way, its not on fans to make up for the **** job the coaches did this year on the field
Not me I don’t trust any insiders here because they all suck
Not me I don’t trust any insiders here because they all suck

i did hear the pod this am and basically said that francois and van dyke see this and that on social media as to a reason why francois may consider NEB over UM bc he doesnt hear or see the crap they spew over there since hes not a local there. take TVD for example, would his dad or he be comfortable sending him to UM (hes still coming) if they think ENos is out bc everyone is saying enos should be fired or what not? i think enos should be told to find other jobs personally, but thats where he was getting at.
If the Admin and BOt showed some signs of competence the fans might ease up. However the writing on the wall hasn't changed in 15 years and the fans are not going to accept the mediocre bullsh*t this university is selling anymore. No matter how hard they try to pull the wool over our eyes it is clear they don't give a f*ck. Unfortunately for them there are still a ton of people that do.
The rebuild has taken too fcukin long the fans are fcukin sick of it! Either commit to playing real football or **** of UM

Have a good day *****
The dude hosting this podcast comes off like he knows absolutely nothing about this recruiting cycle

lol not a lot of people follow recruiting, but they do a ton of recruitng stuff on that pod so i think its a way to inform fans who arent necessarily tuned in and want to be since its close to signing day
i did hear the pod this am and basically said that francois and van dyke see this and that on social media as to a reason why francois may consider NEB over UM bc he doesnt hear or see the crap they spew over there since hes not a local there.
Yep, because Nebraska fans are angels.
Yep, because Nebraska fans are angels.

didnt say they are. im just posing a theory that he posed in why someone may consider a 5-7 **** NEB team over a 6-6 **** UM team. he just said a reason as to why Francois may go to NEB over UM despite a worse record is that he isnt around their negativity as he is here. either way, the coaches messed it up on the field.
i did hear the pod this am and basically said that francois and van dyke see this and that on social media as to a reason why francois may consider NEB over UM bc he doesnt hear or see the crap they spew over there since hes not a local there. take TVD for example, would his dad or he be comfortable sending him to UM (hes still coming) if they think ENos is out bc everyone is saying enos should be fired or what not? i think enos should be told to find other jobs personally, but thats where he was getting at.
**** Francois