Didn't Even Call Butch Back

Hey, I have interviewed for jobs before and never recieved a call..I figured they went with someone else and moved on. Sometimes I intitiated the call to see what was going on. It happens. Time to move on.
No self respecting miami fan would call butch a loser. Whether you wanted him or not.


Most that do jumped back on the bandwagon or started following the Canes for the first time based on what the dude did for this program...they have no idea what he was facing in '95.

Ironically, the same people whining about Shalala not investing in top notch coaching hires refuse to recognize that it started with Butch as UM dragged their collective feet in doing what it took to keep him around long term.

Should Butch have told us all he was staying? **** no, every coach since has learned the proper spin coach speak when possibly entertaining other opportunities...but I have no doubt the guy believed UM would do the right thing....the intelligent thing...and our program has suffered since because of it.

We are all stoked to have Richt, the one guy an honest fan would admit we never would have believed we could EVER land...but to slam Butch as a loser over it is pathetic and hypocritical.


How many times does this insane revisionist history have to be disproven before morons could stop spouting it?

Butch wanted to make leaving Miami as easy as possible and Miami didn't want to lose another coach to the NFL and saw that Butch was going to jump and jump fast. Probably wouldn't have made it past 2002 if he stuck around.

Dude wanted greener pastures, Miami was going to make him one of the highest paid coaches in college football and he wanted an easy out. Butch ****ed Butch.

Butch is a noted and skilled liar. He duped all these clowns who thought he was UM for life. In the late 90s, LSU interviewed him for their HC job. Butch declined the job and told them LSU AD Joe Dean that his ultimate goal was to be an NFL HC, and he felt he could reach that goal just as easily by staying at UM. I have a letter from Joe Dean stating those facts.

Butch's plan all along was to leave UM for the NFL, and the reason he balked at the UM contract was because UM was wise to him and insisted on a large early termination payment.
nobody else afraid of Butch with the drive to stick it to UM now?

Stop shaking. It's going to be ok. He can't do too much damage from the ESPN studio. No one else is looking for Butch. USCe hired a psychopath proven failure instead of him.

OUCH!!!! Franchise, you come out like old school MIKE TYSON.... and I don't blame you, keep the flames roaring!!
I love Butch and would have been fine with him being hired but this is unbecoming and comes off as sour grapes.
I wanted Butch above all the other candidates, including Mark because I want the Cane football back and he was best prospect for that. Mark didn't want to come here until he got fired. He turned us down at least twice. Mark was the perfect hire for the school. They proved they would spend money and there is not possible chance he will recreate the one thing they don't want -- our old team. Mark will win more games, definitely the Coastal, probably the ACC and might even beat FSU this year. That is all they want. I wanted our place back. That will never happen now. We will have a better program than since Larry's 4th year but never what was before. It is done.

As for Butch, I feel no pity for him. I wanted him for ME and the rest of us fans who wanted Cane football back. Butch got his shot and took it. I would have given him a second chance because WE deserved it not him. Now it is over. He is family and did great for us in our lowest hour. For that, thank you Butch. We tried to get another shot but it could not be done. Now we move on.

I hope for our sakes, Mark can be more than he was at UGA, because we all know that what he did there is not enough for us. Again, not for Mark. he turned his back on us a couple times. Fine, that was his choice. Now he is home and I am hoping for the best. I am ever excited. Not like I would have been for Butch. Not enough to go out and buy lots of tickets or donate money, but excited. I do thing Mark has nice chance this year. FSU is heading down a little. We have a top QB. If Mark get the right DC we have some players on defense. We can make a run. A one lost ACC Champ Miami has good shot at making playoffs -- Miami ratings, feel good story about Mark and a hot QB could influence committee thinking Mark vs Bama in first round.
Funny. All these "insiders" on this board a few weeks ago said Butch had already agreed to the job and was picking his staff.
I hope Butch lands at least as a DC somewhere.

