D'onofrio coaching clinic

What I'd give for Gus Malzahn to be our coach.

My mind is really slipping. Auburn sucked the year before Malzahn got there.

How many years did it take Malzahn to turn Auburn around?

Hmmmmm. I believe just one. But I could be wrong. I mean that would be pretty crazy. To turn a program around like that so quickly.

gtfoh, auburn was a couple of years removed from winningt the MNC.
And Chizik may not have been the best coach but he could get talent to Auburn like the best of them.
Malzhan took over a loaded team that were 2 improbable plays away from being 9-3 and you shleps slurping on the next coach de jour.

I'm sorry, but you didn't answer the question for someone who seems real familiar with Auburn.

What was their record the year before Malzahn got there? (3-9) And how many the very next year? (12-1)

How is it that other teams have "loaded" team personnel, and can't do siht, but another coach comes in the next year, and suddenly they really do very well?

How does that work? Two improbable plays? Did you see some of our UM games? We almost lost some that we actually won as well.

But thanks for playing, Mr. Unending Excuses.

the point he was, correctly, making.. is that Auburn hasn't sucked for 10 years straight.. they have recruited really well, and had won a national title , what 2 years ago? Had they been in the dumps for 10 years, i'd be more impressed...
Auburn didn't have to go thru Coker, Shannon, Shapiro, and then NoDFrio either. Add that to having a recent National Title and Chizik recruiting very well, just not getting wins...and Malzahn was able to use his wide-open offense to win some games to hasten that turnaround.

Comparing Auburn's situation to Miami's is an apples to oranges comparison.

Now...Auburn's success last year could last for a few years, and be gone. Malzahn could move on to greener pastures and the next guy may not be able to sustain what Malzahn was able to microwave into a success last year. Then again, he might. We don't know yet.

It's two different approaches...Malzahn's was quicker, but who knows if it's sustainable. Golden's is slower, but his selling point is that it will be sustainable and will put us back in position to win and win big year-in/year-out. I'm a guy who believes that something lasting and sustainable takes some time and patience to build. While I recognize some big blunders on Golden/NoDFrio's parts...I also am willing to see if we continue the uptick we've seen so far. The next step is winning the Coastal, and being competitive/maybe winning the ACC Title game and winning a good bowl game (maybe even a BCS bowl if we win the ACC). If Golden can accomplish that, and if his system/plan can help us do that on a year-to-year basis as opposed to maybe once a decade...I'm alright with that.

If we continue to lose the Coastal, and look extremely bad against quality opponents where we just looked outgunned and outcoached, then they can all GTFO and we can start back with some other coach's plan to bring success back to Canes Football.
I just LMAO at the title of the thread

******* hilarious. worst defensive coaching staff in D1 and it aint close
Auburn didn't have to go thru Coker, Shannon, Shapiro, and then NoDFrio either. Add that to having a recent National Title and Chizik recruiting very well, just not getting wins...and Malzahn was able to use his wide-open offense to win some games to hasten that turnaround.

Comparing Auburn's situation to Miami's is an apples to oranges comparison.

Now...Auburn's success last year could last for a few years, and be gone. Malzahn could move on to greener pastures and the next guy may not be able to sustain what Malzahn was able to microwave into a success last year. Then again, he might. We don't know yet.

It's two different approaches...Malzahn's was quicker, but who knows if it's sustainable. Golden's is slower, but his selling point is that it will be sustainable and will put us back in position to win and win big year-in/year-out. I'm a guy who believes that something lasting and sustainable takes some time and patience to build. While I recognize some big blunders on Golden/NoDFrio's parts...I also am willing to see if we continue the uptick we've seen so far. The next step is winning the Coastal, and being competitive/maybe winning the ACC Title game and winning a good bowl game (maybe even a BCS bowl if we win the ACC). If Golden can accomplish that, and if his system/plan can help us do that on a year-to-year basis as opposed to maybe once a decade...I'm alright with that.

If we continue to lose the Coastal, and look extremely bad against quality opponents where we just looked outgunned and outcoached, then they can all GTFO and we can start back with some other coach's plan to bring success back to Canes Football.

