Do you think they will Cancel Ark St. Game

You guys are going to be really ****ed when they cancel the FSU game.

You can bet your *** FSU is going to do everything they can to work with Miami officials to assure the "safety of the players". Especially with stickboy at QB.
The hurricane isn't even hitting us. Check the latest models.

They were saying this morning that 350 miles out from the eye wall were experiencing tropical storm force winds.

Just because the eye may be off the coast 50 to 100 miles doesn't mean cities on the coast won't still be getting 100 mph+ winds.
I think it's entirely possible that we request to Arkansas State that the game be moved. The reality is that these guys could quite possibly not be able to come home for a significant amount of time after Saturday. Not just players either, the entire football program that travels.
Why is this post being down voted?

Because the game is getting played.
