Diaz first rookie mistake?

In his ESPN interview it sure sounded like he had someone big “that would be a big shot in the arm” of current players and recruits.

He certainly raised expectations a few notches. That first sounded to me like Fedora. Maybe things, like in the recruiting world, have quickly changed and he may have to settle for a little less than expected and a decent hire may now be viewed as a big disappointment.

Should he have been a bit more tempered?
UH OH .... the girls drill team, The Downvote Debbys got your *** LOL
How bout Fedora as OC and Dorsey as QB coach. Fedora kills it here for 2-3 years and then gets another HC job......Dorsey learns while here to take over
that all you got ?

Sorry about that, but you are an empty suit, thus nothing to work with.

There is an upside...you've gone a whole 2 minutes and haven't posted some girlie, negative bullshyt about the Canes. Are you going to be alright, cupcake...I'm worried!
In his ESPN interview it sure sounded like he had someone big “that would be a big shot in the arm” of current players and recruits.

He certainly raised expectations a few notches. That first sounded to me like Fedora. Maybe things, like in the recruiting world, have quickly changed and he may have to settle for a little less than expected and a decent hire may now be viewed as a big disappointment.

Should he have been a bit more tempered?

While it is still too early to know whether temperance was warranted, you make a fair point. Overselling and the perception of under-delivering can be deleterious. This is the classic trap (or plan) that many CEOs fall into when hyping their stock price on the promise that "huge news is coming" which engenders rampant hyperbolic speculation only to be doused in cold water when the rather mundane real news is actually delivered. It is an effective pump and dump technique but I am not sure I see the upside here. Of course, maybe it IS already in the bag and Manny, as any self-assured and well-endowed Cuban gentleman is prone to do, wanted us to know the pudenda-walloping we were gearing up to take before even agreeing on going on a first date. Manny seems like a sharp cat so I don't think he is prone to whipping us into a frenzied lather only to hire some dip**** from Gulliver or something.
While it is still too early to know whether temperance was warranted, you make a fair point. Overselling and the perception of under-delivering can be deleterious. This is the classic trap (or plan) that many CEOs fall into when hyping their stock price on the promise that "huge news is coming" which engenders rampant hyperbolic speculation only to be doused in cold water when the rather mundane real news is actually delivered. It is an effective pump and dump technique but I am not sure I see the upside here. Of course, maybe it IS already in the bag and Manny, as any self-assured and well-endowed Cuban gentleman is prone to do, wanted us to know the pudenda-walloping we were gearing up to take before even agreeing on going on a first date. Manny seems like a sharp cat so I don't think he is prone to whipping us into a frenzied lather only to hire some dip**** from Gulliver or something.

He's not talking to the fans or media. He's talking to the recruits and/or possible transferees. He's not pumping and dumping. He's pumping and stumping (campaigning).