Seriously? I ask that you step back for a moment, and then re-read what you wrote.

Why in the world, is slower to win more sustainable?

When you're a new coach, you can tell players and folks that you're going to do this, and that, and without any significant indicators to the contrary - they almost have to believe you. But you don't have long to back that up.

Slow isn't good in football. Slow isn't good for receivers, slow isn't good for defense, slow isn't good for starting to win games with equal talent - IF you're good.

Now, we have DT's who have SEEN the scheme! They, as a group, apparently don't like it! That's why it's all we can do to get a DT to look at us. Now it's Miami, and we're going to scoop up some talent IN SPITE of **** poor coaching.

You then suggest that "If we continue to lose the Coastal, and look extremely bad against quality opponents . . . " Continue to lose the Coastal? That's quite a goal.

But see, you just bit. "Where we just looked outgunned and outcoached, then they can all GTFOH . . . . "

You're just now getting around to where many of us have already been. We are saying, this isn't the guy. This guy can't hire top coordinators. This guy can't bring the team out ready to eat barbed wire and siht nails. This guy's Coordinators, especially the DC, can't make an in-game adjustment to save his life.

And even the dumbass announcers can see that and comment on it. It's embarrassing.
BWCD and the others like him come across as completely brainwashed. there is absolutely nothing to suggest that F.A.G. can build something "sustainable" - LMFAO

all the evidence we have says the guy is complete garbage. his ONLY prayer IMO would have been to cut ties with Dorito, and turn the defense over to someone competent that is NOT from his Al Groh coaching tree

I would have been somewhat hopeful if he did that, but he didnt and he is going to go down with Dorito
Seriously? I ask that you step back for a moment, and then re-read what you wrote.

Why in the world, is slower to win more sustainable?
Rome wasn't built in a day...that's all I'm saying. And...I didn't say slower was indeed more sustainable as a fact, I said that's Golden's selling point for his approach.

When you're a new coach, you can tell players and folks that you're going to do this, and that, and without any significant indicators to the contrary - they almost have to believe you. But you don't have long to back that up.
True, under most circumstances 3 years is a reasonable expectation for a turnaround. Any quicker is the ****. For our circumstance? Who knows. There aren't a lot of schools that just went thru 2 **** poor coaches, and then had an NCAA scandal hampering the program for the better part of 3 years. That's really the main reason for my patience...this isn't exactly the stocked cupboard that Malzahn walked into.

Slow isn't good in football. Slow isn't good for receivers, slow isn't good for defense, slow isn't good for starting to win games with equal talent - IF you're good.
Slow as in speed, yes--zero argument from me there. Slow as in building something up and making it a lasting thing--now that's where we would have to disagree. I think you completely missed my point in using the words quick/slow with Malzahn and Golden.

Now, we have DT's who have SEEN the scheme! They, as a group, apparently don't like it! That's why it's all we can do to get a DT to look at us. Now it's Miami, and we're going to scoop up some talent IN SPITE of **** poor coaching.
Now who's being unreasonable. We're Miami, and yes--that makes some recruits want to come to us no matter what (see Duke Johnson), but that doesn't work for everybody. Otherwise, we wouldn't be discussing our struggles.

You then suggest that "If we continue to lose the Coastal, and look extremely bad against quality opponents . . . " Continue to lose the Coastal? That's quite a goal.

But see, you just bit. "Where we just looked outgunned and outcoached, then they can all GTFOH . . . . "

You're just now getting around to where many of us have already been. We are saying, this isn't the guy. This guy can't hire top coordinators. This guy can't bring the team out ready to eat barbed wire and siht nails. This guy's Coordinators, especially the DC, can't make an in-game adjustment to save his life.
And I'm upset about all of those things. I'm simply not to the point of running him off on a rail just yet. If you don't like that, I'm sorry. What the fvck good is it being mad at me for not being as angry as you???

And even the dumbass announcers can see that and comment on it. It's embarrassing.
It is embarrassing...and I'm embarrassed. I just don't see an alternative on the horizon right off that would be doing things any differently or turn us around overnight unless we got Malzahn and his staff to leave Auburn and come here.

