Dancing queen on the playlist ??!!!


At this point anyone who doesn’t understand the fact that these nice people don’t give a flying fûck what the people who show up & have been showing up regardless of the product on the field want.

There’s nothing i can do for u fam. ZIP Zero

Bring your headphones if you wanna vibe during the hour long commercial breaks and bs replay reviews that we heathens are unworthy of.

They just want us to shut up, be sedated, & politely hand over the cash.

Be Cool Honey Bunny Be Cool

This is a robbery.
have you heard our band? they are not very good to put it nicely

Our band is quite good.

Unfortunately, our band is tiny.

Between UM being a small private school, the Music School NOT requiring any music students to do marching band, and the fact that it is a BRUTAL extracrurricular (in the Miami heat) that offers very little reward, it is not surprising that our band is so small.

And I know this with certainty. My best friend from middle school through college was in The Band of the Hour all throughout undergrad.
Our band is quite good.

Unfortunately, our band is tiny.

Between UM being a small private school, the Music School NOT requiring any music students to do marching band, and the fact that it is a BRUTAL extracrurricular (in the Miami heat) that offers very little reward, it is not surprising that our band is so small.

And I know this with certainty. My best friend from middle school through college was in The Band of the Hour all throughout undergrad.
Not going to pretend I know anything about band. All I know is when I see our band perform at halftime I usually feel second hand embarrassment for them. It may have to do with the marching, as you alluded to.
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Whoever approved this deserves to be fired.

I think a 10-year old could come up with a more entertaining and appropriate playlist without going full mongoloid on the rap. It’s not that hard.
Troll job. Relax*

Relax, don't do it
When you wanna go do it
Relax, don't do it
When you wanna come
Relax, don't do it
When you wanna suck, chew it
Relax, don't do it
When you wanna come
When you wanna come
This song?

No, I think it was a Katy Perry or Taylor Swift song. I may have the title wrong. All I remember was a line in this song ‘I’m just a cool girl…’. This was over 5 years ago.

Normally the gym blasts heavy metal or uncensored gangster rap. Loud enough to almost be a distraction and force me to wear headphones. Not an uncommon complaint from patrons. Tough, says the owner. The irony is no one who works out there looks remotely gangster.

The gym is a serious powerlifting gym near Downtown LA, with many national competitive lifters working out there during the day. I’ve even seen Ed Coan, powerlifting GOAT, hanging around there when he’s in town. I’ve also seen Dan Green, Mark Bell, Stephanie Cohen, among on the others.

But hard-core gangster rap? Bunch of posers.
This would be cool, funny once…but I think Taker is from Houston and a Longhorns fans.

Might have settle for this…but swap out ’what The Rock is cookin’ for ‘what The Canes are cookin’

No, I think it was a Katy Perry or Taylor Swift song. I may have the title wrong. All I remember was a line in this song ‘I’m just a cool girl…’. This was over 5 years ago.

Normally the gym blasts heavy metal or uncensored gangster rap. Loud enough to almost be a distraction and force me to wear headphones. Not an uncommon complaint from patrons. Tough, says the owner. The irony is no one who works out there looks remotely gangster.

The gym is a serious powerlifting gym near Downtown LA, with many national competitive lifters working out there during the day. I’ve even seen Ed Coan, powerlifting GOAT, hanging around there when he’s in town. I’ve also seen Dan Green, Mark Bell, Stephanie Cohen, among on the others.

But hard-core gangster rap? Bunch of posers.
LOL I was thinking if they play that song at your gym, I don't want to know what goes on in there!

For real, that's a serious gym you're at. You lift heavy like that?