Diaz first rookie mistake?

He's not talking to the fans or media. He's talking to the recruits and/or possible transferees. He's not pumping and dumping. He's pumping and stumping (campaigning).

Nice thought, but not true. He was talking to everyone - it was his first national interview as the CEO. He cannot afford to stroke Cane nation, donors, recruits, transferees, etc and then leave everyone blue-balled - see Golden. By saying what he said he better bring the heavy-d in this hire, he set the bar, hope he is tall enough to step over it now.
Nice thought, but not true. He was talking to everyone - it was his first national interview as the CEO. He cannot afford to stroke Cane nation, donors, recruits, transferees, etc and then leave everyone blue-balled - see Golden. By saying what he said he better bring the heavy-d in this hire, he set the bar, hope he is tall enough to step over it now.

Do you really think Manny gives a rats rump what you or I think? "Cane Nation"? You know and I know there is no such thing.

Look at the comments on this message board. Just a few weeks back the Herd was calling for Manny to ascend to the head coach position, and then when he was appointed the so-called "Cane Nation" went into their normal meltdown mode.

By now, Manny's smart enough to know that he will never please that crowd, so he's going to build rock-solid relationships with his players, their parents, UM administrators, donors and BOT.

So, he sure as **** wasn't talking to "Cane Nation", but if it makes you feel better to believe that, than so be it!
Do you really think Manny gives a rats rump what you or I think? "Cane Nation"? You know and I know there is no such thing.

Look at the comments on this message board. Just a few weeks back the Herd was calling for Manny to ascend to the head coach position, and then when he was appointed the so-called "Cane Nation" went into their normal meltdown mode.

By now, Manny's smart enough to know that he will never please that crowd, so he's going to build rock-solid relationships with his players, their parents, UM administrators, donors and BOT.

So, he sure as **** wasn't talking to "Cane Nation", but if it makes you feel better to believe that, than so be it!

Lots of hyperbolic gibberish. And you have already expanded your original statement of him talking to recruits and transfereers to now include players, parents, UM admin, donors, and the BOT. Please keep track of your arguments or it is like discussing physics with a adderall-intoxicated chimpanzee.
How bout Fedora as OC and Dorsey as QB coach. Fedora kills it here for 2-3 years and then gets another HC job......Dorsey learns while here to take over
What exactly has Fedora done to lead you to believe he will kill it at Miami, isn't he the same guy that just got killed at UNC?
While it is still too early to know whether temperance was warranted, you make a fair point. Overselling and the perception of under-delivering can be deleterious. This is the classic trap (or plan) that many CEOs fall into when hyping their stock price on the promise that "huge news is coming" which engenders rampant hyperbolic speculation only to be doused in cold water when the rather mundane real news is actually delivered. It is an effective pump and dump technique but I am not sure I see the upside here. Of course, maybe it IS already in the bag and Manny, as any self-assured and well-endowed Cuban gentleman is prone to do, wanted us to know the pudenda-walloping we were gearing up to take before even agreeing on going on a first date. Manny seems like a sharp cat so I don't think he is prone to whipping us into a frenzied lather only to hire some dip**** from Gulliver or something.
Miami always seems to settle for less.
Lots of hyperbolic gibberish. And you have already expanded your original statement of him talking to recruits and transfereers to now include players, parents, UM admin, donors, and the BOT. Please keep track of your arguments or it is like discussing physics with a adderall-intoxicated chimpanzee.

My apologies, speaking of adderall-intoxicated chimpanzees, it is clear you are unable to process more than one thought at a time. You become intimidated when one expands the discussion.

Question for you Mr./Mrs. Cane Nation; do you really believe Manny wasn't going to speak with players, parents, UM admin, donors and BOT? Do you really believe that he assumed his comments would not reach the ears and minds of the aforementioned? My referencing that eventuality has you confused? Again, speaking of adderall-intoxicated chimpanzees...

You are the chalk-outline of a Herd member, so responding to you is...wait for it...like trying to communicate with a...adderall-intoxicated chimpanzee (no disrespect meant to adderall-intoxicated chimpanzees).
What exactly has Fedora done to lead you to believe he will kill it at Miami, isn't he the same guy that just got killed at UNC?

