Class of 2024 Defensive Back Ryan Mack Commits to Miami Hurricanes

Look at the offer lists and not the stars, fellas. Not all 3-stars are created equal.

The guys who extend the offers are far more qualified to judge talent than the fat nerds who make the rankings.

The difference between Manny's 3-stars and Mario's 3-stars, is the offer lists. Manny was signing kids whose other offers were from schools like Akron.
[BGCOLOR=initial]You would look at their offer lists and see Miami sitting in the company of schools like Akron, Western Michigan, Bowling Green, etc.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]The difference between a low-end 3-star and a high-end 3-star is vast IMO. Some of these guys are on the fringe. Wheatley ain't no **** 3-star. [/BGCOLOR]
Please don’t get your panties in a twist. Are we satisfied with this projected HS DB class?

Ryan Mack - ⭐⭐⭐️ .8858, 50th safety
**Cameron Pruitt - ⭐⭐⭐️ .8859, 49 Safety
Isaiah Thomas - ⭐⭐⭐️, .8825, 57th safety
Dylan Day - ⭐⭐⭐️, .8769, 66th safety

Zaquan Patterson - ⭐⭐⭐⭐️, 96.1231, 4th safety
Romanas Frederique - ⭐⭐⭐️, .86268, 82nd CB

2024 DB avg prospect rank: .892
2023 DB avg prospect rank: .933
2022 DB avg prospect rank: .917
2021 DB avg prospect rank: .917
2020 DB avg prospect rank: .900

** projected LBer

The projections are based off who we have been told we have a good shot with, especially from the most recent bank update. Our highest projected DB (pending Zaquan coming) is likely going to be a LBer here…

Is this a championship caliber room? This class on paper is worse than any class Manny had, and we ripped that thing to shreds in real time. Just being fair. One (possible) top 5 player and multiple kids in the 50-70 range of their position? Especially where we are likely going to have a first round Safety and possibly another top 3 round pick in the secondary? Thoughts?
Not trying to be THAT GUY, but it is early in the 2024 recruiting process. Most of these jits will be re-ranked and will be higher after the camps are over and they go through their seasons. What happens if/when most of our 3 star DB class end up being 4 star kids? Will that change your outlook? It shouldn’t, because they will mostly be the very same kids. So are we still asking if we can find “starter quality” DBs in a class full of 4 star kids? Probably not. Well, what changed? Did they all become better players overnight? **** no. Nothing changed, except some writers decided to put another star next to a few of our names and re-rank them. And if we happen to add a couple of bigger names, then…Boom!!! The perception totally changes. We have to trust the evaluation skills of the professionals on our coaching staff to make these decisions. It sucks, but that’s reality. They know what they looking for, and we as fans are along for the ride, hoping that they know what the **** they are doing. I said all of this to say this…. the easiest way for us fans to judge talent, and maybe relax your mind a bit, is to check the kids offer lists. Look at the other schools we’re fighting for said talent. That will tell you a lot more than looking at the number of stars next to their names.
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Look at the offer lists and not the stars, fellas. Not all 3-stars are created equal.

The guys who extend the offers are far more qualified to judge talent than the fat nerds who make the rankings.

The difference between Manny's 3-stars and Mario's 3-stars, is the offer lists. Manny was signing kids whose other offers were from schools like Akron.
[BGCOLOR=initial]You would look at their offer lists and see Miami sitting in the company of schools like Akron, Western Michigan, Bowling Green, etc.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]The difference between a low-end 3-star and a high-end 3-star is vast IMO. Some of these guys are on the fringe. Wheatley ain't no **** 3-star. [/BGCOLOR]
Wheatley is a hellcat
Not trying to be THAT GUY, but it is early in the 2024 recruiting process. Most of these jits will be re-ranked and will be higher after the camps are over and they go through their seasons. What happens if/when most of our 3 star DB class end up being 4 star kids? Will that change your outlook? It shouldn’t, because they will mostly be the very same kids. So are we still asking if we can find “starter quality” DBs in a class full of 4 star kids? Probably not. Well, what changed? Did they all become better players overnight? **** no. Nothing changed, except some writers decided to put another star next to a few of our names and re-rank them. And if we happen to add a couple of bigger names, then…Boom!!! The perception totally changes. We have to trust the evaluation skills of the professionals on our coaching staff to make these decisions. It sucks, but that’s reality. They know what they looking for, and we as fans are along for the ride, hoping that they know what the **** they are doing. I said all of this to say this…. the easiest way for us fans to judge talent, and maybe relax your mind a bit, is to check the kids offer lists. Look at the other schools we’re fighting for said talent. That will tell you a lot more than looking at the number of stars next to their names.

