Early thoughts on Gattis?

Where do you stand?

  • I'm satisfied with his scheme and play-calling and approve of his job performance.

  • Sample size is too small, I'll reserve judgement until we play some quality opponents.

  • I wish we had hired someone else.

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And I said from the beginning along w others that Mario’s offensive philosophy is gonna be the biggest question mark. It was whether he would adapt or not. Recruits have the same question marks. I hope we do open it up more and get more up tempo this weekend.
I think it's extremely unlikely for us to have the time of possession advantage that App State had. Expecting them to run less than 40 plays against us is not a realistic game plan. If A&M ran even 50 plays against App st, they probably get just one more explosive play and win that game.
I think we’ll have a little less time of possession because we’ll score a bit quicker than APP did. But the possession gameplan should still work. In watching the first two games, A&Ms defense is nothing like it was billed to be with those good recruits.
They could probably run the wish bone and beat most teams but why? Why make it harder for your offense than it needs to be? They don’t use the spread because they don’t have options. They use their systems because it’s the best way for them to score as much as possible. It’s much easier to score using modern offenses than the old time “pound the rock” method.

Also, this isn’t particularly directed at you. Just wanted to explain why the best offenses don’t just line up and play in a phone booth even though they probably could still be successful doing it.
I'm just pointing out that they have more talent than everybody else so what they run doesn't mean much to us.

As for the rest, agreed. I have no idea why Gattis and Richt before him think it's important to impose their will in this way. I think Gattis is more creative with it, so I'm still hopeful he'll win us games, but it's still odd. I get that when it works it's great as far as controlling the clock and wearing down the opponent, but when it's not working...

Breakdown for what he was doing at Michigan. I think, since he has TVD, he might have more options as far as throwing the ball. I could even see him reversing tendencies to throw more initially, since they'll be trying to take the run away.
Ok man. Keep hyping up southern ******* miss.
I'm not understanding your point. As if Miami should beat any non-FCS team handily...based on what? What in the last 15 years has led you to believe that? With 75% of the same roster as last season?

You're just being ignorant like a ton of other posters on this board...newsflash: the gap between the big guns and the little guys ain't so stark anymore. Shall we go over all the close games and teams that put up a fight with significantly inferior talent?

A&M, Nebraska, Notre Dame all lost...to teams in THE SAME CONFERENCE as Southern Miss. A team predicted my many college football writers to be a dark horse and upend ULL in their division. I'm not just making this **** up lol. Record sucked last year? Yeah, they were ravaged by injuries. You think if Miami lost King, TVD and Garcia that we wouldn't end up 4-8 or 3-9? Because we probably do.

Clemson struggled, OU struggled, UGA scored 33 points on Samford, Baylor lost to a BYU team missing their top two receiving options, UNC barely escaped a win against Georgia St (Sun Belt again)...this is all just in the last week. Not to mention 4 FCS teams beat FBS teams.

Are you right about Gattis disappointing on Saturday? Yeah I totally agree, but I refuse to believe that's our entire offense. That's another point, however...my point is that Southern Miss isn't some heap of trash - should we have scored more? Yes.
Was there a possibility that a team that allowed 155 yds/game on the ground in 2021 (despite having ZERO offense to keep them off the field, averaging under 18 ppg), and one that also added three defensive line transfers from the SEC and one from Memphis, could possibly have some success against an oline unit we knew would be a work in progress? Uhh...yeah.

And let's clarify - I'm not saying they're a good team. I just know that defensively, they're not a terrible unit...and it showed on Saturday. We should have scored more, we didn't...let's not cry about it until A&M, when Gattis has no excuses to hold anything back (if he is).
I'm not understanding your point. As if Miami should beat any non-FCS team handily...based on what? What in the last 15 years has led you to believe that? With 75% of the same roster as last season?

You're just being ignorant like a ton of other posters on this board...newsflash: the gap between the big guns and the little guys ain't so stark anymore. Shall we go over all the close games and teams that put up a fight with significantly inferior talent?

A&M, Nebraska, Notre Dame all lost...to teams in THE SAME CONFERENCE as Southern Miss. A team predicted my many college football writers to be a dark horse and upend ULL in their division. I'm not just making this **** up lol. Record sucked last year? Yeah, they were ravaged by injuries. You think if Miami lost King, TVD and Garcia that we wouldn't end up 4-8 or 3-9? Because we probably do.

Clemson struggled, OU struggled, UGA scored 33 points on Samford, Baylor lost to a BYU team missing their top two receiving options, UNC barely escaped a win against Georgia St (Sun Belt again)...this is all just in the last week. Not to mention 4 FCS teams beat FBS teams.

Are you right about Gattis disappointing on Saturday? Yeah I totally agree, but I refuse to believe that's our entire offense. That's another point, however...my point is that Southern Miss isn't some heap of trash - should we have scored more? Yes.
Was there a possibility that a team that allowed 155 yds/game on the ground in 2021 (despite having ZERO offense to keep them off the field, averaging under 18 ppg), and one that also added three defensive line transfers from the SEC and one from Memphis, could possibly have some success against an oline unit we knew would be a work in progress? Uhh...yeah.