And then I hope that he proves all of you ingrates and hurt little faqqots wrong. The dude brought us back from the dead. We were on life support as a program.
Last time Butch was here, his agent consistently spoke with everyone under the sun, and this strategy resulted in numerous pay raises for Butch. I was told last week that on Butch's final plane ride with the team, Miami offered him a contract that placed him in the top 7-salaries of the NCAA (he was given this contract on the chartered plane). Dee broke his back getting Butch that kind of money. Butch told Dee that "he would sign it later on." Dee asked Butch if he was leaving and Butch said "no." Dee later learned that Butch had lied to him (Dee's NFL contacts let him know). Miami's biggest donors have not changed much since them. It appears that they afforded him the same kind of courtesy that Butch afforded them (similar to Jay Cutler's current situation).

Mr. Tomato wanted Butch, because Mr. Tomato was Golden's strongest benefactor. Mr. Tomato is older now and did not want to be blamed for Miami's demise. When Richt emerged, it was an easy choice.

Butch will leave zero legacy. He has the millions that his wife demanded, but he will never be remembered. At this point in his life, it bothers him.
Did Butch call UM in the middle of the night when he left for Cleveland. That act set the program back for 10 years. UM made the desperate hire of ****er which worked for the short term but destroyed the football program in the long run. UM owes Butch nothing.
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Last time Butch was here, his agent consistently spoke with everyone under the sun, and this strategy resulted in numerous pay raises for Butch. I was told last week that on Butch's final plane ride with the team, Miami offered him a contract that placed him in the top 7-salaries of the NCAA (he was given this contract on the chartered plane). Dee broke his back getting Butch that kind of money. Butch told Dee that "he would sign it later on." Dee asked Butch if he was leaving and Butch said "no." Dee later learned that Butch had lied to him (Dee's NFL contacts let him know). Miami's biggest donors have not changed much since them. It appears that they afforded him the same kind of courtesy that Butch afforded them (similar to Jay Cutler's current situation).

Mr. Tomato wanted Butch, because Mr. Tomato was Golden's strongest benefactor. Mr. Tomato is older now and did not want to be blamed for Miami's demise. When Richt emerged, it was an easy choice.

Butch will leave zero legacy. He has the millions that his wife demanded, but he will never be remembered. At this point in his life, it bothers him.

Interesting stuff here.
Funny. All these "insiders" on this board a few weeks ago said Butch had already agreed to the job and was picking his staff.

Those dudes were downright smug in their conviction that Butch would be the HC. We even had a cult member claiming to be so dialed in that he went loopy and bet his account on Butch.
Did Butch call UM in the middle of the night when he left for Cleveland. That act set the program back for 10 years. UM made the desperate hire of ****er which worked for the short term but destroyed the football program in the long run. UM owes Butch nothing.

These cult guys forget that Butch was a total scumbag the whole time he was HC. He held UM up for raises yearly and was constantly shopping himself and inventing rumors to work UM. It was almost a joke at UM the way he handled that crap every year.
Not that loopy.

He felt that Butch was the best chance for us winning a title and recreating a dynasty. I kind of envy that move because if I am on this board 5 years from now talking about how we might win the Coastal next year instead of the 2 ships we just won, I will be the one that has officially gone loopy.
I wanted Butch above all the other candidates, including Mark because I want the Cane football back and he was best prospect for that. Mark didn't want to come here until he got fired. He turned us down at least twice. Mark was the perfect hire for the school. They proved they would spend money and there is not possible chance he will recreate the one thing they don't want -- our old team. Mark will win more games, definitely the Coastal, probably the ACC and might even beat FSU this year. That is all they want. I wanted our place back. That will never happen now. We will have a better program than since Larry's 4th year but never what was before. It is done.

As for Butch, I feel no pity for him. I wanted him for ME and the rest of us fans who wanted Cane football back. Butch got his shot and took it. I would have given him a second chance because WE deserved it not him. Now it is over. He is family and did great for us in our lowest hour. For that, thank you Butch. We tried to get another shot but it could not be done. Now we move on.