And even then--it's a different animal, and a different situation.
BWCD and the others like him come across as completely brainwashed. there is absolutely nothing to suggest that F.A.G. can build something "sustainable" - LMFAO
There may not be evidence, but unless you folks get off your butts and put your $$$ where your mouth is, Golden will be the coach this Fall. That's the reality. I'm looking to see what will happen...because he's gonna be here. Does that mean I like it? No. It just means I know what the landscape is, and Golden and this team will play the games...and the possibility is there that they will be better than last year. These guys suck at defensive coaching, and their scheme is pitiful, but that's what we're rolling out on the field this Fall. Me rooting for it to fail and/or holding it as fact that it will indeed fail does zero good.

all the evidence we have says the guy is complete garbage. his ONLY prayer IMO would have been to cut ties with Dorito, and turn the defense over to someone competent that is NOT from his Al Groh coaching tree
Maybe so. I won't argue with that at all. That, however, isn't what happened. The talent on D should be better this year, though...and the games will be played with them on the field, this sh1tty scheme in effect, and Golden/NoDFrio coaching it. That's the reality of it.

I would have been somewhat hopeful if he did that, but he didnt and he is going to go down with Dorito
If it happens, it happens. I fully accept that we could go 6-7 or 7-6 and be staring another coaching change (and the ever-important contract buyout) in the face. But dismissing the possibility that they could have some success this season and the record reflect that is asinine, and just hateration for the sake of hateration.
BWCD and the others like him come across as completely brainwashed. there is absolutely nothing to suggest that F.A.G. can build something "sustainable" - LMFAO
There may not be evidence, but unless you folks get off your butts and put your $$$ where your mouth is, Golden will be the coach this Fall. That's the reality. I'm looking to see what will happen...because he's gonna be here. Does that mean I like it? No. It just means I know what the landscape is, and Golden and this team will play the games...and the possibility is there that they will be better than last year. These guys suck at defensive coaching, and their scheme is pitiful, but that's what we're rolling out on the field this Fall. Me rooting for it to fail and/or holding it as fact that it will indeed fail does zero good.

all the evidence we have says the guy is complete garbage. his ONLY prayer IMO would have been to cut ties with Dorito, and turn the defense over to someone competent that is NOT from his Al Groh coaching tree
Maybe so. I won't argue with that at all. That, however, isn't what happened. The talent on D should be better this year, though...and the games will be played with them on the field, this sh1tty scheme in effect, and Golden/NoDFrio coaching it. That's the reality of it.

I would have been somewhat hopeful if he did that, but he didnt and he is going to go down with Dorito
If it happens, it happens. I fully accept that we could go 6-7 or 7-6 and be staring another coaching change (and the ever-important contract buyout) in the face. But dismissing the possibility that they could have some success this season and the record reflect that is asinine, and just hateration for the sake of hateration.

if we agree that this team is going nowhere with this staff and defense, then we agree that this year is a throw away year. better for the team/coaches to fall flat on their face so we can fire their asses

an 8-4 type year is the worst case scenario
D'onofrio coaching clinic

I've asked this 8 million times, and i never get an answer.

Why were D'Onofrio and Golden able to put out good defenses at temple? Caveat: you can't give answers that have no logic like "the competition was worse"... while i realize that to be true, he was playing with talent relative to the competition. he wasn't doing it with Bama's recruiting classes.
I've asked this 8 million times, and i never get an answer.

Why were D'Onofrio and Golden able to put out good defenses at temple? Caveat: you can't give answers that have no logic like "the competition was worse"... while i realize that to be true, he was playing with talent relative to the competition. he wasn't doing it with Bama's recruiting classes.

the answer is that they DIDN'T - depending on what you define as good (which I'm sure you will tailor to fit their 1 decent season at temple)

F.A.G. basically has 2 mythical good defenses in his whole coaching career:

2004 - UVA (gave up 4.9 yards per play!)
2010 - Temple (gave up 4.6 yards per play)

for comparison, one of our worst defenses in the Shancoker era was the 2004 defense that lost a boat load of starters from the 2003 squad. that team gave up 4.6 yards per play. i thought we sucked on defense that year but now that is the benchmark of a good F.A.G. defense

you are drooling ******
I've asked this 8 million times, and i never get an answer.