And let's clarify - I'm not saying they're a good team. I just know that defensively, they're not a terrible unit...and it showed on Saturday. We should have scored more, we didn't...let's not cry about it until A&M, when Gattis has no excuses to hold anything back (if he is).
Fair enough. I can agree w this. My
Expectations are also high bc of tvd. I also think we’re only ranked where we are bc of tvd. We’ll get to back it up this coming weekend though
I think some of our fans will complain no matter what. I for one like being able to run the ball consistently. I dont know if people forgot, or maybe they are not old enough to remember, but we were at our best back in the days when we could run the ball consistently with backs like Portis, Willis, and Gore.

As far as the passing game, Gattis can only call the plays. Their were receivers open that TVD just did not see. He was off and he said as much, so why all the Gattis hate?
Watch some games in person. You can actually see the receivers running downfield uncovered that the TV cameras don’t show. It was the same thing last week. Everyone in the crowd is yelling and pointing at the guys that are wide open but TVD doesn’t see them for whatever reason.

It’s going to take more reps to get him comfortable in game conditions. The early struggles pass blocking hurt his rhythm as well.

He is going to have to be more poised and patient and scan the field.

We are learning to play offense like a playoff team. There will be hiccups. Once we get it, we won’t get exposed running a system that gets shutdown by fast, physical defenses like Lashlee’s, Leach’s, or some of the other schemes some are clamoring for.
It’s game 2 of a new complex offense. Your expectations of a well oiled machine were unrealistic


Comparing Gattis to Richt and Enos is retarded. Those guys literally lost us games being stubborn and lazy.

We are two games into this install. There are a TON of plays he called at Michigan he has not used yet. Why waste them on teams we can sleepwalk by?

There were times he called three or four passes back to back, then three or four runs. This guy knows how to put a defense on skates. He is using these games like scrimmages to solidify the basics of the offense.
you guys are using two games where our offense performed well to assume gattis will be bad because it's not the type of offense that YOU prefer?

after he just won the broyles award and ripped ohio state apart with less talent than what we have on our offense

They got ptsd bruh.

This offense will be hard to stop by the second half of the season.
Love how everyone just glosses over that lol. bRoYLeS AwArD. He was a total failure there and Harbaugh stepped in and all of a sudden he's the best assistant in the country lol
I don't think we'll see the offense be as different as people want. That said, I think the staff saw the first two games as a chance to go practice how they would like things to go. I think that's the amount of running they'd like to do, and they gave players a chance to practice against other teams. My hope is that Gattis will make changes as the games unfold, but I think there will be a lot of disappointment when it turns out he wasn't kidding about what he wanted to do. He's not trying to fool you guys, he really wants to be run first.

Michigan had a decent 9-4 season in 2019 and threw the ball the most in Gattis’ tenure there. They struggled in 2020 during a 6 game covid-shortened season. McNamara is trash and has lost the starting job to a sophomore. He regressed significantly this year. Harbaugh had them running much more often in 2021 and it worked.


We are going to have to see how he and Mario work out the ratios. I don’t see Mario interfering if we need to throw more, but that remains to be determined.

We don’t know who Gattis is other than he has called some really good games with a trash qb and works for head coaches who want to run more than he does.
Michigan had a decent 9-4 season in 2019 and threw the ball the most in Gattis’ tenure there. They struggled in 2020 during a 6 game covid-shortened season. McNamara is trash and has lost the starting job to a sophomore. He regressed significantly this year. Harbaugh had them running much more often in 2021 and it worked.


We are going to have to see how he and Mario work out the ratios. I don’t see Mario interfering if we need to throw more, but that remains to be determined.

We don’t know who Gattis is other than he has called some really good games with a trash qb and works for head coaches who want to run more than he does.
the Oregon folks told us Mario has a certain vision of the offense. well see how involved he is or if gattis is running what Mario wants (same as he was w Harbaugh). the one thing I can't stand is coaching hiring coordinators and then forcing them to run a certain way. im hoping we get the gattis I thought wed get
I'd like to see a bit faster pace and some big pass plays but TVD was horrible Saturday. Still not concerned about the O. Its refreshing to be able to run the ball.
Agreed. Plus its ridiculous some are acting like we have turned into an old style run team. We had 32 passes against USM. We had 278 yds passing. TVD also had a rough game and openly admitted that he was off that day and missed on a ton of opportunities. If he even hit on a few we'd have well over 300yds passing. We also dominated the 2nd half and played a very conservative game against an inferior opponent.
Okay, so they were keeping it basic, but yet TVD looked like he was struggling, in what would be defined as a simplistic version of the playbook. All the while he continued to lock in on one side of the field, against a southern miss, and I shouldn’t have questions and concerns? Got it.
One game sample. New offense.
I’m interested to see his adjustments when the run is stuffed. Will he keep forcing the multiple TE packages or spread the defense out with 4/5 WR sets? Hmmmmmm...
We're either gonna beat teams with this offense or not and that's all that should matter to anyone. I could care less what it looks like as long as we win.