Does anyone else find it odd...

This is another guy that never should have been a starter! There are 5 WRs that preformed better then him and yet Richt felt the need to make him a starting WR! The nonsense is just unbelievable on this team right now!!
There’s no leadership by the coaches either. If there was, this situation wouldn’t have festered to the point it’s at.

The coaches have to set the standard, this coaching staff dont axe players quick, so when it comes down to players getting dismissed with this staff, im not worried. They at least give guys a chance to get it together first instead of dumping than as True freshman, like the last moron regime was famous for!
I didn’t see the tweets, but if they’re supporting him publicly they like him and think he’s a good dude. And they probably understand his beef. Not a good look for the coaches.
Problem with your response is that JT was a starter already. he did all the stuff on the field besides catching passes. he was singled out numerous time this season by commentators in the booth that he was a vicious blocker and was an example to younger receivers of how to play the position when you don't have the ball in your hand!

The truth will eventually come out with time. But I'm not going to throw JT under the bus when I have not seen anything that point to him not know his position. This is very disturbing that the coach can't recruit the players on the squad let alone recruit guys coming in that are now jumping ship!!

Of course the commentators are going to call mostly highlights, but you know football right, so ask yourself besides out-routes and deep routes, what other routes was jeff good at. They were also trying to get him to understand route concepts which he kept fighting, you dont run all your routes full speed, it will negate the development of a play and cause 2 receivers to be covered by 1 db, sometimes you have to let the traffic clear out and than burst. Also on the intermediate routes, jt4 allowed db's to smother him on those routes because he wasnt to good at setting them up, go and watch that comeback route he ran against UVA in the crunch, a **** poor route. Similar to how he did last year in the V-tech game on that square in, where he came out of his break loafing and we got picked off, but as a True freshman i cut him some slack on that one.

You think coach dugans, thomas and braxton berrios was just blowing hot air when they talked about jt4 and if he picked up his work ethic, he'd be real good. Sometimes jt4 will just blow past his man even if that's not the play that's called. I dont want to compare jt4 to berrios as a senior, but berrios was a strong router runner, and so was Ahmon, and what made richards elite, he was patient on alot of his routes before exploding into them.
He also was elite on the intermediate routes, be it out routes or in's. So db's had to do their homework for Ahmon, with jt4, just play em for the deepball, or deep outs. He was developing, but he wasnt developed enuff to be the go to receiver like people think, cause he wasnt running precise routes.

Than when you got rosier, who wasnt good enough to be respected to say anything to em, and than perry on the come up, dont get me wrong, sometimes you gotta say something to another player but in the V-tech game when perry threw that low ball to jt4, and jt4 started complaining, this not the pro's, now if they were starters for awhile and upperclassmen like dre was when he use to get on dorsey that's different. But just because you made a couple of plays, now you think you better than everybody else instead of helping the team, that's never gone be a good look. A headcoach is going to put the team above the individual, yeah things look ruff now, but you couldnt let jt4 be a host for recruits, so the best decision was made for the team.

I got nothing against that young man jt4, but i do know he's surrounded by good people who wanted him here but coach richt not scared to make the tuff calls, be it with players, or b.o.t.'s running they mouth like its being reported, that's a no no.
That JTs teammates were so supportive of his decision to walk away? I say this based on teammates’ tweets posted here.

Shouldn’t his teammates have encouraged him to get his **** together and return to practice? Does it say Anythjng about the team that they were fine with him walking out?

My concern is that his teammates didn’t have a problem with him leaving, because they don’t blame him for doing so, and maybe want to themselves.

Could the atmosphere be so toxic that these guys don’t wanna be there?

Anyway you can post those tweets, be interested to see who they are.
The coaches have to set the standard, this coaching staff dont axe players quick, so when it comes down to players getting dismissed with this staff, im not worried. They at least give guys a chance to get it together first instead of dumping than as True freshman, like the last moron regime was famous for!
JT didn’t get the axe, he walked away himself.
The kid absolutely has mental health issues. My point tho wasn’t about what he did or why he did it.

I was talking about his teammates reaction to what he did... i wouidve expected to see them trying to get him back... they didn’t.

I see a bit differently. I tend to think a lot of his teammates understood that his mental health issues were affecting the team culture and may be happy to see him no longer in the locker room for two reasons:

1). Because he was hurting team culture (reference coach Brown's "locker room cancer" comments)
2). Because they like him personally and thinks/hope that him going back to STL is best for him.

In short, a win win.
if anyone thinks JT leaving is going to be a miracle cure and now Miami with Mork as HC will have a great offense and shake the world is hanging with Alice in Wonderland.
He is a better person and football player then when he entered, why he chose to leave after having a sensational game last week is beyond me.

Well @cubin10, his reason is clearly bigger than any one game, and I agree with you that Jeff has matured. I think we can agree that Jeff Thomas has NFL potential, and that like many, perhaps most, of our kids he wants to play professionally and wants to maximize financially that opportunity by preparing himself while winning games at the college level. And yet, I also believe Jeff feels stifled in Richt's offense, and I believe that most of our other playmakers do as well. And I think that is the heart of the matter.

