CIS most petty diehard

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I really like insulting the dumbasses on here who you can tell never played organized football but know every got **** thing thru interviews and 1 min practice clips. However, the mods dont take too kind to it for some reason. Its baffling. This is America, not Nam!
Yea that **** gets annoying

At what level do you have to have played football to be qualified to to comment on it, bros?
10 years of pop warner football and high school ball ( 3 time captain and I was a MLB ) plus my dad was a scout and helped me with my playbook if I didn't get something...what's your qualifications to comment??

My qualifications aside (3 year starter on varsity high school team, two time all league, recruited by FBS schools), since it is hardly relevant is not the point. But this position that someone can't have developed a level of understanding outside of the activity is comical.

No Michelin stars? Better not have anything to say about your food.
Never directed a movie? Not sure why you would rate/comment on rotten tomatoes.
Not a plumber? Probably shouldn't concern yourself with the brown water coming out of your faucet.
Not a city planner? You definitely don't know if the traffic is flowing or congested.

Get over yourselves. If your opinion carried any more weight than anyone else on this site that uses it as a source of copy/pasted information, you would be doing something in this realm to make a living.

This is why [MENTION=323]whoopingcane[/MENTION] is the only source of info I trust.
Dude don't assume because I claim to know something football that's I'll be working in it because if I wanted to I would be in college right now working my way there like my little brother. Maybe I didn't want my father's life, Maybe I wanted to be a firefighter/paramedic since I was 4 and saw them pull 3 people from a home in my neighborhood, maybe i didn't want to work 140 hours a week and literally never see my family. Don't automatically assume somebody doesn't work in a particular field, that they couldn't do another.
I listen to Tom Petty albums for a week straight in my room without leaving and then sing free falling to gator fans
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Yea that **** gets annoying

At what level do you have to have played football to be qualified to to comment on it, bros?
10 years of pop warner football and high school ball ( 3 time captain and I was a MLB ) plus my dad was a scout and helped me with my playbook if I didn't get something...what's your qualifications to comment??

My qualifications aside (3 year starter on varsity high school team, two time all league, recruited by FBS schools), since it is hardly relevant is not the point. But this position that someone can't have developed a level of understanding outside of the activity is comical.

No Michelin stars? Better not have anything to say about your food.
Never directed a movie? Not sure why you would rate/comment on rotten tomatoes.
Not a plumber? Probably shouldn't concern yourself with the brown water coming out of your faucet.
Not a city planner? You definitely don't know if the traffic is flowing or congested.

Get over yourselves. If your opinion carried any more weight than anyone else on this site that uses it as a source of copy/pasted information, you would be doing something in this realm to make a living.

This is why [MENTION=323]whoopingcane[/MENTION] is the only source of info I trust.
Dude don't assume because I claim to know something football that's I'll be working in it because if I wanted to I would be in college right now working my way there like my little brother. Maybe I didn't want my father's life, Maybe I wanted to be a firefighter/paramedic since I was 4 and saw them pull 3 people from a home in my neighborhood, maybe i didn't want to work 140 hours a week and literally never see my family. Don't automatically assume somebody doesn't work in a particular field, that they couldn't do another.
Alright, it is cool for people to assume sometimes, and make fun of/talk **** when it suits them, but get butthurt and defensive other times. Lighten up francis, christ.
I like putting alligators in da figure-fo until they ****...
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I guess at games I get really petty.

If opposing fans get too uppity and break my list of rules for their behavior, I get all in a huff about it.
Stop and take a dump every time I drive thru Gainesville.

(don't flush)
I post booty gifs for new recruits. And I fly my flags every football Saturday right here through Birmingham. **** a PaRoll Tide and a War EagleTiger thing!
At what level do you have to have played football to be qualified to to comment on it, bros?
10 years of pop warner football and high school ball ( 3 time captain and I was a MLB ) plus my dad was a scout and helped me with my playbook if I didn't get something...what's your qualifications to comment??

My qualifications aside (3 year starter on varsity high school team, two time all league, recruited by FBS schools), since it is hardly relevant is not the point. But this position that someone can't have developed a level of understanding outside of the activity is comical.

No Michelin stars? Better not have anything to say about your food.
Never directed a movie? Not sure why you would rate/comment on rotten tomatoes.
Not a plumber? Probably shouldn't concern yourself with the brown water coming out of your faucet.
Not a city planner? You definitely don't know if the traffic is flowing or congested.

Get over yourselves. If your opinion carried any more weight than anyone else on this site that uses it as a source of copy/pasted information, you would be doing something in this realm to make a living.

This is why [MENTION=323]whoopingcane[/MENTION] is the only source of info I trust.
Dude don't assume because I claim to know something football that's I'll be working in it because if I wanted to I would be in college right now working my way there like my little brother. Maybe I didn't want my father's life, Maybe I wanted to be a firefighter/paramedic since I was 4 and saw them pull 3 people from a home in my neighborhood, maybe i didn't want to work 140 hours a week and literally never see my family. Don't automatically assume somebody doesn't work in a particular field, that they couldn't do another.
Alright, it is cool for people to assume sometimes, and make fun of/talk **** when it suits them, but get butthurt and defensive other times. Lighten up francis, christ.

