Coach Dennis Erickson will be in attendance on Saturday

The 89 notre dame game was an amazing night for Coach Erickson. He out-coached Lou Holtz every step of the way that night. There's two examples that still come to mind:

1). 3rd and goal from the 8 yard line just before halftime. Lou Holtz was positive that Erickson would go for the TD so he put his dime package in. Erickson called a fullback draw and the running back walked into the end zone, untouched. (I can't come up with the kid's name - RB from New York). (I ****ing hate getting old)

2). 3rd and 43: Holtz was positive that Erickson would play for field position so he put in his base 4-3 defense. Erickson calls a quad seem route and Craig Erickson hits Randal Hill for a 45 yard gain and another Miami Hurricanes..... FIRST DOWN.

Stephen McGuire
Those negging the guy who doesnt care for Erickson must not have a full understanding of the programs history.
Those negging the guy who doesnt care for Erickson must not have a full understanding of the programs history.


The people saying that Erickson left the program in shambles don't have a full understanding of the situation specifically or the program in general.
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For a younger Cane, what was the difference between Erickson and Jimmy teams?

Erickson had his pluses.
He was a pretty strong game-day coach, especially on the offensive of the ball.
He knew how to attack defenses with that one-back offense, which is the precursor of many
of the various spread offenses you see these days.
But he also ran a very undisciplined program on and off the field.
Players weren't really in the best of shape, often made the dumbest mistakes, often leading
to penalties and was a terrible, if not lazy, recruiter.
You can't also overlook that he was in charge of the program during that Pell Grant, and other,
Sure, as someone else mentioned, it wasn't just his fault.
As always, you can point to terrible leadership from the AD and other people in that department.
But it was his football program at the end of the day.
Oh, and did I mention soFla recruiting was a joke?
Chuck Amato and the fu coaches were having a field day in Broward and Dade.
Could care less about the booze. He allowed the NCAA in the tent, but not only that, he left the program culturally bankrupt from a winning standpoint. Dude was handed the keys to the most powerful kingdom in the History of the World, and handed us back North Korea.

Like I said earlier, it was a fun ride, but a helluva painful fall and recovery. You wanna lick his ***, go ahead. I choose to view him as a caretaker who achieved what many other coaches in the country could also have achieved given what he walked in to, and he ran our **** into a ditch.

Erickson = Coker, only worse.

I'm not sure that his transgressions as HC were any worse than Howard's or Jimmy's. He just got caught. Plus, the drinking. As for coaching, he might've been the best tactician. His one back set was really the beginning of today's spread offenses.
For a younger Cane, what was the difference between Erickson and Jimmy teams?

Recruiting and attention to detail.

This is the reason why I know we're back with Richt regardless of Saturday night's results. He's so **** focused on winning the So FL recruiting battles, and building up the organization at all levels. Golden talked the talk, Richt wals the walk.
They didnt call him Dennis the Menace for nothing.

Great gameday coach; not so much in the recruiting and discipline of the program.
I use to love when Erickson would come to recruit at Columbus. Coach Lavelle would call him Arthur and would tell us that he would get liquored up at My Fathers Moustache. Good Times

He recruited?
First time I heard this.

Zev Lumelski and Alan Hall say hi. The funniest thing said about Lumelski's play was he could say look out in 7 languages. Sonny Lubick saved Erickson's ***. Offense was never as good after Bratkowski left Miami for the Seahawks.
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Dennis was the best offensive coach UM has ever had. Won everywhere he went, except the NFL. Purely a college coach. Look what he did with Oregon State when they slapped Notre Dame 41-9 in the Fiesta Bowl.