Let's look at the numbers, which admittedly don't tell the whole story, but I think they reflect what we see on most Saturdays and are at least part of the issue. They speak for themselves, but ask yourself if this is what you expected from our offense with the addition of a five star WR and RB and a four star WR and RB in year three playing in the ACC Coastal Division.

According to CBS Sports*, our Miami Hurricanes rank as follows:

104. Total passing yards
104. Total passing yards per game
107. Passing yards per attempt
110. Passing completion percentage

In four of the key passing categories our national average is 106.25.

*CBS Sports allows you to sort the teams by categories.

According to stats, we are:

92. Total Offense


So, looking at those numbers prudence clearly demands change, but Richt is delusional and intractable. In the face of what can only be called an abysmal failure on offense, Richt has said publicly and repeatedly, that it's the players who are failing to execute, and that he does not plan to change his staff or make substantive changes to his offense.

If you're not going to change in significant ways a failed system and process, then I certainly see the logic in why Jeff would leave even though I would much rather have him on our team.
Kids fragile... no doubt about that. And I’m not talking about why he did what he did. I’m just suggesting that his teammates seemed pretty good with his departure.

If JT is homesick, that’s even more reason for his boys to reach out to him to stay.
What makes you think his teammates aren't good with his departure, because while they like him and are friends, but know that he wasn't right for the team? I mean it's pretty telling when a kid either quits or tries to quit on his team three years in a row. Kids these days won't bash or beg, it's the PC society (not bashing) and why would they beg?

You think that cause people aren't kissing his *** and asking him to come back they're supporting his decision to quit. Man you're really trying hard to push an agenda.

We get it the season sucks, we are trash on offense and need to get better, but seriously the kid fuggin quit or tried to quit 3 YEARS IN A ROW NOW!
There’s no leadership by the coaches either. If there was, this situation wouldn’t have festered to the point it’s at.
You can only placate for so long before the kid isn't worth it. From all reports our coaches knew what htey were getting into, did everything in their power to make it work, kid didn't want to reciprocate so he walked. Why are people defending a dude that quit on his team so much? Cause you hate our HC and OC that much, you'd side with a quitter?
Yeah a teammate is suppose to wish harm on him and his career if he leaves... gtfoh either this fantasy football sh*t...
You can only placate for so long before the kid isn't worth it. From all reports our coaches knew what htey were getting into, did everything in their power to make it work, kid didn't want to reciprocate so he walked. Why are people defending a dude that quit on his team so much? Cause you hate our HC and OC that much, you'd side with a quitter?
It might be more about Dugans then the HC.... But u may be right, the staff might’ve been ready to cut the kid loose. The problem is they lost the abikity to do that when he decided to take off. If they planned on keeping him around, then the situation was mishandled.
Maybe you don't kick a teammate when he's down?

Maybe he was such a head case they couldn't wait for him to leave?

Why does it automatically have to be: "Man, they must want to leave too".
What makes you think his teammates aren't good with his departure, because while they like him and are friends, but know that he wasn't right for the team? I mean it's pretty telling when a kid either quits or tries to quit on his team three years in a row. Kids these days won't bash or beg, it's the PC society (not bashing) and why would they beg?

You think that cause people aren't kissing his *** and asking him to come back they're supporting his decision to quit. Man you're really trying hard to push an agenda.

We get it the season sucks, we are trash on offense and need to get better, but seriously the kid fuggin quit or tried to quit 3 YEARS IN A ROW NOW!
I think they are good with his question is why. Do they think he’s a cancer, and the team is better off without him? Or maybe they think he shouid take off because the situation they’re all in is fvcked.

I don’t know which it is, but it’s pretty clear his teammates are ok with his departure.
It might be more about Dugans then the HC.... But u may be right, the staff might’ve been ready to cut the kid loose. The problem is they lost the abikity to do that when he decided to take off. If they planned on keeping him around, then the situation was mishandled.
I don't see how that has anything to do with any of this? If the kid was going to go then he was going to go and there was nothing that the staff was going to be able to do about that. I think they wanted him to come back and he left anyways. Not sure how it was mishandled, but **** i'm wrong often.

I'll be completely honest i think the kid has mental health issues and really doesn't see that he is the problem. I feel for him cause if he doesn't transfer to another school and play a year (which delays him making a check for a year) then i don't see him lasting in the league. He will get a shot probably as an UFA, but he'll have to do everything that much better than the next guy to make it and i don't think he can do that every day. Everyone is an athlete at that level and the NFL doesn't take kindly to quitters.
Maybe you don't kick a teammate when he's down?

Maybe he was such a head case they couldn't wait for him to leave?

Why does it automatically have to be: "Man, they must want to leave too".
Because manny and others have reported they want to leave.

It could also be that they had enough of JTs shlt too