Zbrod having a meltdown. It's only a message board buddy, it's not that serious.
Yea that **** gets annoying

At what level do you have to have played football to be qualified to to comment on it, bros?

I was a pretty decent TE as a player. Played 4 years FBS ball and 1 year in the NFL.

As a coach, I've worked at the HS, FBS, and now at the NFL level. I was a FBS DC for 5 years and a FBS Head Coach for 10 years. I just got a position coach gig in the NFL.

Whoop definitely the realist one here.

And Whoop, you failed to mention many of your other rather significant accomplishments - but - the humble rascal you are - I understand.

Well, I guess I can say that I am extremely loyal to my friends, almost to a fault. After all, it starts with me. Did I mention that I dress for success?

So what's your defensive philosophy?
I married a UF grad, and I **** her in the *** whenever I can.

True story BTW.
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My older brother is a die hard Gator fan. My oldest brother graduated from FSU. I make sure they wake up every morning to a text from me about something Miami related
I really like insulting the dumbasses on here who you can tell never played organized football but know every got **** thing thru interviews and 1 min practice clips. However, the mods dont take too kind to it for some reason. Its baffling. This is America, not Nam!
Yea that **** gets annoying

At what level do you have to have played football to be qualified to to comment on it, bros?

I was a pretty decent TE as a player. Played 4 years FBS ball and 1 year in the NFL.

As a coach, I've worked at the HS, FBS, and now at the NFL level. I was a FBS DC for 5 years and a FBS Head Coach for 10 years. I just got a position coach gig in the NFL.

Whoop definitely the realist one here.

And Whoop, you failed to mention many of your other rather significant accomplishments - but - the humble rascal you are - I understand.

We are humbled by his accomplishments and awed that he has time to keep us informed on the inner thoughts of our new coach and president.
At what level do you have to have played football to be qualified to to comment on it, bros?

I was a pretty decent TE as a player. Played 4 years FBS ball and 1 year in the NFL.

As a coach, I've worked at the HS, FBS, and now at the NFL level. I was a FBS DC for 5 years and a FBS Head Coach for 10 years. I just got a position coach gig in the NFL.

Whoop definitely the realist one here.

And Whoop, you failed to mention many of your other rather significant accomplishments - but - the humble rascal you are - I understand.

Well, I guess I can say that I am extremely loyal to my friends, almost to a fault. After all, it starts with me. Did I mention that I dress for success?

So what's your defensive philosophy?

3-4 true gap system based on everyone knowing their assignments. We make it very complex, so we don't have to make in-game adjustments. We just call one of our 263 different plays depending on what the other team shows us. It's all based on containment. We don't mind giving up chunks of yards as long as the other team makes a mistake at some point and turns the ball over. If they happen to score, we rely on our offense to make up for it. Hopefully it's just a field goal. For this to work, we need guys with high football IQ's who know how to follow directions regardless of physical skills. We can put on the weight, you just can't put on weight between the ears.
I got to other team boards to read their posts after losses. Tears fall from my eyes when I'm done laughing. Plus chicks that come over have to wear Seminole and Gators Jersey when I go savage.

Sent from my SM-G925T using Tapatalk
I started the Russian Revolution (both the March and October), and tore down the Berlin Wall, though Hasselhoff gets all the credit.
Yea that **** gets annoying

At what level do you have to have played football to be qualified to to comment on it, bros?
10 years of pop warner football and high school ball ( 3 time captain and I was a MLB ) plus my dad was a scout and helped me with my playbook if I didn't get something...what's your qualifications to comment??

My qualifications aside (3 year starter on varsity high school team, two time all league, recruited by FBS schools), since it is hardly relevant is not the point. But this position that someone can't have developed a level of understanding outside of the activity is comical.

No Michelin stars? Better not have anything to say about your food.
Never directed a movie? Not sure why you would rate/comment on rotten tomatoes.
Not a plumber? Probably shouldn't concern yourself with the brown water coming out of your faucet.
Not a city planner? You definitely don't know if the traffic is flowing or congested.

Get over yourselves. If your opinion carried any more weight than anyone else on this site that uses it as a source of copy/pasted information, you would be doing something in this realm to make a living.

This is why @whoopingcane is the only source of info I trust.
Dude don't assume because I claim to know something football that's I'll be working in it because if I wanted to I would be in college right now working my way there like my little brother. Maybe I didn't want my father's life, Maybe I wanted to be a firefighter/paramedic since I was 4 and saw them pull 3 people from a home in my neighborhood, maybe i didn't want to work 140 hours a week and literally never see my family. Don't automatically assume somebody doesn't work in a particular field, that they couldn't do another.

So you are saying you dreamed of being a poor.

Got it.
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