What makes you think dIAZ will do good here... never been a HC.
What makes you think dIAZ will do good here... never been a HC.
I don't, think Diaz was a knee jerk reaction to Richt's retirement. Absolutely think Diaz would have been better off at Temple
"learning" how to be a HC, don't think Miami should be any ones first HC job. My opinion, AD knew Diaz would do whatever BOT
wanted to get the job, and has in cleaning house - they're hoping to catch lightning in a bottle with this hire, at the very least they
bought themselves 2-3 years, which ironically is about the time Diaz could have used at Temple prior to a Miami return more experienced.
They had no idea Richt would not kowtow to them to keep his job, caught them off guard. AD at a program at Miami must always have
a go to list and in this case do not believe they were remotely prepared. Just my opinion
Sorry about that, but you are an empty suit, thus nothing to work with.

There is an upside...you've gone a whole 2 minutes and haven't posted some girlie, negative bullshyt about the Canes. Are you going to be alright, cupcake...I'm worried!
I’m worried about him too Earnie... you should keep checking in on him as often as u can to make sure he’s ok.
I don't, think Diaz was a knee jerk reaction to Richt's retirement. Absolutely think Diaz would have been better off at Temple
"learning" how to be a HC, don't think Miami should be any ones first HC job. My opinion, AD knew Diaz would do whatever BOT
wanted to get the job, and has in cleaning house - they're hoping to catch lightning in a bottle with this hire, at the very least they
bought themselves 2-3 years, which ironically is about the time Diaz could have used at Temple prior to a Miami return more experienced.
They had no idea Richt would not kowtow to them to keep his job, caught them off guard. AD at a program at Miami must always have
a go to list and in this case do not believe they were remotely prepared. Just my opinion
Disagree with everything here. But we can still be friends.
Do you really think Manny gives a rats rump what you or I think? "Cane Nation"? You know and I know there is no such thing.

Look at the comments on this message board. Just a few weeks back the Herd was calling for Manny to ascend to the head coach position, and then when he was appointed the so-called "Cane Nation" went into their normal meltdown mode.

By now, Manny's smart enough to know that he will never please that crowd, so he's going to build rock-solid relationships with his players, their parents, UM administrators, donors and BOT.

So, he sure as **** wasn't talking to "Cane Nation", but if it makes you feel better to believe that, than so be it!
That crowd was pleased last season.
I don't, think Diaz was a knee jerk reaction to Richt's retirement. Absolutely think Diaz would have been better off at Temple
"learning" how to be a HC, don't think Miami should be any ones first HC job. My opinion, AD knew Diaz would do whatever BOT
wanted to get the job, and has in cleaning house - they're hoping to catch lightning in a bottle with this hire, at the very least they
bought themselves 2-3 years, which ironically is about the time Diaz could have used at Temple prior to a Miami return more experienced.
They had no idea Richt would not kowtow to them to keep his job, caught them off guard. AD at a program at Miami must always have
a go to list and in this case do not believe they were remotely prepared. Just my opinion

Its the definition of a knee jerk reaction.....Richt retires....AD Flake goes and says we are going to do a national search....5 hours later come to find out he hired the first guy to walk by his office. Agree that Miami should not be a learning on the job HC position. At least spend a couple days making calls to see if anyone is interested.
Indont think kirby smart was everva head coach either..i could be wrong tho...

Smart resume looks a whole ******* lot better than dIAZ. Better defenses...learned from Saban....Has Smart ever given up 333 rushing yards in a game. And what has Smart accomplished.....He has shown how good of a HC so far. Believe he has a worst record than Richt did his 1st 3 years and Richt didnt come in to a team with all that talent
Miami always seems to settle for less.
I’m worried about him too Earnie... you should keep checking in on him as often as u can to make sure he’s ok.

The challenge is due to him being a juvenile delinquent he's being held at a Juvenile Hall and is only allowed 20 minutes a day of internet activity, thus checking in on him is difficult.