Why were D'Onofrio and Golden able to put out good defenses at temple? Caveat: you can't give answers that have no logic like "the competition was worse"... while i realize that to be true, he was playing with talent relative to the competition. he wasn't doing it with Bama's recruiting classes.

They recruited Big East style players to play a Big East defense. Since he's been here, Golden realized that he had to recruit locally, but he's trying to fit round pegs into square holes. Also, he's missed on the guys that would most likely make his defense work in Valentine, Bryant, and Bostwick. And while the competition was worse, his players were Big East caliber while he was playing in the MAC. They were comparable, but he had a talent advantage. And let's be honest here. They did not put out good defense in the plural. They put out one good defense that for their level was excellent.

the scheme is fine!

Personnel was the problem! How do you all not see that? This year will show a lot, we have all Golden classes on the roster now. No more Shannon left overs that dont fit the scheme we are running. Judge the defense on this year's success or failure.
I've asked this 8 million times, and i never get an answer.

Why were D'Onofrio and Golden able to put out good defenses at temple? Caveat: you can't give answers that have no logic like "the competition was worse"... while i realize that to be true, he was playing with talent relative to the competition. he wasn't doing it with Bama's recruiting classes.

That 2010 team was the best defense they had. Let's take a look at the offensive juggernauts that top ranked defense faced.


How impressive is that top 20 defense when the offenses they faced had an average ranking of 86?
I've asked this 8 million times, and i never get an answer.

Why were D'Onofrio and Golden able to put out good defenses at temple? Caveat: you can't give answers that have no logic like "the competition was worse"... while i realize that to be true, he was playing with talent relative to the competition. he wasn't doing it with Bama's recruiting classes.

the answer is that they DIDN'T - depending on what you define as good (which I'm sure you will tailor to fit their 1 decent season at temple)

F.A.G. basically has 2 mythical good defenses in his whole coaching career:

2004 - UVA (gave up 4.9 yards per play!)
2010 - Temple (gave up 4.6 yards per play)

for comparison, one of our worst defenses in the Shancoker era was the 2004 defense that lost a boat load of starters from the 2003 squad. that team gave up 4.6 yards per play. i thought we sucked on defense that year but now that is the benchmark of a good F.A.G. defense

you are drooling ******

so you didn't answer the question.. thanks for playing. anyone?
I've asked this 8 million times, and i never get an answer.

Why were D'Onofrio and Golden able to put out good defenses at temple? Caveat: you can't give answers that have no logic like "the competition was worse"... while i realize that to be true, he was playing with talent relative to the competition. he wasn't doing it with Bama's recruiting classes.

They recruited Big East style players to play a Big East defense. Since he's been here, Golden realized that he had to recruit locally, but he's trying to fit round pegs into square holes. Also, he's missed on the guys that would most likely make his defense work in Valentine, Bryant, and Bostwick. And while the competition was worse, his players were Big East caliber while he was playing in the MAC. They were comparable, but he had a talent advantage. And let's be honest here. They did not put out good defense in the plural. They put out one good defense that for their level was excellent.
solid answer, but what's the expectation .. worst team in college football team to consistent top 25 D's in 4 or 5 years?
I've asked this 8 million times, and i never get an answer.

Why were D'Onofrio and Golden able to put out good defenses at temple? Caveat: you can't give answers that have no logic like "the competition was worse"... while i realize that to be true, he was playing with talent relative to the competition. he wasn't doing it with Bama's recruiting classes.

That 2010 team was the best defense they had. Let's take a look at the offensive juggernauts that top ranked defense faced.


How impressive is that top 20 defense when the offenses they faced had an average ranking of 86?

thank goodness games are won and lost by the amount of yardage teams put up... but that's beside the point.. is it your contention that the only reason their defenses got better each year, was because they avg ypg of the teams they were playing each year were getting consecutively worse? also, if you were to take last years, 16th? ( i don't remember what temples exact ranking was).. are you telling me their opponents ypg would be in the top 30? In fact, who was the number 1 D last year, what was their opponents avg ypg?