DL Coach search

How about a massive name in Brett Bielema. Getting paid a ton by arkansas. Old D Coord and played DT in college.

A guy can dream
How about a massive name in Brett Bielema. Getting paid a ton by arkansas. Old D Coord and played DT in college.

A guy can dream

Richt wants a guy who is going to stay around for awhile. Bielema would be a 1 year guy and on to be a HC somewhere. Honestly, the guy should take the year off and take care of himself. He’s gotten so big it’s disturbing. He can’t feel good about his weight.

slow methodical football just isn’t UM football. These kids do not operate well doing that
Yeap and neither is only playing aggressive on 1 &2 downs. Passive drop back coverage is Golden defense not Miami defense. 3rd and long is feeding time for Cane defense not drop 8 into soft coverage.
How about a massive name in Brett Bielema. Getting paid a ton by arkansas. Old D Coord and played DT in college.

A guy can dream

The only thing Bieliema dreams about is a meat lovers XL pizza. Love the clever use of “massive” and “ton”. Saw what you did there.

Where’s Hamburgerhipster when you need him?
I’m not worried at all. It’s not like there’s only 3 or 4 guys that are very good at coaching d-lines out there. There are plenty of qualified candidates with experience. Richt already said they’d rather be right than fast.

That is absolutely the right philosophy.

I had a director once that would get really antsy whenever I had a vacant position. He wanted me to fill it right away, but I learned the hard way something one of my first managers taught me “hire in haste, regret in leisure”.

Once you hire somebody, if it’s a bad fit, you’re stuck for a while. It’s disruptive, time consuming, and a pain in the *** to fire people.

Get the right person, that’s most qualified and a good fit for the team. That takes time.

I feel where you're coming from, but the Rumph hire brings back deja vu memories. Not saying Rumph was a bad hire, but it wasn't a preferred hire UNLESS he got TC and he didn't sooooooooooooooooooo.