1. First off, you're not being THAT guy, you're being an optimistic fan. No fault in that.

Highlight 1: Yes, it's early in the process....and we have commits from a handful of recruits we would NORMALLY complain about AFTER we whiff on the bigger names. Feels like we're jacking off when we get up in the morning so we don't have to care if we get laid later in the evening. Stars are subjective, but consensus is not. Either way, I don't think it's fair to asses the class now, before any of them have stepped foot on Greentree in pads. (But it's not fun to be comparing the current commits to a Duke fan either.)

Highlight 2: This can go sideways REAL quick. Think about this, how many recruits have you thought would be elite players if they developed here. Think Back 15 years or so. We've ALL whiffed on at least 10 players we thought would be studs. The past few staffs have whiffed on these same evals....AND THEY GET PAID TO DO IT! Trust what you see on the field. And it's not pretty right now. Who have we really developed that wasn't already naturally talented coming in? Team went 5-7 with a lot of players regressing last year. So we got some evals and coaching wrong for sure.

Every fan base tends to move the narrative goal posts when they're getting their **** pushed in. If this was UF or FSU's class right now, we'd be doggin the **** out of em. It's our turn right now, and I accept that for the time being.
Please don’t get your panties in a twist. Are we satisfied with this projected HS DB class?

Ryan Mack - ⭐⭐⭐️ .8858, 50th safety
**Cameron Pruitt - ⭐⭐⭐️ .8859, 49 Safety
Isaiah Thomas - ⭐⭐⭐️, .8825, 57th safety
Dylan Day - ⭐⭐⭐️, .8769, 66th safety

Zaquan Patterson - ⭐⭐⭐⭐️, 96.1231, 4th safety
Romanas Frederique - ⭐⭐⭐️, .86268, 82nd CB

2024 DB avg prospect rank: .892
2023 DB avg prospect rank: .933
2022 DB avg prospect rank: .917
2021 DB avg prospect rank: .917
2020 DB avg prospect rank: .900

** projected LBer

The projections are based off who we have been told we have a good shot with, especially from the most recent bank update. Our highest projected DB (pending Zaquan coming) is likely going to be a LBer here…

Is this a championship caliber room? This class on paper is worse than any class Manny had, and we ripped that thing to shreds in real time. Just being fair. One (possible) top 5 player and multiple kids in the 50-70 range of their position? Especially where we are likely going to have a first round Safety and possibly another top 3 round pick in the secondary? Thoughts?

This would straight up be a below average CB class and it’s part of why some broadly saying “we’ll end up with a top 10 class, so stop complaining” means very little.

There should always be an emphasis placed on premium positions and enormous questions exist right now at QB, WR, and CB just to name a few. And as we’ve learned before, a top 10 class based on volume is way different than a top 10 class in average ranking per recruit.
You are assuming their ratings don’t improve and we don’t add more fire power. I think both those things will happen.

I’m assuming most don’t end up with like a .94 to .95 type 4* ranking. And they won’t.
Point blank, they'd be saying the class is dog****.

I'm not saying that about anyone, but I'm a realist. We had a lot of hype and we were spending money last class as per the rules. Then the season happened, **** went down, and this is the result.

Gotta show them something. At the least, grind it out, find guys who can do it, but there's hardly a can't miss prospect in this class.

On paper, this class is basic as ****. Guess what though, we're basic as **** until we show otherwise.
Another example where you just apply my golden rule of CFB to a situation and you get your answer. If the Noles or Gators had the exact class we have right now, what would our reaction to it be?
Look at the offer lists and not the stars, fellas. Not all 3-stars are created equal.

The guys who extend the offers are far more qualified to judge talent than the fat nerds who make the rankings.

