Official Fall Camp PractiSe #6: Tuesday, August 8th

Bro...same exact ****. I don't live down there anymore but when I come down, I'm essentially on the verge of being hospitalized instantaneously. I say something to my dad and he says "You played football down here your whole life in August" and I genuinely cannot fathom how that happened. I go outside now in a t-shirt and shorts and I'm drenched literally within minutes. I played golf down there not too long ago, in a ******* cart, and I drank at least a gallon and a half of water/gatorade over about 3 hours and didn't **** once LOL. If I did that on my couch, I'd have to move into the bathroom for 2 days.
What time did you tee off?
Never even heard of that dude until like 3 weeks ago. **** those two. Give me some Rush and/or Led.
Definitely some odd music choice on that clip, but I am guessing that most 18-23 year olds probably aren't that into Led Zepplin (Maybe the TE from Oregon since he is in the AARP). And to put into perspective how old you (likely) are... Nirvana and Sublime are the equivalent to a current 20 year old as Rush and Led Zepplin are to a 40 year old.