I hope for our sakes, Mark can be more than he was at UGA, because we all know that what he did there is not enough for us. Again, not for Mark. he turned his back on us a couple times. Fine, that was his choice. Now he is home and I am hoping for the best. I am ever excited. Not like I would have been for Butch. Not enough to go out and buy lots of tickets or donate money, but excited. I do thing Mark has nice chance this year. FSU is heading down a little. We have a top QB. If Mark get the right DC we have some players on defense. We can make a run. A one lost ACC Champ Miami has good shot at making playoffs -- Miami ratings, feel good story about Mark and a hot QB could influence committee thinking Mark vs Bama in first round.
I disagree Hater... from talking with him he didn't turn his back on UM.. He said that when the UGA job became available and he committed to that job..it was for life...He went on to say he would have never left if it were up to him... again his commitment. .. he said that things happen for a reason.. And when UM came available...he knew that this is a job that he can make that same comment...
Funny. All these "insiders" on this board a few weeks ago said Butch had already agreed to the job and was picking his staff.

Those dudes were downright smug in their conviction that Butch would be the HC. We even had a cult member claiming to be so dialed in that he went loopy and bet his account on Butch.

Not sure who you guys are referring to, but no one from CIS said as much. I said what I was told in October - before Golden had even been fired. Ended up being accurate. D$ made a prediction, as far as I know.
I wanted Butch above all the other candidates, including Mark because I want the Cane football back and he was best prospect for that. Mark didn't want to come here until he got fired. He turned us down at least twice. Mark was the perfect hire for the school. They proved they would spend money and there is not possible chance he will recreate the one thing they don't want -- our old team. Mark will win more games, definitely the Coastal, probably the ACC and might even beat FSU this year. That is all they want. I wanted our place back. That will never happen now. We will have a better program than since Larry's 4th year but never what was before. It is done.

As for Butch, I feel no pity for him. I wanted him for ME and the rest of us fans who wanted Cane football back. Butch got his shot and took it. I would have given him a second chance because WE deserved it not him. Now it is over. He is family and did great for us in our lowest hour. For that, thank you Butch. We tried to get another shot but it could not be done. Now we move on.

I hope for our sakes, Mark can be more than he was at UGA, because we all know that what he did there is not enough for us. Again, not for Mark. he turned his back on us a couple times. Fine, that was his choice. Now he is home and I am hoping for the best. I am ever excited. Not like I would have been for Butch. Not enough to go out and buy lots of tickets or donate money, but excited. I do thing Mark has nice chance this year. FSU is heading down a little. We have a top QB. If Mark get the right DC we have some players on defense. We can make a run. A one lost ACC Champ Miami has good shot at making playoffs -- Miami ratings, feel good story about Mark and a hot QB could influence committee thinking Mark vs Bama in first round.
I disagree Hater... from talking with him he didn't turn his back on UM.. He said that when the UGA job became available and he committed to that job..it was for life...He went on to say he would have never left if it were up to him... again his commitment. .. he said that things happen for a reason.. And when UM came available...he knew that this is a job that he can make that same comment...

Coming from you and about Mark, I'll accept that. But he was still a Nole. Just kidding.

I like Mark, always did. Back in the day I was around Dolphins and Shula. Knew Howard from then. When he went to Canes I was fairly big donor and hung around a lot. Mark was good kid even then. I work with people who knew he very well from Boca Raton days. They glow when he is mentioned.
Funny. All these "insiders" on this board a few weeks ago said Butch had already agreed to the job and was picking his staff.

Those dudes were downright smug in their conviction that Butch would be the HC. We even had a cult member claiming to be so dialed in that he went loopy and bet his account on Butch.

Not sure who you guys are referring to, but no one from CIS said as much. I said what I was told in October - before Golden had even been fired. Ended up being accurate. D$ made a prediction, as far as I know.

Geo said Butch was hired, and had a staff. Would be announced after Thanksgiving.

But Franchise is referencing the BBB group, and specifically, Cane Dynasty.