Do you need mood modifiers to enjoy sports ?


Jan 23, 2015
Just a plain question , I'm not for or against drinking at games or at home it's everyone's free choice.

Do you need alcohol or any other mood modifiers to enjoy sports ?

My own answer:
NO , for years I did till slowly I was doing things out of character thinking more fun if partaking more ( was a power drinker) , till people saying wow you really were messed up at last weeks game and getting home forgetting things about the game when asked by family , the sleepless nights drinking out of bathroom sink faucet , I saw I was missing the fun and big play highlights in conversation had to watch highlights to see the game I just went to the day before in person seemed wierd.

Finally cutting all that out enjoyed tailgating and focusing on the game flow and plays more just being myself., any way your thoughts on this please.

I took a girl to the Miami/Washington game in 2001 and she got so drunk it made ME quit drinking. At least at public events and heavily. She was so drunk by kickoff she was butchering the national anthem. I told her to stop singing and she said, "Everyone else is!" I said, "Yeah, but they didn't sing, 'Jose Cuervo sing, by LaDawn's burly side.'"
Need.... No. Enjoy having 6 or 8 beers while tailgating, OH Yeaaaa (macho man voice)
No. But, there's also a huge difference between getting blackout drunk and having a few beers during a game. Drinking and smoking is secondary to the game.
I've been lucky enough to not be too blitzed where I can't remember the game. I get so nervous and amped up at the game that being drunk mixed with that is just an anxiety bueno. Over the years, I've always tried to time it up to where I'm still feeling good during the walk to the stadium (go to mostly road games, so normally have to park/tailgate further away)...but then by the time I get to the stadium and to my seat, I'm easing off towards clarity/sobriety.

The game I got closest to missing part of the game just due to being too drunk was @FSU back in 2011. I don't remember most of the march to the stadium, except for seeing this one dude I was drinking with at the tailgate faceplant on fraternity row right in front of me because he was so fvcked up. I slowed down after seeing that and maintained well enough to be close to sober by the time kickoff came.

At home, I'm normally so nervous and wanting to pay attention to the game that I can't even eat, much less drink. There have been some games where I've done a few shots at halftime because I felt like it, but past that...I'm too locked in to think about eating/drinking.
this question is an interesting one because I have definitely had games where I drank to much and didn't have any idea wtf was going on (Kansas state 2011) after that had to limit the tailgates beers to 4-5. Key is good buzz while still being cognizant 😂
If I drink too much before the game, I just get severely tired and want to fall asleep in the stands....this is worse during the hotter early season games. Eating tons of food at the same time tempers the drunk, but makes you even more tired. Prior to recent years, the poor quality of our team's play didn't exactly help, either. I've become much better about's really not much fun to walk up to your seat after the tailgate and have an overwhelming urge to take a nap just as the game's starting.

One of the worst games for me was the 2013 UF game - it's usually difficult to get that drunk for a noon game even if you want to, but the tailgates were insane.
It's been 2 years of no alcohol during games for me and I prefer it. The alcohol induced euphoria is fun, but being able to process the most amount of information is better for me. I'm not knocking either route. Do what you want. This is America.
I went to I THINK the FSU game awhile back drank YACK , JACK and CROWN I'm told , got home the wife said how was the game all I could muster was GREAT went to my room tried to find ESPN to see some high lights of what I went to see, next day still ripped all day , never did it again.

The next weeks game ,I was asked how do you feel. GEEEZ..a week later. That was my last drink of anything 8 years ago.

this question is an interesting one because I have definitely had games where I drank to much and didn't have any idea wtf was going on (Kansas state 2011) after that had to limit the tailgates beers to 4-5. Key is good buzz while still being cognizant 😂
So funny you mention that game, was the day we did a winery bus tour for my birthday so I dvr'd the game. Got home and was too drunk to figure out how to work the DVR properly and had to wait till following day to watch, only to celebrate and then have Jacory's td overturned :(
I don't know about you guys, but I can't imagine watching sports without mood enhancers.

Drinking until you can't feel feelings isn't necessary. I can understand college kids doing it that way because that's what kids do, but if you're an adult you shouldn't need to be blackout to tolerate a game imo.
Just like at the games, it’s pretty clear there are some people here that can’t handle their intake of mood enhancers. Don’t do it if you can’t handle it.

At the Notre Dame game this past year, there was this dude with a beard that sat near me in the club section.

I’m going to say he was in his late thirties, maybe forties, with a good sized beard. I had never seen him before. Not wearing any colors. Really didn’t pay attention but I think he was there with a couple of other people.

Anyway, barely noticed him, but wasn’t doing much cheering, kind of staring off into space sort of glassy eyed the one time I noticed.

Sometime right after halftime, dude)s just sitting there, and like it’s nothing, just starts spewing into his beard. INTO HIS FŪCKING BEARD. I almost puked myself when I saw that shlt..

And then he just sits there for a minute until the guy next to him tells him to leave. People cleared out of his way, I’ll tell you that.