DVD tweet

Our culture is so f’d up;

-Players on twitch during an important game

-Players constantly on twitter

-Dancing on the sidelines while losing

-Support staff encouraging & joining such nonsense

-Coaches running to twitter

-HC talks like Looney Tune’s Sylvester, & slips & slides better than Trick Daddy & Trina in their prime.

I thought The Golden Days were dark, but my goodness.
That’s the thing, as a coach, why r u tweeting back? But I keep forgetting, DVD wasn’t a Butch player, he was apart of a F’d up culture as a player here.
Seemed like he was trying to keep a player from mentally checking out… I don’t know if it was the right thing to do or not, but ultimately his goal I think is Ws and Ls.
Seemed like he was trying to keep a player from mentally checking out… I don’t know if it was the right thing to do or not, but ultimately his goal I think is Ws and Ls.
Don’t tweet a kid; go holla at him.

When one of my youngins reach out, the first thing I’m doing as an adult is either calling them or shooting to their house. Tweeting is public af, and impersonal af. I don’t follow other programs religiously like Miami, but I don’t see winning program’s coaches on twitter. I see maybe some trolling of their opponent via the school’s account or tweeting an accomplishment, again via the school’s account, but I just don’t see coaches doing that. I could be wrong, but I typically see programs w/ broken culture doing this. FSU is an immediate team that comes to mind.
Kinda like Saban and everyone's beloved dolphins? Some great college coaches would be terrible NFL HCs. Urban Meyer is another example of this.

I, personally, like to compare similar situations to gauge future success. He is credited, even by Franklin, for rebuilding the culture at PSU after the Sandusky scandal broke. He's a hard ***, but also a great leader. Plus, with his NFL and Bama connections, I'm sure he puts together a good staff.
a great leader doesnt **** off his franchise qb and his franchise wr to the point where he trades his franchise wr for a bag of chips as a replacement while completely exploding his own team.

thats what you call a great leader? really?
Imagine being a coach on a unit that is in the pits when it comes to tackling ranks….. but still has time to be on Twitter giving out Subliminal messages!….😒 we sad! “DVD” needs to go watch a “VHS” on proper technique and tackling!
Lets Go Thumbs Up GIF by ESPN
Relax. He’s referring to differences in stool output a/k/a variations when taking a dump.

In other words, it’s foolish to think everyone is fortunate enough to be regular with firm turds. Some people struggle with bowel issues resulting in loose stools. Shouldn’t really hold it against them, it’s not usually a choice, just the way they are.

I tend to disagree about laughing at them, but to each their own. Either way, I agree with the broader message: Just move along and focus on your own ****.
He’s streaming some Warzone right now on Twitch is anyone wants to get some sub hype going in the chat
Unless he has the virus/flu or can’t walk, what other reason could there be?
Hopefully he bad COVID (only because it's about the only thing that makes sense, don't actually want him to have it). Otherwise, not being at the game is ****ed up. Being on Twitch is weird too, even if watching the game. These kids are huge nerds and so soft and sensitive now. It's crazy.
Help me out - is twitch only for gaming? Do I have that right that AB was live streaming a game while the boys were getting rag dolled against uva?
It’s not strictly for gaming. This summer the big thing was Hot Tub Streams. It was just people streaming themselves sitting in an inflatable hot tub in their apartment.
Help me out - is twitch only for gaming? Do I have that right that AB was live streaming a game while the boys were getting rag dolled against uva?
Twitch is not only for gaming. I think that is what the majority use it for, but its used for a lot of other things now. Martial artists hold virtual classes on it. Day traders have live streams of their trades, etc.
Can I get some clarification on the twitch comment ^ al blades was not at the game and instead was on twitch while his teammates were playing on national television? I really hope I’m wrong on this assumption and this wasn’t the case
Go back and read the game day thread. A poster posted the link during the game. I personally got on to make sure it was him and it wasn’t pre recorded…Nah it was him live during the game. I got off of his stream and posted about it in the game day thread. Made no sense..
Go back and read the game day thread. A poster posted the link during the game. I personally got on to make sure it was him and it wasn’t pre recorded…Nah it was him live during the game. I got off of his stream and posted about it in the game day thread. Made no sense..
Since you are our only first hand source. What was he doing on twitch? Playing fortnight?