Deerfield vs Columbus playoff game

Deerfield could have very easily won this game missed FG, getting stuffed on 3 plays in a row from the 2 and 2 turnovers and only lost by 7. The discipline today was very questionable as well as certain play calls when they were on offense. But hey im not their coach so what do i know.
Columbus had some miscues as well. Don't get it twisted. The game is won in the trenches and that's exactly where it was won today.
The curse of Deerfield still lives on I see. Dating back all the way to Brent Schaeffer.... Real good talented players, but discipline along with mistakes cost them games they should've won. Broward till I die. I hope BA, Ely and the other Broward teams make a comeback. I hate STA and AH. Stealing players and still don't win.
I got mad love Chaminade, Coach Dame Jones is one of the best in Broward, they're a very well coached team always stacked with talent & are one of the few truly Cane friendly staffs.

I always root for Nade.

I played there under Guandolo back in the dark ages. lol But Dameon is a good dude. I know his whole family. But *whispers* I'll even root for the public schools against Chaminade too sometimes. lol
Columbus had some miscues as well. Don't get it twisted. The game is won in the trenches and that's exactly where it was won today.

Was it? Because other than the big run Columbus had in the 1st quarter, where Deerfield only had 10 guys on the field, Columbus couldn't run the ball. Parrish was bottled up on all but one of his carries, a 19 yard TD.

Columbus won because THEY HAD LESS MISCUES and were a more disciplined team. That's their MO.

But if you look at the stats I bet Deerfield out-gained Columbus by 100+ yards. Fortunately for them Deerfield was an undisciplined, non opportunistic, turnover machine that couldn't get out of it's own way.

Best of luck to Columbus.
Well-coached class act program.
Good we need more kids who hate losing more than they wanna make friends.
That's what's wrong now. Kids wanna talk trash instead of letting their game speak for themselves. Had Knighton would've won, he would definitely want to shake hands then. He shook his hand before the game. My thing is, that same energy you came with, please keep it.
Starting Roberts out at SSDE isn't necessary. He's a relatively clear 3Tech and should be placed in there immediately to optimize his development. If we'd absolutely need a body at DE, he could play out there temporarily ala Pat Bethel. With our current DL situation, it benefits us and him to just pop him into where he's projected to play later on.
Elijah is a different breed when it comes to playing on the D-Line. He's very versatile where he can play Strong, Weak or 3 Tech. Also his knowledge for the game is great.
i was at the game, one penalty killed a deerfield touchdown and two interceptions killed two drives. CCHS was the better team and they deserved to win. the team who makes the least mistakes usually is the better team and usually wins.

parrish is legit.