The difference between Manny's 3-stars and Mario's 3-stars, is the offer lists. Manny was signing kids whose other offers were from schools like Akron.
[BGCOLOR=initial]You would look at their offer lists and see Miami sitting in the company of schools like Akron, Western Michigan, Bowling Green, etc.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]The difference between a low-end 3-star and a high-end 3-star is vast IMO. Some of these guys are on the fringe. Wheatley ain't no **** 3-star. [/BGCOLOR]
These players at the very least are high quality football players. The types of dudes that also have very high iq and you can see it in the highlights.
They all have track speed that we’ve lacked.

Everyone is panicking like we got some dudes that would end up at coastal Carolina.
I guarantee you that every single one would end up at a top 25 program.

We would have dudes that coach down here complaining the whole cycle that we better
offer them. If you do t think these dudes wouldn’t get a 4th star if they commited to a vtech or Oklahoma you’re crazy.

And we’re not done and neither are these agencies done with rankings. And senior film isn’t out either.
It’s a fair question

My honest answer is that, in general, this feels different

And yeah I know that already sounds bad but here’s why:

We are seeing a really good combination, and maybe it’s also that information travels so quickly now, of us bringing guys in and seeing them live, then offering, then closing the deal

These lower ranked guys feel hand picked and when Alonzo is on staff, that lends credibility along with Mario

Too often in the pass these felt like reaches

But again, I could be totally off. I don’t blindly give faith to it, but I think with the guys involved in the decision making processes, I give them more leeway. We’ve finally invested heavily into the program and this should be an area it helps a lot

My two cents anyway

It’s different because these are lower ranked guys they’ve come to covet and close on, rather than whiff on everyone and scramble for (mostly) JAGs at the 11th hour.

And the difference between a high 3 star and low to mid 4 is….evaluations. Now, we still need to close on some of the big fish but they haven’t even announced yet and we’re sitting well with many of them.
Please don’t get your panties in a twist. Are we satisfied with this projected HS DB class?

Ryan Mack - ⭐⭐⭐️ .8858, 50th safety
**Cameron Pruitt - ⭐⭐⭐️ .8859, 49 Safety
Isaiah Thomas - ⭐⭐⭐️, .8825, 57th safety
Dylan Day - ⭐⭐⭐️, .8769, 66th safety

Zaquan Patterson - ⭐⭐⭐⭐️, 96.1231, 4th safety
Romanas Frederique - ⭐⭐⭐️, .86268, 82nd CB

2024 DB avg prospect rank: .892
2023 DB avg prospect rank: .933
2022 DB avg prospect rank: .917
2021 DB avg prospect rank: .917
2020 DB avg prospect rank: .900

** projected LBer

The projections are based off who we have been told we have a good shot with, especially from the most recent bank update. Our highest projected DB (pending Zaquan coming) is likely going to be a LBer here…

Is this a championship caliber room? This class on paper is worse than any class Manny had, and we ripped that thing to shreds in real time. Just being fair. One (possible) top 5 player and multiple kids in the 50-70 range of their position? Especially where we are likely going to have a first round Safety and possibly another top 3 round pick in the secondary? Thoughts?
Rankings do matter, but so does personal eval. Go watch Pruitt’s tape and tell me what your eval is.
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It’s different because these are lower ranked guys they’ve come to covet and close on, rather than whiff on everyone and scramble for (mostly) JAGs at the 11th hour.
For sure. Not to make too many blanket statements as some guys are a bit different than others, but follow the offers and the highlight tapes. A lot of these guys have been evaluated in person several times by the staff as well, just going by the info being reported

This isn’t just people trying to justify everything, though that happens as well
Everyone is panicking like we got some dudes that would end up at coastal Carolina
We'd be ******* happy to be at the level of Coastal Carolina, lets be ******* real.

We've been chasing stars for years now and everyone in here associated with HS football shook their heads because we didn't eval correctly. Elijah Moore is the name that just keeps popping up in my head. I'd rather have good evals over high stars.
We'd be ******* happy to be at the level of Coastal Carolina, lets be ******* real.

We've been chasing stars for years now and everyone in here associated with HS football shook their heads because we didn't eval correctly. Elijah Moore is the name that just keeps popping up in my head. I'd rather have good evals over high stars.
I think passing on Moore was a bad eval but what real ****ed us wasn’t that but rather the inability to develop what we did get. Evals, recruiting and development are three factors that are so closely intertwined yet independent and separate of each other. Based on what I have seen wherever Mario goes he is an elite recruiter. I still think the jury is still out on where exactly he sits as a developer and evaluator.
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