MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

First before you guys complain about this is already a topic and there are many threads on this. save the time and just go view other threads then.

Yes alot of our other corners and dbs have not been playing well. However, We have watched Ivey and Blades suck for legit 5-6 years. SUCK!!! No matter how much practice they do, no matter what coaches we have, They suck and will always suck!!! there is a reason they are 5-6 year seniors. They will never sniff the NFL ... Coaches get cat fished by ivey and blades because of their size.

I dont understand how mario and the staff sit their and watch film and keep those guys in and getting snaps. IDC what they do at practice, the gameday film speaks for itself and they have always sucked, they are soft and once again, they are TERRIBLE.

This may be harsh but if we want to win, its going to be when they are not playing, that is just the reality.

If Mario does not fix this, us fans at the game, legit need to start a chant --- ivey sucks , blades sucks

We need change, its disrespectful to us as fans to keep playing them, disrespectful to the other kids on the team to keep playing them.
I'd rather write that certain posters suck than kids on the team I root for suck.
First before you guys complain about this is already a topic and there are many threads on this. save the time and just go view other threads then.

Yes alot of our other corners and dbs have not been playing well. However, We have watched Ivey and Blades suck for legit 5-6 years. SUCK!!! No matter how much practice they do, no matter what coaches we have, They suck and will always suck!!! there is a reason they are 5-6 year seniors. They will never sniff the NFL ... Coaches get cat fished by ivey and blades because of their size.

I dont understand how mario and the staff sit their and watch film and keep those guys in and getting snaps. IDC what they do at practice, the gameday film speaks for itself and they have always sucked, they are soft and once again, they are TERRIBLE.

This may be harsh but if we want to win, its going to be when they are not playing, that is just the reality.

If Mario does not fix this, us fans at the game, legit need to start a chant --- ivey sucks , blades sucks

We need change, its disrespectful to us as fans to keep playing them, disrespectful to the other kids on the team to keep playing them.
We are 2-0. You cannot be serious to think it is a healthy environment for a top 20 team with a winning record to be chanting that their players suck at games.

I would throw your *** out of the stands in a heartbeat.
should let Malik play more give him the chances that blades and ivey get
They gave him some reps, he got toasted...BADLY on back to back downs. He's not ready to play a lot of snaps...they will work him in bit by bit, and his role will increase if he shows on the field that he deserves it.
If you aren’t going to be a dynamic pass catcher 99% of the time or he’ll, just don’t be dropping balls like in the UNC or Michigan State game or illegally lining up on the long catch he made vs Bethune, then you can’t also be the worst blocking TE in P5 football.
I may be wrong but I think that is on the WR and not Mallory. The WR did not line up properly making him ineligible to go out on a route
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Not to inject any more logic into this thread but I feel the same way about DBs as I do the WRs. We’ve got some talent but it’s probably about a year away

Really bummed we didn’t land a WR in the portal that was an impact player but I’m hoping to see more out of Porter at DB. Yes he’s small and that play was tough for him, but I think he’s a gamer and we will rely on him heavily as the season goes along
People complain that we have been medicore for 15 years, Diaz sucked, etc. and then expect that everything will be fixed in one offseason. The roster has holes that still need to be addressed as well as still needing an in flux of talent. That is not something that can be completely fixed with a snap of the fingers. That means they have to roll with guys that maybe they wouldn't like for now because the other options are not ready or there are no better options this year. This isn't a video game it will take a couple of years to get the roster to where it needs to be
Not even going to bother reading the whole thread. But if someone is trying to organize a chant versus our own players, just wow. Maybe it's time to take a step back and analyze your priorities and hobbies/interests.
I am HIVey positive that while the other, younger options at CB may not be ready, it's doing more harm than good not letting them learn on the fly in favor of playing the older, safer option at CB.

And can we get some snap counts from the past 2 games? Is that so much to ask huh huh?
@WaterburyCane what do you think? Ticket or no ticket on this?

I'm in favor of

chelsea fc truth GIF
I am HIVey positive that while the other, younger options at CB may not be ready, it's doing more harm than good not letting them learn on the fly in favor of playing the older, safer option at CB.

And can we get some snap counts from the past 2 games? Is that so much to ask huh huh?
On it @JamesQuall


**** Rok. HIVey positive??? You don’t have to post everything you think 😉

10 minutes in the hole. Have a good day sir.

Blades' mind must be warped from excessive gaming. There's no other reasonable explanation for not attacking the ball that was knocked away by Stevenson.